I find this lovingly fitting and timely in the escalating events that we are experiencing. Please read and pray for the Holy Spirit for guidance & discernment since Julie is not a Catholic. I am moved by her messages though. This latest one in particular is like an answered prayer for me for the people I love who have gone lukewarm. May 01, 2015 Julie Whedbee (She also posted on April 30, 2015--War is on our shores) A SPECIAL LETTER FROM YAWEH/YAHUSHUA FOR THE HARD TO REACH My dearest family in Yahushua, Many of us are finding it very challenging, if not extremely difficult to speak to our loved ones and friends about the times in which we live, and the fact that life as we know it is going to change suddenly and radically any moment now. Prophecy and hearing from the Lord and His word are not popular topics. After hearing from several brothers and sisters in the Lord about the concerns they were having regarding speaking of the Lord and what is coming as prophecy is being fulfilled at an increased pace, I went to the Lord in prayer. I asked Him if He would compose a letter for us to send or print and mail to those we care so much for, expressing His heart and His desire for a relationship NOW. As He is always faithful, He has given me one to add as a page here on the side of the blog. Please pray about who He would have you send/give it to, and do this quickly. As He says in His letter, time is no more. It is our responsibility as disciples to warn people, and to spread His gospel. He also continues to tell us in previous messages, long gone are the days when we concern ourselves over what people think about us. Ultimately, we are talking about their eternal destiny. What could be more important?? Please e-mail me if you have any questions, or if you encounter any difficulty printing His letter and I will send it to you personally in another format. I continue to pray for all of you who read these words and partner with me to spread His love and mercy through all He writes here. Shalom, Julie iamcallingyounow@yahoo.com
A SPECIAL LETTER FROM YAWEH/YAHUSHUA FOR THE HARD TO REACH My most precious child, If you are receiving this letter, it is because someone loves you very much. He/She may not have been able to talk to you about this in the past, or perhaps they have talked to you about Me, but you were not ready to listen. The most important thing I want to tell you is that I love you. I love you more than anyone in this world could ever love you. I want you to read this now and learn of Me because you are running out of time to learn the truth. Life as you know it now will suddenly and radically change in an instant, and I want you to be ready. MY NAME IS JESUS CHRIST, THE MESSIAH (YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH). I have come to you to give you eternal life. I have come in the flesh and given you the most ultimate sacrifice anyone could give in that I died for you, shedding My blood to atone for your sins; not only those sins you have committed in the past, but for every sin you will ever commit. The price for your sins has been paid. I was the sacrificial lamb, slain for you. Your debt is paid. I did this so that you could have access to the Kingdom of Heaven with Me and Our Father forever. You were beautifully and wonderfully made, intricately designed, and purposed for so much more than this life. You have known all along that there was more, that your heart yearned for something greater, something that would fill the emptiness, fill that space inside and 'complete' you. It is My greatest desire that you know that what you have been looking for is Me! I am the One who has created you for a special purpose and whose love for you will never die! My gift is a free gift, no conditions, all you need to do is accept this most precious gift from Me and you will then have all My promises. You must know that you could never do anything on your own to earn My love, or earn your way into Heaven. Your acceptance of Me and My sacrifice is all that is required. My blood covers all, and ensures you will live with Me always. I have given you a book that tells you all about who I am. It is your instruction manual in this life, and it tells you not only what has happened in the past, but it also tells you what is about to happen to this earth. I love all of My creation so much that I always let you know what I am about to do. This is why you are receiving this letter. I am about to make Myself known in a very powerful way. Because so many have chosen not to accept Me for who I am and follow My commandments for your lives, I will shake the very foundations of all you know to be your security. This is how I will get the attention of My creation. I do not want you to be in fear, and I do not want you to miss the most important reason that you were born to be here. This reason is to have an intimate relationship with Me. To not choose Me is to choose a life in darkness eternally. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I offer you this gift and this decision because of the free will I have given you. I would never force you to love Me, but you must know that to ignore My desires for your love means eternity without light, love, peace and joy. It is a life wasted and cast away. Don't waste another moment believing the lies of My enemy, the devil. Don't believe that life will go on continually the way it always has been. Time as you know it is over and I am coming to make all things new. The signs of the times in which you live are all around you. Life as you know it has become unsustainable. Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken, and you will be forced to make a choice for your very survival. You will choose to trust Me, the One who created you, or you will trust in a system that will fail. My Word speaks truth and all else that is not of Me will collapse. Please, come to Me now. Come as you are. I love you no matter what you have done. My blood washes away all your sins and makes you white as snow. I will keep you and protect you, I will provide for you and when it is your time, I will take you home with Me. I will only have so many warnings, and then the sudden-lies will be upon you. Will you be ready? The choice has always been yours. If you accept this free gift and desire to know Me intimately, and want to spend eternity with Me in complete peace and love, please say this prayer out loud. Father, please forgive me for all of my sins. I accept your gift. I believe that you sent your Son Jesus to die for me, and that He is your only Son. I believe that His blood has paid the price for all the sins I have ever committed, and all those I will commit. I trust in you as My Creator and all of your promises. I surrender my life to you and ask that only your will be done. I invite your Holy Spirit to come into my heart and change me, and make me more like you. I want to be obedient, and I need your help. Please come into my heart this moment Jesus and make me a new creation in you. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN Your loving Father, Jesus Christ, the Messiah (Yahushua ha Mashiach) http://www.iamcallingyounow.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-most-precious-child-if-you-are.html?m=1
Julie Whedbee's message of May 31, 2015 - It is I My daughter, the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of time, to atone for the sins of the world. It is I the only Messiah, Son of God. I am He who is alive for I did rise on the third day. I show you these things so that your preparations will be complete, so that you can continue to encourage others to never have fear. For those who walk with Me will have no fear for I will keep them from all the evils and the all of the dark things that must come. What you are all sensing is the merging of Heaven and earth. You feel this within your spirits because it is I who dwells within you. Just as I have spoken about all of creation responding violently to the nearness of My coming, your very cells too, cry out for the consummation of all things. You continue to experience the great tearing away of soul and spirit, the re-aligning of your very DNA to the likeness of My image. I show you what is about to befall this earth so that you would stay in an ever constant state of preparation, repentance and grace. Come to Me often throughout the day, examining your consciences', repenting, asking for forgiveness, continually praying for My Holy Spirit to reveal anything in you that is not holy and pure as My Bride must be holy and righteous before Me. As I lift My hand from this place, the darkness descends and becomes increasingly terrible and great. But here is a mystery you must understand, the greater the darkness, the more brilliant you, My lights are in this place. For it is you who are rising out of this earth and coming back home to Me. Darkness falls, My Bride rises. Terror reigns and your lights illuminate all around you. This is a mystery so few understand but it is important for the tasks that lie ahead, and for the purposes I have created for each one of you individually as My Bride. For you will be ministering to many, and many will come to a saving knowledge of Me because of your obedience and because of your understanding at what is occurring. This is why you can see the darkness around you but still experience such great peace. For you know that these things must be for I have told you so. Although the end is here, this also means a new beginning. For this I receive all the glory for I come to make all things new. As Heaven comes to this place, there is much purification to be done, purification by fire. My children know that this is only for a short time. Many sudden-lies will happen at once. Do not be surprised or caught off-guard. Sudden-lies are the twinkling of the eye My Word speaks about. For in the midst of the darkness, My Bride will be transformed. Many things will be happening at once, much chaos will surround you but you will only know peace. The transformation will be complete and quick, this suddenly will be upon you. So be ever vigilant and ready for it comes! To those who continue to mock and speak against My messengers and My words of warning, I warn you...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You will know who is God and you will know what I have spoken is true. I will bring you to your knees and I will cause much anguish as you are convicted of your words and your actions. You must stop your doubt and your disbelief for the culmination of all things is at hand. I will soon show you as this will become your reality, and for many this will be too late. For you will not escape My judgment and My wrath for you have not heeded these warnings before-hand. You have not come to Me in forgiveness and repentance, on your knees, contrite and humble. For this you will pay. For many the cost will be your very lives. But I have warned you and warned you time and time again. You will be without excuse. This darkness comes very quickly, so My Bride stay very close to Me, to My heart in every moment. Do not fear that you will not know the hour in which I come for I will reveal Myself to all of those who walk with Me and in whom I indwell. In this be assured. PREPARE! PREPARE! PREPARE! FOR YOUR BRIDEGROOM COMES... and together we bring in the harvest. Rejoice and be glad this day for victory is won and you know the outcome. Together you will sing praise with all of the multitudes around My Throne for all eternity. For you have been chosen from before the foundation of the earth for this time. Thank you My Beloved for responding to the urgency of My messages for interceding for all of those who need Me and My salvation in their lives. Be faithful, be true. Love one another as I have loved you. YAHUSHUA - YOUR BRIDEGROOM
A very beautiful, powerful, loving messages. Who cannot love a God like ours? Who's God shows such love and mercy as ours? There is no other, but our God. He speaks truth here, as I can attest that I have no fear and only inner peace and joy as I ponder our God. Praise God; Father, Son and Spirit!
