Shane McGowan of the band The Pogues died yesterday at the age of 65. Lord have mercy on him and bring him to everlasting Life. Does anyone know if he was a Christian convert? I say convert because he was regarded as a very talented song writer and performer. He was also known for his alcohol and drug abuse and for being a Punk and a 'hell raiser'. News reported that he died peacefully in hospital and that the last rites had been administered beforehand. I was very touched to read Shane's wife's tribute to him. It is a beautiful thing to see. I only wish my wife could say something like that for me, alas my marriage is in separation. Victoria Mary Clark gave the following tribute: "I don't know how to say this so I am just going to say it. Shane who will always be the light that I hold before me and the measure of my dreams and the love of my life and the most beautiful soul and beautiful angel and the sun and the moon and the start and end of everything that I hold dear has gone to be with Jesus and Mary and his beautiful mother, Therese. I am blessed beyond words to have met him and to have loved him and to have been so endlessly and unconditionally loved by him and to have had so many years of life and love and joy and fun and laughter and so many adventures. There's no way to describe the loss that I am feeling and the longing for just one more of his smiles that lit up my world. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for your presence in this world you made it so very bright and you gave so much joy to so many people with your heart and soul and music. You will live in my heart forever. Rave on in the garden all wet with rain that you loved so much. You meant the world to me." I am in awe of this love and I stand dimished before it. Theologically, I am confused but that's just the way it is ..... Shane if you are in Purgatory, I pray for you, pray for us. If you are in Paradise with Jesus and Mary, intercede for us. Amen It is beautiful to see Jesus and Mary front and center in Victoria's much publicised tweet and tribute to Shane. May Shane R+I+P. May Jesus and Mary be loved by all hearts!
Shane had been ill for a very long time - and sometimes this can be cathartic because the finality of life is so real that it is but a simple thing to turn to Jesus and Mary. I do not know the state of his soul but God's generosity and mercy is always available to the soul until the last breath. That is why I am convinced we are going to be shocked about some of the characters who reside in heaven - the last breath conversions are real in my opinion like the thief on the cross many sinners have stolen heaven. I am reminded of the parable of the vineyard workers -- "A landowner goes out early in the morning and hires men, agreeing to pay them the daily rate - a silver coin for a day’s work. He hires them at various times throughout the day - 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm and promises all of the workers a fair wage. When the end of the day came, the landowner said to his manager to pay the workers, starting with those who had been hired last. Those who began working at 5pm were given the daily rate - one silver coin. When it came to those who had been hired first (early in the morning) they thought that they were going to receive more. When they too were given the standard daily wage they began to grumble. They were angry because they had done a lot more work than those who had started later in the day. The landowner did not listen to their complaints and reminded them that they had agreed to the daily rate of pay when they were hired. He said, “Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?” The landowner then says, “The last will be first and the first will be last.”
I liked Shane very, very much. Great music and voice and he just made me laugh and smile. He had terrible addictions, including Heroin, but it seems to that these things don't come from nowhere but are an attenpt to heal deep inner wounds. He reminds me of Sinead O Connor. Two wandering souls without anchors. God is just but merciful, praying for their souls this morning.
Yes that is why it is so good for us to entrust our wounds to Jesus, and so Merciful of Jesus to accept them. Then we can begin to say 'my yoke is easy and my burden is light'. As the old addage goes, 'pain that is not transformed is transmitted'. It seems however, that Shane was a gentle enough soul. Keifer Sutherland recounted some years ago on the Late Late Show, how he and Shane got into a discussion on Scottish politics. But the argument got heated and the two of them ended up in fistycuffs rolling on the floor. The kerfuffle ended fairly soon. The amazing thing was Shane had the humility to ask Keifer if he could go back to Keifer's place to sleep there as all his friends had deserted him that night. The pair had congenial discussions into the night. All is well that ends well. Thanks garabandal for reminding me of that parable. The first will be last abd the last will be first. May Jesus and Mary be loved by all hearts!
As I grow older I have more affinity towards people like Shane and Sinead. I think it’s because there not full of it .. they are not fake…. They don’t wear masks. They let the world see their failings, addictions, vices. And I believe they don’t try to hide it from God. I think they know their weaknesses much like St Paul who boasted of his weakness because he know in his weakness was his strength. I think God in his great love and mercy helped these two plus all of us to try and convert. He just wants to see a step and like the Father of the Prodigal he runs and embraces his son (and daughters!). Prayers for Shane! Prayers for us all as we travail in this Vale of Tears
I read a wonderful head shrinker one time who said that drug addiction is an attempt to get to the fruits of prayer, the mythical. An attempt to fine things like peace, happiness and meaning, to fill the inner void. Prayer is a billion times better than any drug. But failing prayer I can see why they go down this road, life can be very, very hard indeed, especially for people who have had a bad childhood.
I believe drugs, alcohol, sex, money, etc are all the false idols that we all face … that the father of lies uses to think these bring happiness or soothe pains. And Christ is the one who tells us the truth… he alone loves us as we are … our happiness is only in Him. Any false idol we allow in our lives only blocks us from Christ. The devil seeks to deceive us with his ultimate lie… that God does not love us. I truly believe this is the journey we all are on. The Cross is not to be avoided but embraced.
Share suffered greatly and I pray that his suffering will be rewarded, what a great talent and has left an amazing legacy. RIP Shane.
Shane touched my soul with his music and lyrics. He had such sadness in the lyrics but then he soars into the sublime. I have a friend who was a friend of his mother's and they used to pray together regularly. His mother was killed in a car accident some years ago. I think Shane did have a relationship with the Lord in his later years as I noticed he conspicuously wore a large crucifix and he spoke of his years spending holidays with his relatives in Tipperary and the religious beliefs of his Irish relatives. I think we will be surprised by those in heaven. Shane lived with his heart to the fore. God will spit out the lukewarm. Whatever you say about Shane you could not call him lukewarm. He was a diamond in the midst of the chaos of human existence. May he rest in peace.
I was listening to one of the Three Priests (tenor priests who record) on the radio this morning talk about meeting Shane while they recording,Little Drummer Boy, one Christmas. He said when Shane met them all he wanted to do was discuss religion. When he was young Shane wanted to be a priest. I have a feeling that when people like Shane become addicts it can be traced back to childhood trauma. Having a good , loving Catholic family is a really big deal. Many people do not get this and wind up sort of half crazy the rest of their lives.
I heard some years ago that only about a third of alcoholics get sober. It’s a grace to get sober and stay sober.
So beautifully said. Thank you. And a little prayer for one of my son’s with a drinking problem. I believe it’s genetic, as well, unfortunately.
Although he had the image of a rebel, I never remember Shane promoting licentious lifestyles or representing the liberal way of life. In his way, he was a traditionalist. He knew how to take an ancient Irish 'air' and use it as the foundation of a song. And he could write them. "A Rainy Night in Soho" is my favourite. I admire that his funeral is not a private affair, it's a public one, just like any Joe Soap. Nothing in his life matches the manner of his leaving it. May my fellow Tipperaryman Rest In Peace.
Preferred him to Sinead O'connor may they both R.I.P. Both raw and honest but maybe he was just more sane than her.