I woke up this morning and it was rainy and cold. I realized the gas ran out when the shower ran cold. I get dressed and went out in the rain and changed the gas bottle, I have gotten good at it and it didn't take too long. Hoping to be away for six weeks, but that is many ambitious as something always seems to go wrong. But God loves a trier. Yesterday I sat in the forest beside a little stream in warm sunshine, heaven. How I love camping. At Mass the same lady as always led a group of about forty saying the rosary. I noticed a very elderly and infirm make her way to the front bench for communion, I would guess she is in her nineties. How she makes it to Church every day I can't imagine. How I love my Catholic family, so inspiring. Last night a demon showed up just before I went to sleep startling me. It is so long since I was one it took me by surprise. An unfamiliar form. This time as the face and upper body somewhat distorted of a man surrounded by great darkness staring at me fixedly and with great malice. I have a fixed form of protection prayers and he winked out fairly quickly, though with a slight struggle. Going into the desert we just expect such things, as the Desert Fathers warn. Still a surprise.
Reading my daily bible chapter I have been reading the life of King David in the book of Kings. The bible is such a wonderful story teller , each one a gem. King David is such an attractive story and I can see why God loves and favoured him so very much. It is the story of a relationship between the two, God and David. David loved God very, deeply but he was very human and often failed. When he failed God stepped in and deprived him and David always sound up paying the bill, often very, very heavy. Reparation. A word we have forgotten. Actions have consequences. The chickens come home to roost. We have forgotten all this. The chickens certainly always came home to roost for poor King David. But when David fell he got back up again. He always got up never giving up. A great lesson. Another great lesson from King David was his amazing habit of praying to God for advise before doing things. A huge lesson for us all.
I must start praying to God before doing things.... I really must get into that habit. My wife and I landed in Spain yesterday. We're here for 12 glorious days. Fortunately the weather is a touch more positive than our Irish weather here at the minute. It's like one of those lovely fresh days we get in September. Warm fresh sunshine. But there's none of that awful oul stickiness they get here in summertime. We're going for a walk along the coast shortly. We'll stop at little bars along the way and sip cheap Spanish wine. It's nice to get away together, just me and herself. To reconnect. I'd say by day 9 we'll be killing one another
Such a beautiful evening , I went down to the lake and sat beside the Castle to watch the sun go down. Breathtaking. I noticed others stopping to stare at it, really special . On the way, walking through to the woods it suddenly struck me how often during the day I had allowed myself to be distracted from thoughts of God. But then I heard the Lord saying and smiling as He did so, 'Never mind Padraig, if you were sometimes not thinking of me me , I was and forever am, constantly thinking of you. Let this be your consolation ' Then we both smiled together ❤️
The local people are so friendly. Sometimes they come over and talk to me, even out in the woods . I went down to the builders yard this afternoon to buy a bottle of gas and the young man remembered me from being there six months ago, he recalled so much about me and talked and talked. I can go entire weeks in the city without really talking to anyone. Yet here in the wilderness not a day goes by but people come over to talk . Go figure .
I heard the most wonderful, wise quote from St Thomas Moore yesterday on Disernment. He was writing at a time like now when the entire world was falling to the Protestant Heresies . He said that in discerning right from wrong the most important thing was the heart, not the mind. To listen to the voice of God in our hearts in prayer rather than the voice if men. This explains perhaps at the moment perhaps who so many are falling in Schism and heresy. They are not listening to God in prayer. Blessed are the pure in heart for theycwill see God. Hear Him too. Our Lady kept saying this over and over again. Pray the rosary. Schism is as great an evil as heresy. Beware Schism
Went down to the local mechanic today to have a fuel filter changed because my van was chugging. He changed the filter checked things like the water and the oil , we stood talking a while and at the end he would not take any money. I was astonished and insisted but he said he had the part lying about and it didn't take long, but I think with the talking I must have been there an hour. I had to pretty well force him to take some money. I am ashamed to say I don't think I gave him enough but I expected him to give a price. But hopefully I will give him him more when I am down again. I always give them more, it is a father and son, they charge far too little . At least compared to the city. We talked a little about guns, they have shotguns and are fine shots. He was a little surprised at how many different hand guns and rifles I've used. Then we talked about the little local drug problem. Weird, the country ones are even more into drugs than the city. Mad for them. He said he was in a local respectable bar a few days ago and one of the young ones pulled a knife. So sad. When we lost God we lost everything else. But so many really nice good people round here, the best you could ever meet, warm and genuine, like another, better World. What a great place to bring up children!
Your last sentence sums up the situation perfectly. It is as simple ( and as complex) as that. When we lost God we lost everything.
I don't know how many of you have been following the solar eclipse that is to occur in Canada and the USA in early April? Well I kind of dropped it by the wayside because so much is happening and there is so much false sensation it's nonsense out there. But if you are interested please listen to talks by Dr Miravalle ( who is wonderful ) and Traditionalist Sensum Fidelium ( also wonderful) on utube. Dr Miravalle describes how Marian apparitions tie into a 28 year cycle and this full solar eclipse. Also there have been the weirdest reports of military movements at a State and Federal levels at this date. Also if Sensum Fidelium gives it some credence , I would too. Another thing the Feast of the Annunciation was moved to this date. Anyway we will see. I would guess whatever is to happen will concern North America... Seismic activity on that date. What strange times!!
Yes. Very strange. Some govt agencies are recommending emergency preparations. Water food battery radio etc. Why? Hmmm. No one around here believes me. But I do think Holy Water and blessed exorcised salt around our houses is a must. Too many coincidences lining up.
I have thought for the longest time things would really kick of next year, 2025. One good thing about all the confusion is that it is a great teacher of humility. How little any of us really know. We are all guessing. But we do have a good general understanding, which is all we need really. If God thought we needed dates He would give us them
I went to Mass in Ardglass a really sleepy little seaside village. A very good crowd for 10am morning mass. The Rosary recited beautifully and slowly. Lovely singing. Two old priests said Mass. One gave a homily I thought it might be coded for support for Papa Frankie, I am not too sure .Two Very large stained glass windows of Two Luminous Mysterires, the wedding feast of Cana and the Baptism of Jesus. Lovely