This is truly scary. With this, transhumanism reaches a new level. If this news is confirmed, we have entered a new era, completely dystopian and apocalyptic.
As I wrote before, Elon Musk is just a front man for the government and military industry. That is, all the people who stand from the shadows and manage all things. When you look at all these companies (electric cars, chips in the brain, satellites for the Internet and 5g, self-driving cars), it's all NWO financed with government money, i.e. your money, which serves to control movement, thoughts, speech and abolishes all kinds of freedom. Only the projects are so big that if the government implemented them, it would leak out as something totalitarian, so they disguised them as a public company under a charismatic owner. Elon Musk is nice, a good speaker, smokes weed, so he seems cool to the general population, even all these things where he fights for freedom of speech and some normal things are nothing but to muddy the waters. Does anyone think that a private individual could launch thousands of satellites into space, through which practically every piece of land can be monitored without the support of the government/military industry??? Electric cars are the wet dream of all communists, so look how much they just push them through the media, politics, co2, let's save the planet, blah blah blah. Tesla was in debt for years and billions and billions of dollars. The government subsidized all his projects and they didn't let him sink. By the way, chips in the brain are not bad in themselves, just like a knife is not bad if you use it to cut bread, meat, make cakes because then it is useful... However, if you use a knife to hurt someone, do something bad to someone , then it is bad. It is a matter that depends on the one who uses it. Chips that would allow sick people to be able to function with their illness are actually a gift from God and what God expects from man, to create and help those in need. However, it is clear to all of us that it will be used for control, abusing it, possibly increasing cognitive abilities, increasing memory... It is not difficult to conclude what they will do to the enemies of the regime, the government or those they declare to be terrorists. To be honest with you, I think they have been using it for a long time. They are only releasing trial balloons now. Let's say, look at these reactions of Hillary Clinton from few years ago, and this happend several times. It is not an epileptic attack, but as if someone uses certain electromagnetic waves to activate a device that in turn controls electrical impulses, i.e. a person's nerves. And she is not the only one, there are hundreds of simillar videos, just look at Katy Perry...Does this looks normal to you ? And this, do you see how they try to mask through a joke, this is like MIND CONTROL This last video is 11 years old, so they have this technology, chips or something simillar maybe 20+ years in use at least..
I don't see any harm in it. So long as it is not used wrong. It's just a tool, it depends how you use it. You could kill someone with a paper clip if you used it the wrong way. I see someone else said this. I sound like a stutter.
There are some books/stories I've never been able to read because, for myself, they were just too much for me to take in ~ too much of a "yuck factor". "Lord of the World" & "Windswept House" being two examples. Just couldn't get past the first few pages...... There was a short story that exceeded my "yuck factor" but I had to read it for school. It's by Isaac Azimov, called "The Feeling of Power". This whole "chip" thing puts me in mind of it ~ The Plot: "In the distant future, humans live in a computer-aided society and have forgotten the fundamentals of mathematics, including even the rudimentary skill of counting. The Terrestrial Federation is at war with Deneb, and the war is conducted by long-range weapons controlled by computers which are expensive and hard to replace. Myron Aub, a low grade Technician, discovers how to reverse-engineerthe principles of pencil-and-paper arithmetic by studying the workings of ancient computers which were programmed by human beings, before bootstrapping became the norm—a development which is later dubbed "Graphitics". The discovery is demonstrated to senior programmer Shuman, who realizes the value of it. But it is appropriated by the militaryestablishment, who use it to re-invent their understanding of mathematics. They also plan to replace their computer-operated ships with lower cost, more expendable (in their opinion) crewed ships and manned missiles, to continue the war. Aub is so upset by the appropriation of his discovery for military purposes that he commits suicide, aiming a protein depolarizer at his head and dropping instantly and painlessly dead. As Aub's funeral proceeds, his supervisor realizes that even with Aub dead, the advancement of Graphitics is unstoppable. He executes simple multiplications in his mind without help from any machine, which gives him a great feeling of power.
the company that makes the communists's favourite type of car was saved by subsidies? how appropriate
The problem could arise when the wrong people program the wrong info into the chip or use your info to control you. I would avoid taking it, imho.
It reminds me of the vaccines. It is a question ot trust. It even reminds me of taking tattoos. Who can you trust these days? Even if you could trust a particular Doctor or Nurse , how to trust the tech? That's one reason I threw out my TV years ago, lack of trust. We must be very, very careful about leaving doors open. But soon all this will be over, we are coming to the end of things. Time is flying past so quickly.
Yesterday I was watching the film A.I - Artificial Intelligence (2001) by Steven Spielberg, and it came to mind whether divine intervention would come to prevent artificial intelligence from dominating the world in contradiction to God's covenant with Adam.
Genesis 1:28-31 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day
My opinion is they are touting this chip as a miracle to make it more common place. To make it look good.