This is the Word I am getting in prayer, to prepare. It reminds me of Scripture, that beautiful passage: Isaiah 40:3 Prepare the Way for the Lord …2"Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, That her iniquity has been removed, That she has received of the LORD'S hand Double for all her sins." 3A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. 4"Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley;…
Is that simply spiritual preparation padraig? Or does that also encompass temporal preparation for those of us with families to provide for?
I as of course thinking about this the lasy couple of weeks. She said simply, You must be prepared'. .and did not say if it was physical or spiritual, but I somehow took it to be spiritual. But then my mind raced to think how I could prepare spiritually. I go to mass every day, try to go to confession at least once every fortnight , pray continually and fast most week days. So the kind of obvious spiritual preparations are kind of already ticked off. But I came across a couple of things which drew my heart to the five first Saturdays, which I intend doing if God spares me. But I think by prepared , the bottom line is, kind of like an air raid warning, 'Await foruther instructions....kind of like it says in scripture, 'Gird you loins and get ready to go'. Job 38:3 God Challenges Job …2"Who is this that darkens counsel By words without knowledge? 3"Now gird up your loins like a man, And I will ask you, and you instruct Me! 4"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding,…
To get prepared is a comon message from heaven for all. It of course first means our soul and secondly our physical means as is practicle. If a number of prophecies are to come to fruition we have 3-4 months to do so before the economic, social and governmetal global colapses take place. Are we ready for great persecution in remaining faithful to the Church? Is our house in order to withstand the initial shock of colapse? This is what Julie's messages received seem to be warning us of. All the discussions and arguments will soon come to a close on MOG forum and then one will live the faith one has been developing
Does anyone know if Julie is Catholic? I see she calls herself 'reborn' and I see she uses the protestant KJV for her bible quotes. Irregardless, her messages resonate with me (at least the few I have read).
Julie is baptized Catholic but no longer Catholic. Several of the current Protestant messengers are the are like Julie. It was Julie's message about the Warning that brought me to MOG.
This is interesting and deserves some consideration. Would God use a fallen away Catholic to spread his messages? Especially in the understanding that once a person willingly leaves the one true faith they live in the darkness of serious sin. Peter B. can correct me if I am wrong on this. I would be interested in hearing from others on this as well.
I am aware of five Protestant messengers, are fallen away Catholics. Three generations of Catholics not knowings the Faith so they leave, they aren't aware of their loss. And maybe something hurtful by a Catholic in authority caused them to leave. They will help a lot of Protestants come to the Faith in the Great Harvest.
