From, 'Spirit Daily'
Wow. Don't know what to think about this because based on his comments the decision could truly go either way. I often wonder if he will announce this decision or not. I say not because if we truly are at the beginning of the tough times to come as Mark Mallet, Deacon John, Charles Johnston and countless others say we are then the Pope must know this so why make a decision. The decision will already be made given the unfolding of events so he really would not have to rule on it unless in his heart he knew it was false, then he would probably rule to protect the flock in the times ahead. Such a tough spot. We too must join Pope Francis's request and pray for him as well in this tough decision to make.
Andy3, My hope is for a positive assessment and that Pope Francis make such a decision public. I take an historical precedence as the basis for my hope. At the turn of the 20th century Pope Leo XIII made a request that the bishops of the world join him in making a novena to the Holy Spirit. There was little collaboration on the part of the bishops. Shortly thereafter, the beginnings of Pentecostal Revival broke out in Topeka, Kansas, and on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California. For the next 60 years Pentecostalism spread further among Protestants, but not within the Catholic Church. Then in November, 1965, the Fathers of the Vatican II Council published the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. In Chapter 1.3, an openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit was encouraged among the faithful, including the Corinthian gifts: From the reception of these charisms, even the most ordinary ones, there follows for all Christian believers the right and duty to use them in the church and in the world for the good of humanity... Is it any wonder that the Charismatic Renewal was birthed less than two years later in 1967? It is my opinion that the Council Fathers' permission and encouragement was key for this spark to take place! Similarly, if Pope Francis gave a favorable decision on Medjugorje at this time, would not God pour out even more abundant graces through Our Lady so needed in the midst of our tumult? Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
I think this thread needs to be updated as the Franciscan priest who met the Pope has now denied the report of the Pope saying he had made a decision: It was an elderly priest who helps at the English Masses in Medjugorje who originally announced the apparently mistaken information. I don't think anyone has deliberately tried to mislead. It is just an example of how things can get mixed up in this connected world of ours.
I don't think there will be any definitive and authoritative declaration on Medjugorje until the apparations in Medjugorje are over. To be honest I'd be stunned if the Vatican OKd Medjugorje while it's ongoing, not that I believe med to be false, quite the opposite in fact, but that it just would not be at all prudent .
Perhaps I am wrong but a close reading of this "refutation" by the Franciscan Provincial (Fr Steko) does not seem to be a refutation of the content at all. Yes, his very careful statement denies himself being the one to have "mentioned" the content of his exchange with the Pope to others. However he does not appear to explicitly quash the actual content of this conversation as reported by Fr Devine. If this is a fair rendering of the "refutation" then the Pope has indeed made a decision. He would have been praying and reflecting on this decision from the time the Commission completed its report (late Jan 2014) and the time of the meeting in Rome with Fr Steko (May 2014 at the latest). We know that in Nov 2013 the Pope said in a talk on the dangers of spiritual curiosity over visions: "Curiosity, the Pope continued, impels us to want to feel that the Lord is here or rather there, or leads us to say: “But I know a visionary, who receives letters from Our Lady, messages from Our Lady”. And the Pope commented: “But, look, Our Lady is the Mother of everyone! And she loves all of us. She is not a postmaster, sending messages every day.” We also know the CDF (Archbishop Mueller) in Oct 2013 put the brakes on the Medjugorje visionary's US tour. Admittedly the views of AB Mueller cannot be assumed to coincide with those of Pope Francis. This suggests odds prior to the release of the Jan Report are not so good. Yet Pope Francis has shown himself unafraid of non-conforming even to his own past views so who really knows. If a decision unfavourable has been made I am fairly sure it will be made public - for the whole purpose of a negative decision would be to nip this in the bud as early as possible so the faithful may not be deceived further. There is also the possibility that the decision may make distinctions (as appears to have been the case at Rwanda). That is, some seers may be judged authentic, some not. And with these seers some appearances may be declared authentic (eg early ones) and others not (eg current ones).
If the decision merely maintains the status quo, it would be released quickly. There is no reason to delay if the status quo persists. If the decision is positive, it would be released quickly. A true apparition and Heavenly messages would help the Church in these dark times and the Vatican would have a vested interest in spreading the messages and devotions. Only if the decision is negative would it be delayed, IMO, for fear of the schism it might cause among devotees.
I couldn't disagree more with this assessment. If there was going to be a negative decision, it would have been out there long ago and gleefully promoted by the many in the Church who are very negative about Medjugorje. No, I do not know how long it is going to take for the CDF to issue something (and I am expecting maybe an acceptance of shrine status for Medjugorje at best) but I think any kind of decision could still be a long way off.