To be held in Dublin on February 17-19 but also broadcast on Shalom World. The theme this year is, "Act justly, love mercifully, and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 It see Frs Jim Blount and Chris Alar among the speakers. I don't know if this will be free on Shalom World, but it looks like videos will be broadcast freely on the website here:
Thank you for sharing. Appears to have a live link saying upcoming ( it’s almost 11am ET). I hope we can access later. Looks really good.
You're welcome! Fr Jim Blount speaking now...
Fr. Jim is giving a powerful message for Ireland! Says your country will convert again. Beautiful message and hope your country.
Thank you Andree, for this conference alert and the videos given but I was not able to access them on the link given, however I found them on utube. Wonderful inspiring talks. Thank you.
Thank you for those links Josephite, I too had trouble yesterday accessing videos and wanted to see Fr Alar's talk so with your link I can watch it later.