She is NOT Catholic but her messages hits home with me that's why I introduced her messages here. According to "afterthewarning" website Julie's messages so far conforms with our Catholic teachings however; discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit is always crucial in any private revelations. La Paz
I'm not going to put any limitations on who God can use... for one thing, a prophetic gift is just that, a gift, not a reward for good behaviour! Secondly, only God knows people's hearts and individual life trajectories... There is a very interesting passage in a relatively little-known set of purported locutions and dialogues, published in French by Parvis in Switzerland, between Jesus and a former Luxembourg bank employee named Marie-Claire Liberatore (a.k.a. 'La Fille du Soleil de justice/Daughter of the Sun of Righteousness') which I take seriously - following René Laurentin's lead, in which the question of changing denominations comes up. M-C L. is troubled by a recent experience in which a friend of hers left Catholicism for a non-Catholic charismatic community, and asks the Lord about this. His alleged answer is really worth contemplating IMHO: April 28, 2006 ('Fille du Soleil'): Lord, yesterday I went to see my friend who has joined another Christian denomination, there were several people at her house, all of the same denomination. They were happy to love you, happy to be filled with the Holy Spirit but when I told them of your messages [i.e. her own locutions], they gave me to understand that they didn't want to change, I felt ridiculous... since they love you, they will be saved, Lord, I think that's the most important thing. Jesus: 'They will understand their mistakes later on; I act through them as I act through all souls who turn to me and start to love me... I am pouring out my Spirit in profusion on the earth... I will establish my Kingship in the heart of each one, the desire of my Heart is to see them all come back to me. As I have told you, certain words in the Bible are sometimes misunderstood, if it were otherwise there would not be so many divisions in my Church... Preach my Eucharist, my Peter and my holy Mother... I will cause the love of the Three Whitenesses* to be born in indisciplined hearts.' *'Trois blancheurs' - a reference to St John Bosco's dream of 1862 about the Eucharist, the Pope and Mary as the three elements that ensure the purity and perpetuity of the Church. A few months later in the same volume, Jesus explains the nature of true ecumenism: Je désire que l'on mette en commun ce qui fait la force de chaque confession chrétienne, autour de mes Trois Blancheurs, fondement de mon Eglise. (I desire that the strengths of each Christian denomination be put in common around my Three Whitenesses, foundation of my Church)
Well since my linage is Luxembourg, I can believe in this . Seriously though, I have often wondered how those within the Protestant denominations, who are often times very learned in scripture (such as Billy Graham), could not see these three giant pillars of the Catholic Church. This has been a benchmark of orthodoxy to me for 3 decades in my evangelization efforts. Now as far as Protestants receiving authentic messages, it is a gift from God and has nothing to do with our own merits. I believe Verne Dagenais would be the first to say as much when he was receiving his messages from our Lord when asking him to help him understand certain aspects within the faith he was just learning.
I have a niece who left the Catholic Church for the Anglican church. Her catholic parents are so proud of her as she has been made a virger at St.Paul's Cathedral. Well, I admit I was very cool about this. She posted all sorts of things about this on her FB page, which I ignored. Finally she posted something on my FB page, the night before she started at St. Pauls, which I couldn't ignore. So I answered politely and said I would pray for her. Of course I prayed for her and was immediately swamped in love and knew I was quite wrong in how cool I had been. But I received a very strong word in prayer about her, which I understood immediately. It was just one word, but very strong. The word: Liaison.
Alright , my two cents then , since you asked. I dont think much of messages which do not lead to the One true Church Our Lord went to all the trouble to establish. And when I read this ...To those who continue to mock and speak against My messengers and My words of warning, I warn you...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I know it is garbage.
Years ago my brother married a devout, regular Church going, Church of Ireland of Ireland girl. Some time afterwards he said that they were talking about what Faith in which to bring up their children. I asked him if he was practicing his Faith. He told me we was not. I asked him if she was practicing hers? He told me how well she attended her Anglican Church and took part in its activities. She partook ,very,very well. I told him better a good Protestant than a bad Catholic and so their kids were brought up in the Protestant Faith. A few months back I saw my two nieces giving Confirmation by the local Anglican Bishop. In these latter times I think the concern of all Faiths should be more and more turned not so much to the differences between Faiths, but, rather the fact that the light of Faith itself is being extinguished in the world. Frankly I am delighted to see a member of any Protestant sect practicing their own path to Jesus rather than the lukewarm materialist for that swirls all around us. I think our Protestant sisters and brothers and getting their eyes open to this too and are opening their arms to us. We are not the enemy of each other, it is clear that it is the world itself that is our enemy. John 17:13 13 “I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. Jesus Prays for All Believers 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
I wonder some times what God makes of us all when He looks down from heaven? I suspect He has a very different way of looking at things than we do.