My name is Danielle . I have been reading here periodically and thought I would share some thoughts. I hope you are all well and safe and the peace of Christ is with you all. Hoping to bring something to the table that you all may benefit from . Perilous times for sure ! I hope to share some promises and messages of survival revealed through Mother Mary and scripture. Not sure if it is allowed here or if I have to PM what I would like to share to whom it may concern for approval? I won’t post anything until I know for sure. Ummm, what I would like to post has to do with understanding some messages from Mother Mary. At least that is what I believe. You may feel otherwise when reading what I will post ( if permitted to). Blessings to all in the name of Jesus the Christ through Mother Mary, in whom His Incarnation took place. She is: Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son ,( mother to us), Spouse of God the Holy Spirit , Mother Mary pray for us. Amen.
Hi Danielle, welcome to the forum. I don't think there is a requirement to get your post approved before you are allowed to share with us. As long as you are not claiming to be a prophet. And if you were claiming to be a prophet, you would need stiff armour to deal with the flak. It would of course be a good idea to start by reminding the reader, it is your inspiration/dream or whatever, and you are sharing for our discernment. As long as it does not go against the Ten Commandments and the message in the Bible. At least that is how Julia understands it.
Hello Julia! Thank you for that. I simply do spiritual math. If my equation adds up correctly... Truth always speaks for itself. As for what I am....I am simply a seeker of Truth. If my equation proves to be of the Laws of God - Commandments and biblical tenets , it simply means I have been an attentive student. I pray I serve the Master well and have something to contribute along side other contributions of the faithful. Thank you for your welcome and direction. Blessings in Christ.
Hi Jo M! Thank you! And it is always a pleasure meeting new people especially when that encounter is a meeting in Christ! I hope for both of us that is always the case .May the presents of the Lord always be with us , may that Wonderful Counselor keep us about fruitful discussion- The Father’s business Amen! God Bless!
Thank you very much! I will have to pace myself! Lol! I feel I may get ahead of myself. I want to post thoughtfully and measured. Greetings are always filled with the excitement of newness . May we always feel the joy of a first -well intended -first encounter ! May it remain as sweet as that sweet heavenly nectar Christ. Blessings!
Thank you! I can think of no better company than being in the presence of Lord through His people. May we exalt one another as we are taught to by Christ. In Christ be our exalting! Blessings to you!