I had always thought it was a bit of a take that the Beatle’s Let it Be was spiritual and referenced Blessed Mother. I knew McCartneys mother was named Mary and had read about is experience of her coming to him in a dream to comfort him. But, did not know he was Catholic and had felt a closeness to Our Lady. It’s a nice story … https://www.wordonfire.org/articles...rtion_preeminent_priority&utm_term=2023-11-18
I remember receiving the Let It Be album as Christmas present from my uncle. As a young Catholic girl this powerful song captured my heart, I think it was McCartney's finest. I always though he was Catholic, but I never knew for sure. Thanks for sharing this story, miker.
Beautiful song. For me as I suppose for all Catholics who listen it is always about the Mother of God. As to, 'The Beatles', themselves. They became mage rich and mega famous. But so very,very far from God. They were granted so much in terms of worldly wealth but what good did they do with it all. I wonder were any of them ever happy and did any of them ever find peace?
Father Ripperger believes John Lennon sold his soul to the devil. https://youtube.com/shorts/6xTMiRm9_Yw?si=tuE8LjRLWWXOfH69 The Beatles were into esoteric eastern religions. https://www.beatlesstory.com/blog/2022/05/20/transcendental-meditation/
John and Paul had a Catholic background. George H was the only Beatle to be seriously influenced by eastern religions, the others seemingly moved on. Maria Simma, who allegedly spoke with the Holy Souls, was ‘told’ that JL is in heaven. I did wonder about that but have to keep an open mind when it comes to our eternal destiny. Maybe he is, maybe not…
True, so far from God. This seems to happen frequently to those who achieve a superstar level of fame and fortune, it eventually destroys them.
I don't think he's the only celebrity in the music industry who basically sold their souls for success. Their music becomes dark, even satanic.
It's one of those songs that puts a smile on your face. Many of the Beatles songs were quite beautiful and classics, I still enjoy the memories that they evoke.
I think like all art you can apply it in a Spiritual way. For instance, 'The Long and Winding Road', we can apply to our Spiritual Pilgrimage to God, to love.
I’ve read that before Lennon’s death he was straightening his life. He tried to communicate more with his eldest son. Maybe that’s why he died so suddenly. His heart may have been changing and that angered the devil. I pray they all make it to heaven. Their music touched so many worldwide in such a positive way. They were brilliant together.
There was one very beautiful song by John Lennon which I would guess was just about the most evil ever written. It is often called, 'The Atheists Hymn' , because it espouses atheism and a Free Masonic view of the world . We can see this so well in the lyrics written by his Yoko Ono who always struck me as being a witch: 'Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us, only sky Imagine all the people Livin' for today' This suggests that the world would be a better place if there was no religion or spirituality. Just people, 'Getting on with life' . Pure evil Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Livin' life in peace This perfectly plays into the Free Masonic, Globalist One World , Luciferian World Order. Again pure evil. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Again a World were no one owns anything. Everything is owned collectively Pure Communism. New World Order. Purest evil. I was listening to this song one day at work and a young girl said to me how wonderful it was. I said to her, 'How can we take advice on how to live our lives from a couple who were so zonked out of their brains on durgs that they could not even bear to get out of their bed for weeks at a time?' She looked startled and shocked, then laughed and agreed with me. https://www.johnlennon.com/music/with-yoko-ono/yes-im-a-witch/ Even the official video for this song is very,very creepy.
When Bob Dylan, another musical son of fame and fortune, converted to Christianity, one of his first Gospel songs of the time was called "Serve Somebody", the meaning being that you had only the choice of serving God or of serving the devil-no middle or other way. Lennon responded by writing a song called ''Serve Yourself". I have long thought it ironic that this is exactly what Mark David Chapman did. Dylan generally only ever associated with Harrison, the only one that at least seemed to retain some tenuous connection with religion. It was Harrison who wrote 'Here comes the sun (Son)'.
First of all - up until 9 years ago, I took a very broad path myself, I allowed a lot of compromises, in terms of music I had no inhibitions about listening to heavy metal and harder music. I liked everything that had a groove (groove - is that what it's called in English?). The Beatles' music is certainly relatively harmless these days. But I'm a little surprised at the relatively positive view of it. I don't know whether John Lennon or any of the others converted. I don't have any in-depth knowledge of music history, but it's obvious to me that the Beatles' rise to fame was guided and encouraged by the devil. Like some singers and bands before and after them, they gave rise to wild and "free" behaviour in music, and from that it was transported into society. When you see how the concert-goers freaked out back then, it certainly wasn't a good spirit that accompanied the whole thing. It's been a while since I read an article about the creation of the Beatles. I have forgotten many of the events in this regard, the Tavistock Institute is said to have been involved, but it doesn't matter exactly how it happened. In the meantime, our society has become far more advanced in its immoral. I assume the cover with the slaughtered babies is well known (Beatles Posing With Butchered Baby Dolls on Rare Album Cover Sparks Debate - https://www.newsweek.com/beatles-po...day-album-cover-sparks-debate-twitter-1766733) I still find songs by the Beatles and other rock bands catchy, but I try not to consciously choose them to listen to. For me it's about whether the music I listen to would also please God, bring me closer to him or rather spiritually distance me from him. And the Beatles are neutral at best, imo. So, I hope I'm not being seen as too harsh. There's a saying in German - don't be more pontifical than the Pope - even if that seems possible with the current Pope, I don't want to be ...
You can hear their transition to darkness as their careers progress, and their talent is exploited by the devil. I was never a big Beatles fan, I think I was only 8 or 9 years old when they first came on the scene. However, there are several outstanding Beatles songs that are enjoyable to hear from time to time. I don't think anyone here would rush to the defense of celebrities who created music that was offensive to God, it is only their' good 'music that is placed in a positive light. I personally would not condemn a beautiful song that a musician composed before they turned to the dark side. We do not judge like God does, how do we know that a particular song that they wrote, or an act of mercy on their part may have been pleasing to God and their souls were saved from the fires of hell.
I have never seen that album with the dismembered dolls, before. And they're wearing white coats, like medical personnel. It screams 'abortion'. And they seem to think it's a great laugh. Thankfully, I never got very interested in them. I'm certainly not going to start, now.