Posted this at Facebook earlier today. Hope no-one will mind it here. I realise not everyone here appreciates TLM and some are (understandably!) put off by the bitterness of certain Traditionalists. I would like to say that ICK are DIFFERENT. Inspired by the charity of St Francis de Sales, they are soft and kind ... Anyway my FB post: This is SO important, not just for the people of Belfast, but of all Ireland. To have daily TLM - times are below - by this magnificent Institute of Christ the King now in the second city of this island, where there was only a weekly diocesan rota is a tremendous grace. I pray people from Belfast and _far beyond Belfast_ will come to be enriched by this beautiful liturgy and to support it in this key centre now for the entire country. We are a long drive from it, but hope to come as often as possible, including tomorrow (if we are not snowed in - possible at our altitude!) So please even if you are a long way, like ourselves, make the effort. Your soul will be blessed and you will support HOPE for this darkened land. Congratulations go out to Canon Wulfran Lebocq for many years hard work to make this possible. I also appreciate the dedicated efforts of my friends on Facebook Stephen William Tyrrell, Darran McDonnell, Cormac Mícheál McCool among many other fine souls.
Oh, I didn't put the times and details! Here they are: Just a reminder that Holy Mass will be celebrated at 11am this Sunday at Fortwilliam and Macrory Church and every Sunday for the foreseeable future. **The Latin Mass will NOT be celebrated anymore at 4pm at St Therese** Here is the Mass schedule for Fortwilliam and Macrory: Sun: 11am Mon-Fri (excluding Wed): 6pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 7pm Mass Wed: 8am - Mass, no Adoration before Mass Sat: 10.30am devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 11am Mass followed by Benediction on the First Saturday Address of the new Church: 577 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 3 BU
Well, I'm a good hour and a half away AED (when the weather's not bad and we don't have to drive down the mountain in second gear!) But truly it's WORTH the drive and I do want to encourage anyone who lives relatively nearby to check it out! (That said, I won't be able to get there for a bit, after this Sunday : - ( ... )
Roger you and your wife Kim get a mention in the Tumblar House Off the menu podcast by the Catholic historian Charles Coulombe as he visited Ireland recently and mentioned that he met up with you. My first Latin mass experience was on Palm Sunday 2023 (Institute of Christ the King), Belfast and I saw Charles at that Mass. He mentions this mass in his video too. Small world.
Robert Nugent mentioned the other day that Archbishop Eamon Martin consecrated Ireland to the secret heard of Jesus. Seems Important.