So many lies so much propaganda - their motto is tell a big lie tell it often enough people will believe it - Let us start a list - Evolution Overpopulation Man made climate change Ukraine War Gender theory Alphabet theory Covid vaccination (it was not a vaccine)
I'm not sure about the next few years, but I fear that someone will try to trace a genetic correspondence between Jesus' ancestors and some body found in the Holy Land with the intention of saying that Jesus never rose or that he was not even crucified as Muslims believe. I also think it is possible that they will reveal the discovery of some parchments containing an entirely different gospel about the life of Our Lord, especially in his later years.
Yup. Remember that one. One big canard after another one. Zelensky better be careful. First we are their friend then we give them weapons and then....we "off" them. ( Khadafi and Bin Laden have been there and done that too. USA is a dangerous friend it would appear.)
A big lie that keeps millions of people angry against each other is that the goal of life is to become rich\upper class. I did the math and the sacrifice of time, health, life quality (chronic sleep deprivation, missing out on kids, heart damage etc) needed to keep yourself rich, ends up costing more and you'd be better off in a stable middle-class household. capitalists use this dream to keep everyone frantic and busy, communists use it to make everyone bitter and resentful
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Apparently this was said by a former director of the CIA. So much of our time is spent consuming lies of the world and then spending time correcting those lies. I agree xsantiagox, pursuing wealth, health and happiness is one of the biggest lies isn't it? And it is a principle that has been guiding the lives of millions of us in Christian nations for a long time. Boy are we off course! And all of those lies about reasons for wars, may God and other nations forgive us for not opposing these wars more forcefully.