...Be on all of us on here in this parish and indeed on all parishes of our world in those strange times we are now in. I signed up on here last evening and tried to sign up as Murty O'Moronic but alas I had difficulties as this site like many others I peek in on has difficulties to olden forgetful minds. In any regard, blessings, agus Dia libh...
Mr Brown of Spirit Daily is a plagiarist at most and a cur at least as he post of Kennedy murder. Said Brown as he post his diatribe from a site I visit conveniently forgot to post some 20 links as to why Oswald was murdered. If America had investigated the murder of Oswald our world would now be a different place. Just wonder of one Rubenstein. Oh Mary conceived without sin, Jesus I trust in you.
Off to me cot now there peep as I jaunt me little deaf Jack Russell for a walk. She is deaf as a post and does everything by sign as I teach little albino with one blue eye. Oh well, oh well...
Sorry Martin but if you sign up from perth australia and then a proxy in Ireland I will always hit the ban button