In my opinion this man provides the best scientific explanations for the chastisements that may lie ahead in the not too distant future. Completely in line with the prophetic consensus. “The tip of the spear as a flame unlatches and touches the axis of the earth. It shudders. Mountains, cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, and the clouds emerge from their limits, overflowing and bringing with them in a whirlwind houses and people in numbers that are not possible to count. It is the purification of the world as it plunges into sin. Hatred and ambition cause the destructive war!" Sister Lucy. One day when things are revealed, you will understand, your eyes will be opened. When we see the physical changes that will happen in the world, we will understand why She came every day.” Visionary Ivan of Medjugorje.
Stuff like this plus other topics Im researching about magnetism, solar flares and Plasma, make me want to just donate most of my savings to the poor or churches, etc. It feels I wont get to use them in the "future" (if there is a future) I dont bother prepping or thinking of surviving these sorts of prophetic events, if I do survive its due to supernatural help, otherwise no one can survive, not even bear grylls
I agree Santiago. I have thought of this too. I used to prep but now I just think of these words: the safest place to be is in God's Will.
My purpose in sharing these videos is to show how science and prophecy may well dovetail together. Not to scare anyone, not to discourage or spread irrational fear. Also to show, as the videos demonstrate, that climate change has nothing to do with carbon footprints, or agricultural practices. Or cow farts. God is in control.
Yes. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" I was at adoration this past week and "received" psalm 2. It lays out what God thinks of those worldly leaders who shake their fist at Him.
How appropriate. Psalm 2 1 Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, 3 “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” 4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. 5 He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, 6 “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” 7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father. 8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.” 10 Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling. 12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
Psalm 2 was printed every Saturday at the beginning of the Classified section of the Washington Post for a long time when I was growing up. 50’s and 60’s. No signature was ever posted. I admire this unknown person. It is truly prophetic. When I would see it in the paper, I would wonder about its significance . Praise God.
I'm going to read Psalm 2 now. I've been sensing the number 2 today and yesterday. Not sure what it meant/means. Psalm 2 is a good place to start, I guess. The Micronova Catastrophe February 1, 2023 - by LH - The time has come for me to discuss this. Readers of my blog are quite aware of my affinity for outer space discussions. My articles that slide into outright Christian astrological observation are well known. But I still continue to retain an enormous interest in the scientific aspects of the cosmos. It is into this category which we now delve. Perhaps my fellow internet denizens are aware of the theories of Randall Carlson, or more famously, Graham Hancock, both who put forward the idea that 12,000 years ago, the world experienced a global catastrophe that reshaped everything. Last I checked, they attributed an asteroid strike as being responsible for much of these ancient disasters that transpired 12,000 years ago. But I wish to bring to your attention Ben Davidson of the group, Suspicious Observers, as well as Douglas Vogt of The Diehold Foundation. These latter two individuals have been instructing the public about a phenomenon that, while sounding fantastical, was withheld by the CIA, itself, for decades. That is, until recently. The cosmic disaster goes like this… CATACLYSM STEP 1: A GALACTIC RIPPLE Throw a pebble into a pond, and you will see water ripple from the center to the edges of the shore. This is happening on a galactic level. From the center of our galaxy, ripples of dust are spreading outward. These galactic ripples are like the ripples in a great pond, moving outward in a circle. Between these galactic dust ripples are vast amounts of nothingness. At our current position in the Milky Way, it takes 12,000 years for us to be hit by one of these galactic waves. So, the pattern goes like this: our solar system is hit with a galactic ripple, then there’s a 12,000-year break, and then we are hit again with another ripple. As the galactic ripple approaches our solar system, we will begin to see other star systems react to this wave. First, we see the farther stars react. The reaction of these star systems occur in a line from the furthest stars to the nearest stars. And then, the galactic ripple hits our solar system. CATACLYSM STEP 2: SOLAR SYSTEM CHANGES As the galactic ripple penetrates through the heliopause and enters our solar system, we can take notice of increased dust in the void of space. All of this material affects the planets. We begin to see planetary changes on worlds as far away as Pluto and Neptune. But even the