Vatican's Investigation

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. themilitantcatholic

    themilitantcatholic Principalities

    Apr 12, 2009
    I'm pleased to see that Pope Benedict has begun an investigation into wayward nuns. It's about time, many of these far-left radical communist-loving nuns insist on having women priests, do not give a care in the world about the horrors of abortion and think that it is all fine and dandy if people of the same sex want to marry. Time to clean house I say, if they do not like the Catholic Church as it is, was and always will be in the future; they can go and form their own pseudo-religion, pray to the four-winds (as many of them actually do) and make themselves priestess'.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Its so interesting this. I never recall a Pope in my life time doing stuff like this. I suspect you would have to go back to Pope Pius 12 th to find anything like this, even then , its on such a huge scale. Its all over the media over here. Its kinda ironic, but the folks who are most against the Catholic Church appear to be the ones avidly in support of the nuns. I wonder if these ever makes them think...and wonder?

    History teaches that revolutions occur not when things are the same, its when Governments seek to bring change. The difficulty I think with the Conference of Catholic Superiors in the USA is that for many decades now they have pretty well been able to do as they liked. Its a bit like a child whose parents have let it do what it liked for many years but now want to enforce discipline , the child will go crazy for it is not used to it.

    I think they are hoping that it will all just go away if they keep their heads down and hope it all goes away. So its a trial of strength of wills.

    Of all the vows, I suspect by far, far the hardest is the vow of obedience. In this we mirror Christ who was obedient to death, even death on the Cross.

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