Has anyone in US seen the Nafarious movie yet? Apparently, produced by solid Catholics and an exorcist priest guiding its production. It has good Catholic reviews. Unfortunately, it probably wont be coming to Canada. Similar to the idea of CS Lewis Screwtape Letters. I think they are trying to reach the occult generation, in hopes to make them see that satan is real.
I have listened to 3 interviews all involving priests--one interview was with Jesse Romero. I was impressed. I will see it if it comes here.
I saw it. It was incredible. Acting is the best I have ever seen. My wife did not want to go see it but agreed to go and she loved it too. I paid my 20 year old daughter $50 to go see it because the message is so good. She was like I hate horror movies I don’t want to see this. I told her if it was too much and she walked out I would still pay her. She sat through the whole thing and texted me how much she loved it. She took a friend who is an atheist and they loved it too. This movie could change lives
The abortion scene may be the absolute best abortion scene in any movie ever. And you will cry over cheeseburgers I’m not gonna spoil it more than that.
Thanks for the review. I am very excited to see it. Of course secular media is ripping it apart because it reveals satan's tactics. If only our communist Canada would let it come here
I just heard of this movie a day ago. Unfortunately I suspect other posters are correct - it likely won't be on many Canadian screens. m.