inner planets go through some alterations. We start to see wild temperature changes on these other worlds, and even quakes on the rocky worlds. New kinds of comets and asteroids from beyond the solar system shouldn’t be surprising in these conditions. When this galactic ripple hits the sun, its chemistry begins to change. Our sun has a regular 11-year cycle of increasing and decreasing solar activity. But with this galactic ripple hitting it, we find the sunspots and flares to be more active than normal. The Earth begins changing as well. We begin to see the Earth’s magnetosphere weaken in particular places (such as the Southern Atlantic Anomaly), but the magnetosphere will also weaken as a whole. We begin to see aurora more often in places we shouldn’t. This is because a weakening magnetosphere allows more solar particles than usual to sneak into lower latitudes of the atmosphere. The poles shift. Slowly at first. Year after year, they crawl to new locations, speeding up as time goes on. But more on that later. These changes with Earth’s magnetic field affect animal migrations, and it can confuse flocks and herds to collectively travel in abnormal patterns. The interior of the earth becomes more agitated as well, and volcanic activity and earthquakes increase. Again, this is because the Earth is being affected by both the galactic ripple, but also the changing behavior of the sun. There is an electrical connection between the worlds in a solar system, as well as an electrical connection with the star, our sun. What happens in one body can affect other bodies. And as a result of all this—because the weakening magnetosphere allows more solar input upon our biosphere—the sun loses its classic, friendly yellow hue, and it looks more white. Weather patterns change. For example, wintertime cold fronts are no longer shaped the same way they used to be. It also can get more windy. There are biological changes as well, as more solar and galactic radiation are getting through than ever before, and this coupled with the planet’s magnetic changes effects behavior and temperament. What is mentioned here is only a tiny taste of all the solar and global changes that happen during this galactic ripple. And it happens like clockwork, in cycles, every 12,000 years. But this event is not over just yet. CATACLYSM STEP 3: SHE’S GOING TO BLOW Basically, the sun cannot take it any longer, and it explodes. Although, this explosion is not a complete explosion, the way most would see in a science fiction movie. No, this explosion is what we call a micronova. A micronova is sort of like a sloughing off of the sun’s outer layer. It shoots off plasma and debris. But the star remains intact for the next 12,000 year cycle. Evidence for previous micronova can be found on rocky extraterrestrial bodies like the moon. Samples from there will show little glass beads—particulate from previous micronovae. These can also be found in various places on the Earth. The process for this event will be incredible from the Earth’s perspective. When the sun sloughs off its outer layer in this way, there will be different solar signs owing to the various phenomena that come first. When its shell is sloughed off in the micronova, it will take time for this material to hit the Earth. Not years, but days. The sun’s shell comes off. There is a cloud of the sun’s material. It quickly cools like darkening iron from a forge. The sun has successfully shed. At this point, the sun’s light is blocked. As a result of that, the moon’s light dims. One third of the stars cannot be seen because their light is blocked by the sun’s approaching material. Now, all this said, there are two periods of darkness. It’s important to recognize this process. So let’s step back a bit. CATACLYSM STEP 3.5: THE SKY WILL LOOK WEIRD Firstly, when the sun initially goes micronova, its entire outer shell comes off. Just like how we saw Betelgeuse shed its shell in 2021, and then its brightness dimmed—that was a preview for this event. Now, in the moments and hours immediately following this shedding, all of the sun’s ejected material is still more or less surrounding the orb of the sun. And because of this, the effect is sort of like that of a Dyson sphere. (A Dyson sphere is something that a Type II civilization would build—basically an entire sphere surrounding a star.) Because the light of the sun is smothered in such a way, it is likely that it’s own version of a Van Allen Belt will become visible from Earth. This will likely strike spectators as a strange sign happening in place of the sun, and this shape may very well take the form of a cross in the sky. Secondly, once the “orb” of material is ejected far enough away from the sun, light will be able to break through it, and Earth will have light once more, albeit dimly. Too much cooled, jettisoned material will be in between the sun and Earth for regular amounts of sunlight to get through. Also, this material will likely obscure starlight, usually after sunset and before sunrise. In this way, only about two-thirds of the stars will be visible on the side of Earth facing completely opposite of the sun. (On a personal note, it would be interesting to know just which constellations are no longer visible during this period.) This large amount of dust and material is likely going to bend the light spectrum emanating from the sun. The sun’s orange and red-colored sunlight is typically caused from a dense amount of atmosphere during dusk and dawn. Similarly, the material from the sun’s ejected shell will bend sunlight into the red spectrum. Consequently, the moon will have a dark, red color in the week before the sun’s shell hits Earth. It is even possible that daylight will be darker and perhaps redder during this week. Con’t
