Hi! I am Louise Cardin. Thank you for accepting me in this forum. I am a Canadian member who lives in Quebec in St-Hyacinthe Diocese. Everything I write and every picture I publish is copyright free. All I wish is that everybody knows God’s love. So I put down on words everything that is in my heart, hoping that the love of God goes from heart to heart. Knowing that my English is not as good as it should be, I take the risk to write posts that I call Spiritual Capsules LouiseC. May the love of God travel all around the world by passing through everybody’s heart who receives Him. Louise + + +
Hi Louise, welcome to the forum looks like your neighbours with Fr Thomas he joined the forum also this week..
Hi, Quis ut Deus! I want to thank you for this welcome. Honestly, I didn’t know how to start my presentation, so I took a few words from Normand Thomas at the beginning. I know Normand Thomas for his texts, videos and his faith in God’s love. I believe in that love too, so much. Hope my English is good enough to let this love divine traveling from ❤️ to ❤️. God bless you. Louise Cardin + + +
Hi Jo M! Thank you for that welcome. My avatar is a picture I found on a web site. It took me by the heart. So I choosed it because it shows how God’s love travels through every heart who accepts to be loved from Him and who let it go from heart to heart. Always hope my English is good enough to be understood. God bless you! Louise Cardin + + +
Thank you, HeavenlyHosts! It's so nice to be welcomed as you do, everybody. It seems like this forum is a big family. I am happy to be with all of you. Louise + + +
LOL, and there was me thinking, Padraig is showing his bilingual skills. Welcome to the forum Louise C.
LOL. I have always admired those who have the ability to learn many languages. My foreign language skills are an embarrassment. The part of my brain that controls learning new languages has never functioned, and I can say the same for math.
Well I am learning Spanish. It means finding wonderful things like this. Which I listen to over and over and over and over again....