Christmas Meditation

Discussion in 'The Spirit of the USA' started by Mark Dohle, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers


    Christmas Meditation

    He saw everything and loved
    We are all called to interior freedom,
    yet like everything in this world,
    there is a price to be paid.

    The armor of man is easier to wear
    than is the armor of God.

    To go against, to fight,
    to hate, and seek revenge.
    To devalue as less than human
    those we despise,
    is how we protect ourselves
    from seeing the humanity of others.

    Jesus was free to love, to see deeply
    and yet embrace.
    The chains of self-loathing were never there,
    his ‘Heart’ never closed,
    in that like the most loving of Mothers’
    and strongest of Fathers he looked on
    and wept at our deep interior lives.

    He saw everything, and loved, suffered,
    and rejoiced with the love and good he also experienced.
    Imagine how wonderfully strange is our God,
    to come as an infant, vulnerable,
    born away from home in a manger.

    Yes a God of surprises,
    perhaps one day the ‘big surprise’
    will be poured out upon all of us,
    humans, who do not know our left-hand
    from our right.—Br. MD
    Sam and Rose like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Yes a God of surprises,
    perhaps one day the ‘big surprise’
    will be poured out upon all of us,
    humans, who do not know our left-hand
    from our right.

    How true!
    Rose and Mark Dohle like this.
  3. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Yes, we must keep an open heart.

    Rose likes this.
  4. Mario

    Mario Powers

    In Biblical parlance, the right hand is for an openness to God's ways (good) as opposed to the left hand. I personally am backwards since I have a strong left hand and CP on my right. Except when I look in a mirror...:LOL:
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023

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