Yes Padraig, These Holy Saintly Souls shine extraordinary lights. Lights, which personally highlight my many sins, Mea Culpa!!! May Ajna George and Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for me and my family and all of the MoG forum members and families! May these two privileged souls keep us and our children in their prayers before the almighty God; I especially ask for the graces of conversion for all the MoG forum members children and grandchildren that they re-embrace the truth and strive with greater fervour to live and support Our Lord Jesus Christs Catholic faith without compromise. May todays youth be brought to the knowledge of Gods unlimited Love and care for them. Amen
I can't imagine anything much worse fro a young woman than having terminal face cancer. Turning her into what most people would see as a monster. Yet the very thing that would end her life in agony turned her into a saint. It reminds me of what another young woman who was also a saint said just befoe she died, St Therese, 'I never thought that it was possible to endure such pain; never, never, never!' I have to remind myself that I am on the outside looking in. She is the person who was getting the grace to endure this, not me. SP what seems gruesome and impossible for me was the road to heaven for her. A few years back there was a story I read from a priest who was chaplain to a hospice. A farmer who had never married came into the hospice to die. He also had face cancer which also rotted his face away causing the most smell which caused many people to throw up, even the nurses and doctors. Anyway two young country nurses looked after them and they acted like the cancer and the smell simply did not exist. This changed everything for this poor dying man and he began smiling and even laughing again and given the circumstances because of the goodness of these two girls he had a comfortable death. Life can be truly terrible, but if look enough we find comfort and grace everywhere around us. At the moment what really comforts and inspires me is that people I see in Church. They are all amazing but some of them just make me stare they are so good. One thing I have noticed in recent years is the amount of young people who died of cancer and are moving towards being declared saints. Perhaps this has always been the case but I never noticed it before. Perhaps a Sign of the times? Romans 12:12 ~ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.