Con’t CATACLYSM STEP 4: STARFIRE FALLS ON THE WORLD It is at this stage that burning debris from the sun hits the Earth. There may be large chunks of “ejected sun” that are mixed in with this shower of burning debris. If there are chunks large enough that are comprised of disagreeable elements, it is possible such a chunk of debris could be very poisonous for whatever body of water it lands in. This conflagration will last a few days. And again, the period from the initial micronova shedding was only days earlier. Because this cloud of the sun’s material is now pouring onto the Earth, it is likely that, for a second time, all sunlight will be blocked to anyone on the surface. Although, it may also be possible that the dust and cloud-filled sky could be red during this event. CATACLYSM STEP 4.25: LIGHTNING Other things happen besides just burning starfire at this time. Just as there is lightning during a volcanic eruption, so also will there be very powerful lightning to accompany the fire shower. This will not be ordinary lightning. Its behavior will be radically different from the kinds of lightning that most people are accustomed to. For one thing, it will be large-scale lightning on a planetary level. It will have different patterns than those that people are accustomed to. This extraordinary lightning will not only occur because of cosmic material in our atmosphere. Rather, the electrical energy from the nova shockwave will compress Earth’s forward-facing magnetic fields, until finally, the fields discharge the electricity straight down to the surface of the Earth. Before these terrible few days, mankind had always recognized lightning as a locally-caused event. But the kind of lightning discharge witnessed on these handful of days will be cosmic-based. CATACLYSM STEP 4.5: EARTHQUAKES Planet-wide earthquakes will take place during this event. These, as with the lightning, are triggered by the strong geomagnetic storm from the micronova. This cosmic/atmospheric storm will induce current through the Earth’s crust and down into the mantle towards subduction regions. Electric current and cosmic rays alter the viscosity of silica-rich magma. And because of all this, the Earth’s surface will experience mega quakes and super volcanic activity, the likes of which have never been seen. The Earth will jerk, continental plates will move and twist. In fact, it is possible that the Earth will experience one, big earthquake, all at once. Some lands will rise, while other lands will fall below sea level. The geographic map will transform completely. CATACLYSM STEP 4.75: CONTINENTAL TSUNAMIS Naturally, the energy from this planet-wide quake activity will disturb all bodies of water. Seas and lakes will recede and then return to overflow many costal regions. It is likely that all costal cities will be inundated by the oceans. Tens of millions of people will drown every minute during this process. The effect will be such, that men will fear the coasts for generations after the event. Mountains will fall. Long-dead continents will rise once more. Enormous quantities of water will be displaced. Many riverways will find themselves to now be inland seas. Other regions, washed over by oceans, will have been transformed into what the Sahara Desert is now. But there is one more event during these few disastrous days that will ensure the Earth’s waters have no rest. One more great and terrifying mechanism that will have a direct effect on all bodies of water, such that no ocean or lake will escape its effects… CATACLYSM STEP 5: THE POLE SHIFT The pole shift is happening. Even now, the magnetic North Pole is moving towards Russia’s northern coast, while the magnetic South Pole is moving north. Both poles are set to meet in the Indian Ocean. The end product will be that polar regions will have alternated with tropical regions. To our knowledge, the poles began to shift in 1859. At the same time that year, the sun’s chemistry changed. This year was arguably the year the galactic ripple first hit the solar system. It was that very same year that the sun erupted into the greatest solar storm ever recorded. Many would recognize this as The Carrington Event. It was so powerful that it set telegraph lines on fire. The aurora was seen as far south as Cuba, and telegraph messages could actually be sent through the aurora, itself. Again, the 1859 superflare correlated with Earth’s magnetic pole shift. This change in the sun served as an induction mechanism to kickstart the process we find ourselves in now. Now, the shift is not a steady, gradual occurrence that takes place over eons. This pole shift is increasing exponentially year by year, to the point that the world has mere decades before the flip. Faster and faster, the poles are accelerating to meet one another at a singular point on the Earth, until finally the world is tipped 90 degrees, and a gardener will be able to grow temperate fruit in Germany. Stepping