I absolutely love this! So holy. People taking their knee to him! Wow. There is another short clip of him praying the Hail Mary somewhere on the web.
Thank you for this thread. I love Pope Leo XIII so much! If I have another boy I'm going to name him Leo.
God Bless that Pope, the Great, the Good! Always smiling. Love the smilers. “The human race, after its most miserable defection, through the wiles of the devil, from its Creator, God, the giver of celestial gifts, has divided into two different and opposite factions, of which one fights ever for truth and virtue, the other for their opposites. One is the kingdom of God on earth, the other is the kingdom of Satan. That, by accepting any that present themselves, no matter of what religion, they gain their purpose of urging that great error of the present day, that questions of religion ought to be left undetermined, and that there should be no distinction made between varieties. And this policy aims at the destruction of all religions, especially at that of the Catholic religion, which, since it is the only true one, cannot be reduced to equality with the rest without the greatest injury. But, in truth, the sect grants great license to its initiates, allowing them to defend either position, that there is a God, or that there is no God.” ― Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus On Freemasonry
imagine what a Pope named Leo XIV would represent for the Church, a preacher of social justice against communism, a strong fighter against Freemasonry in the Church, a great devotee of the archangel Saint Michael who would probably restore the prayer of exorcism to the glorious archangel at the end of Holy Masses?
There is a very,very great Pope waiting in the wings, a true son of Mary whom she has specially prepared. All this will not last forever. We are going through our very own Good Friday in the Church with Judas in the Ascendant. But we will have our very own Easter Sunday, wait and see. We are in Holy Saturday at the moment, all darkness and gloom and it looks like game set and match to Satan. But it is all almost over and the demons themselves know this. 'Without a Good Friday there can be no Easter Sunday.' Fulton Sheen. I think it is a bit like having a boil. The wise Doctor lets it grow and grow till at the right time he pierces it and lets all the poison run out. The Divine Doctor is waiting for the right time to act. For the fullness of this great evil to come to pass, so all can see it as it really is. All that is , who have eyes to see.
I have found it very helpful the last few years to let the awful happenings in the Church simply to pass me by. Thinking about them too much would drive you nuts and cause you to loose peace, better to hand them over to the Lord and let Him took care of it. It I were a Bishop or Cardinal it would be different, I would have a duty to act. But as a very humble lay person...
Yes that is my thought as well. I pray for poor Pope Francis and the rest of them but I don't fuss anymore. Better to just keep praying the Rosary for Our Lady to intervene soon.
There is an old Irish saying, 'God gives the back for the burden'. Which is the same thing as St Paul said, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me' (Philippians 4:13).” These are very,very difficult times indeed for Faithful Catholics. But to some extent for at least some Catholics they have always been difficult. We have only to look at our Catholic sisters and brothers in China to see this. They were terribly persecuted from the moment of their conversion and it has never stopped ever since. Yet they have pretty well thrived under this. I was listening in awe to the story of a nun who died fro the Faith under Communism just yesterday..
Wonderful footage! My Gr Gram had a baby boy in the early 1900s named Leo that died as an infant, and I was just this week wondering where she got the name from as no one else in her family was named Leo. I bet it was from this Pope!