Wow! Statue of Our Lady Turns Her Back on us!

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by Carmel333, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    Aug 22, 2012
  2. Ang

    Ang Archangels

    Oct 8, 2013
    I think this story should be all over the news. Unfortunately it won't be. What could our lady be telling us by this?
  3. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    What were the readings yesterday? Moses' arms being held up. Our Lady has been holding the arm of her son up, and now it is falling. God have mercy. This gives me great concern. The island of CEBU is one of the most Catholic places on earth. IF THIS IS HAPPENING THERE--whoa...:cry:
  4. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    If true then it fills me with so much sorrow. This sorrow is why I don't think it can possibly be true. Our Mother may weep tears or blood but I just can't believe she would turn her back to us and abandon us. If true then maybe it is to make a point and she will face forward again. Or maybe she is not turning her back to us but towards the cross. Look to the cross first and always for that is what we need to focus on in the coming days, months and years. She has not turned away from us but put herself with us and not above us and to face and take everything to the cross as she has and is doing now.
    mothersuperior7 likes this.
  5. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Could Stan turn the statue? Does he have this kind of power to spread fear and sorrow among the pure and holy believers of Our Mother?
  6. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    It looks to me like she is embracing the cross.
    kathy k and Andy3 like this.
  7. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Is there a priest backing this ?, easily could be a hoax of course.The big sticker pealing off the front bottom is something I would expect to see at the back.
    Great story Carmel, hope you can update.
  8. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Here is a further truth that sets aside modern errors about an almost universal salvation. The fuller context of the quote is this: For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” (1 Peter 4:17-18)
    sunburst likes this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Would Our Lady ever turn her back on her children?

    Even an Earthly Mother would hardly do this.
    Carmel333, Glenn and Miriam like this.
  10. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    Aug 22, 2012
    My understanding is that the marble bottom of the statue is attached to the statue. They are claiming the marble part of the base that says Portugal was in the front, is still facing front, but the actual statue has turned it's back. I'm sure that the wood base is not one piece with the marble statue. Anyway is on Spirit Daily. Maybe Mike Brown will check into it more and post again...
  11. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Our Lady would never abandon us, but she is showing us this miracle because even she is facing the cross. It is an amazing miracle.
    Andy3 likes this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    If we knew how much Our Mother loves us we would die of joy at once , falling to the ground lifeless like a little sparrow shot by a hunter.


    If I hear that Our Lady is angry, I do not believe it.

    If I hear she has threatened , I do not believe it.

    If I hear she has despaired I do not believe it.

    If I hear she has turned her back, I laugh.

    She loves too deeply, she hopes too fiercely, she holds her children too closely, she is too much a Mother ever to leave us.

    "Quis ut Deus", Andy3 and Heidi like this.
  13. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    Msg. Pope is right on the money, as usual.

    This jumped out at me from the article. It's what I've been trying to say on this forum, to me as much as to anyone else::

    7. The accounting strict -
    Jesus warns, But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken (Matt 12:36). St. Paul says, He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart (1 Cor 4:5). And adds, So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Cor 5:9-10). And James chillingly says, So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy (James 2:12-13) What he says is chilling since so many are without mercy today.
    If God judges us with the same strict justice we often dish out, we don’t stand a chance. The accounting will be strict, so don’t pile on with unnecessary severity and wrath toward others.

  14. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    I agree, Padraig. She would never turn her back on us. But she would embrace the cross and encourage us, by her example, to do the same.

    Still waiting to hear if this is a true miracle...
    Adoremus and sunburst like this.
  15. Mac

    Mac Guest

    If it is miraculous, I would interpret it as Our Lady no longer able to hold back the arm of justice, of her Divine Son.Hence the earthquake.
    The only alternative story being, she turned to Him and stopped a more massive quake coming.
    sunburst, Thomas and mothersuperior7 like this.
  16. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Why does justice have to come to such a holy place and people? What kind of message is that sending for the world?
  17. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    Andy, I absolutely understand what you're saying here, and extreme caution needs to be exercised when attempting to interpret the causes behind natural disasters (remember Jesus's words about those who died when the tower of Siloam fell on them). Here the distinction between God's active and permissive will is critical. Obviously earthquakes must be within the permissive will of a sovereign God, or they wouldn't happen at all (I know some people get round this by claiming that God kenotically and voluntarily surrendered His absolute omnipotence when He created a world of free agents, which is an argument with a certain ethical appeal, although it creates other theological problems). However, this is very different from saying that God actively wills the suffering of the innocent - that was the huge mistake that Calvin made, with huge consequences, because he didn't make the active/permissive distinction regarding the Divine Will.

    Obviously some natural disasters are brought about by sin, and not necessarily the sins of the victims. The human race has made nature rebel against us. However, the position of the post-Apostolic Fathers regarding natural disasters was also that the fallen Angels, who had been entrusted with a certain level of stewardship of natural processes before Man came on the scene, had a hand in them. In other words, there is a demonic element to such catastrophes - one which humans unleash and exacerbate by their behaviour. According to this position, there is a human-demonic interaction here. At the same time, this is a complex business because (as in Romans 8) God turns evil to good, meaning that there may yet be a redemptive purpose in what appear to be horrific geophysical events but which may ultimately prove to save us from something still worse.