back Everything described here will happen within the space of one week. The most intense parts of this event will transpire over a matter mere of days. Within less than a hundred hours, the face of the Earth will be changed for the rest of time. For a short time, the surface of the Earth in many parts will resemble a blender, owing to all of the turbulence, water, and debris. Vast continental regions will be washed over by the sea. The entire globe will be showered with fire, and afterwards, all of the evaporated moisture will flash freeze at the new poles. It will be an event matched only by The Great Flood of Noah. Before it is over, up to 2/3rds or more of humanity will have been killed. Many species of animals will be lost. The marvels of modern life will have been lost, and this current age of prosperity will become a legend for the next age of mankind. Everything will start over, and memories of what we had before will be lost with every succeeding generation afterwards. Further Reading/Media: Please understand, I take these men with a grain of salt. I do not believe or buy into everything they say. But what they have uncovered about this event is notable and should not be ignored. Should you explore this rabbit hole, carry with you a discerning spirit and a sensus Catholicus. A Catholic exploration of meaning and context of all this will come in a later post, here at Forge and Anvil. Ben Davidson, of Suspicious Observers: – YouTube channel – The Next Age of the Earth, a comprehensive video explaining what is going to happen. – Website – Book PDF: The Next End of The World: The Rebirth if Catastrophism Douglas Vogt of The Diehold Foundation: – YouTube channel (Start with this video) – Website – Book PDF: The declassified CIA book, The Adam and Eve Story (This links you directly to the CIA’s own website.) – YouTube reading of The Adam and Eve Story – The Suspicious Observers discussion about The Adam and Eve Story Sent from my iPhone
We have been "warned" that Russia would invade the Ukraine, but, instead---the Gaza strip launches an attack on Israel. Our heads swivel. In the last 48 hours we have had 3 shallow earthquakes of over 6.0 in Afghanistan, one in Mexico, a 6.2 in the Phillipines, three earthquakes at 7.0 in Papua New Guinea region, Brazil with a 5.4, another one in Morocco at 5.0. These are increasing rapidly in frequency and severity. Volcanic fields all over the world are awakening and causing upswelling heat and resultant fires (NOT caused by lasers), and in the water off of several populated coastlines, with USCS literally blocking out from view on its website some of these areas! PM me for links...I don't want to get the MOG site under review. Then we have the Synod, a great distraction for us who hold the one true faith... We are like the proverbial family pet that looks up when its owner shouts "squirrel!" first one on direction, then the other. Distraction from what this thread is implying.... The plebes must NOT catch on before all is in place. I won't be posting on this topic again, as it is controversial, but look deeper, at the patterns of these last 3-5 years: worsening weather (in many cases, catastrophic), lockdowns, propaganda, horrific breaches of trust by our beloved institutions, and now the (anticipated by the powers that be...) physical birthpangs.
The mind boggles at the vast body of work gone into such projections Brian. I found your post an interesting and entertaining fantasy but I prefer to consider the real version. The Tribulations will be man mediated (Communism), whereas the Conditional Chastisement will come directly from God. If it comes it will result from man’s failure to change even after the graces of The Warning and The Miracle. It will be a supernatural work, not explained by science or nature, unprecedented in power and presentation. It is designed not only to punish but to purify us and draw us closer to God. No natural phenomenon can of itself achieve such ends. The Warning is to prepare us for The Miracle. The Conditional Chastisement is to purify us for God. We agree on one point: there will be survivors. I wonder how long the earth will survive :- long after you and I have gone I suspect, Brian. “Everything will start over, and memories of what we had before will be lost with every succeeding generation afterwards.”
“HANLON’S RAZOR: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Dear Brian At least I have an excuse. No one could ever say you are stupid. All the best Joseph
Excellent and thought provoking. Thanks for posting. There have been sun miracles in practically every major apparition site: Garabandal, Medjugorje, Fatima of course. It’s very likely that Heaven is sending us a message. That the chastisement by fire so often mentioned by so many visionaries is connected to THE SUN. The sources mentioned above offer a plausible explanation of just how things may unfold. Those who say these studies ignore that the chastisement comes from God are barking up the wrong tree. God uses nature and His laws to carry out His plans for the good of mankind. He’s the One behind it all.
I’m convinced the miracle of the sun at Fatima was also a prophecy itself. In apparitions, when the sun seems to be spinning, changing colors and shooting off colors and falling to earth, that could be a prophecy of what appears during a micronova.