    For what it's worth, this view of causation is one that emerges consistently in a whole host of contemporary locutions, and for me it is the approach to the theological problem of theodicy which I personally find the most coherent both with what we know through the Scriptures of the nature of God and with the observation of the reality around us.

    As an example, take this from a recent message to Javier Viesca (Mexico), who has for over a decade been receiving locutions of IMHO an exceptional theological density and depth, which at the very least provide much food for meditation. You can find them at and relayed by more clued-up Spanish-language sites such as . The only reason that I can see why they generally don't get translated is their length. Here's an excerpt from the one dated September 24:

    Hijitos Míos, éstos momentos que estáis pasando y los que han de pasar, son de reparación y tomadlo así, Mis pequeños, no os lo envío Yo, lo permito y lo limito, porque satanás quisiera destruiros con todos éstos ataques de la Naturaleza que él mismo está manipulando, por eso estáis viendo, que se salen de total normalidad pero, de cualquier manera, Mis pequeños, lo permito para vuestro bien.

    My Children, these moments which you are going through and those which you will have to go through, are ones of reparation and take them as such, My Little Ones, I am not sending them to you, I permit and limit them, because Satan would destroy you with all these attacks of Nature which he himself is manipulating, thus you are seeing that they are outside all norms, but, anyway, My little ones, I allow this for your good.
    P.S. I don't think for a moment that Our Lady has turned her back on us. But I definitely think that she's crying...'She who weeps' (Celle qui pleure, as Léon Bloy entitled his great book on La Salette)
    mothersuperior7 and Mario like this.
  18. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Thanks Peter. Now for the larger question I have always had but can probably never be answered until I get to ask God myself...why does God then allow Satan to do this?
  19. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    You're not the only one to ask that question (I've wondered about it many, many times myself...). There is clearly a huge mystery here - knowing in His foreknowledge all the damage he would do, why didn't an omnipotent God simply send Lucifer to sleep once he fell, or transform him into a poodle/geranium/starfish or something equally innocuous?

    I don't have a solution to this other than to trust God's infinite wisdom, but as far as I can see, there are only two answers that make any kind of sense:

    i) the 'soul-making' idea upon which St Irenaeus based his theodicy in the 2nd-3rd centuries, i.e. that evil is allowed because we needed to be tested and to overcome in order to become the people God wants us to become. In this way, some say, God will finally be able to say to Satan that, despite all his efforts to the contrary, his angel did in the end serve him after all.

    Naturally there are still lots of unanswered questions if you go down this interpretive line, the most obvious being 'what about all those people who didn't make it through the boot camp and ended up in eternal condemnation?' 'Was the price worth it?' That was basically Ivan Karamazov's question, and it's one that no finite being can answer. You either take Ivan's option and become a 'protest atheist' or else, like his brother Alyosha in the story (who answers him with a kiss), simply have to trust that God's depthless Love is the final word.

    ii) Through our own sin we have given Satan a degree of legitimate power in the world, and this wasn't entirely reversed by the Resurrection; although that absolutely ensured God's ultimate victory, the battle hasn't ended yet (and in World War II, half the deaths came in the last year of the war). Because humanity has voluntarily given the Adversary that power, it would not be just for God simply to take it away, absolving us of our responsibilities. There has to be repentance and reparation for the world's healing to come, otherwise the universe would not be a moral place. God may be all-powerful, but He cannot act unjustly as that would be for Him to go against His nature, which He will never do.
    sunburst and Mario like this.
  20. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Thanks Peter. Those are great ideas to chew on for sure! I have another thought that may be a question as well. I always struggled with the idea of eternal hell and damnation and why it is necessary. Like if a sinner can't go to heaven obviously there needs to be a place to go so hell it is. I know that hell was not made for us but for the fallen but now sinners end up there and since hell is devoid of God then the fallen can run it and tortue and what not for as long as you are there. As I have tried to come to grips with this over the years as to why would God need me to be tortured for all eternity in hell if he was displeased with me, I have come to somewhat of a conclussion that makes sense for me. God could easily just make me no longer exist and that would be that. I think, and maybe this is not completely my own thoughts, that souls go to hell now until final judgement. At final judgement and the end of all that is we know that God casts Satan forever into the lake of fire. I tend to feel that the lake of fire at the end of revelations is not hell but truly the end of your being and existence. So for me to understand and get a grip on why hell it seems to be we are in hell with the fallen and they are tortuing us, but at the final judgement as every soul past and present stand before God, if our name is not in the book of life they will be casted into the lake of fire and exist no more. Does this make sense? Does anyone think it is right? Or...are souls truly in hell for all eternity? We know hell is there now but what happens in the final end as we stand once again before the judge? I am curious as to what people know or have said about this in the past.

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