Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by Fatima, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    At some point soon, all the world will be reeling from a major global event. Some believe it will be an earth quake in the ocean that causes a tsunami greater than anything ever imagined. Some think it will be WW3 (nuclear war). Some think it will be a global economic colaspe. Regardless, it will be a day that changes our life forever.

    Those on MOG have written much on the many challenges we will all face, but have we really stopped to think about Day One and Beyond? Do any of us really know how to live in a world where Satan is unleashing all his might? Do any of us really know how to live in a world where everything comes from a grocery store or a WalMart no more? Do any of us really know how to live without heat, light, potable water or gardening techiniques? Day One is just around the corner, so it seems, and it brings with it all the prophecy that say's Christians will be persecuted like no other time.

    Having food in our belly, a roof over our head and perhaps a good paying job will all be challenged very soon. In the real world today, we are trained for success in our work. If you are a doctor or nurse, you are trained daily how to tend to patients in crisis situations. If you are a policeman you are trained how to respond to all kinds of life/death situations. If you are a fireman you know how to do your job to save lives and homes. But no one has trained on how to live in what is coming.

    I have decided it is time to 'train' my family, kids included, for Day One. Literally talking about this life changing moment and how to cope. In doing so, it is not to scare them, but prepare them. A person who has some training is much more likely to deal with the intial shock of it all and remain controlled in the midst of so much confusion. Day One will be a moment dedicated to perpetual prayer. Currently, for the most of us, our day is full of distractions with work and prayer life is a way of life, but I think on Day One it will be a day we put all aside everything else and pray. Aside from that, all contingencies will need to kick in. We will all probably eat and drink less to savor for the long hull. We will turn our heat thermostats down to save energy. Our travel will turn to essential runs only. In providing this 'Day One and Beyond' training I hope to help prepare my family on entering a world they have not given much specific thought about. If your family members are like mine, they have heard me talk about prophecy for many moons. They have a sense of what is coming, but I feel it is now time to give the type of training that will make them ready no matter where they are when it takes place. Pedro Regis messages are very frank in that it will require all the grace we have built up to perservere. Other prophecies have said that the darkness, apostasy and persecution will be great everywhere. Finally, Catholic prophesy has always told us that our refuge will be only in the Immaulate Heart of Mary. This message must be understood by our loved ones as well. There will be no hope outside of this mantle of Mary. After all we have been graced by God to be alive in this time period where Mary's army is protected by the grace of her Son and we must understand that miracles galore will be taking place in this soon to be purified world of ours.
  2. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    The point of constant prayer day one will be rather hard with all the turmoil going on so we need to get in the habit of always being in constant prayer now even as we are doing other things. If you have ever read He and I (thank you Kathy K!!) then you know that often Jesus mentions to Gabrielle how we must give everything in every moment of our days to Jesus good bad or indifferent. We must offer it all up even the most mundane of tasks. If we get used to doing this then I feel we can be in a state of constant prayer no matter what is going on around us. We can train for this so to speak now.
    kathy k and Bonaventure like this.
  3. little me

    little me Archangels

    Jun 20, 2014
    We're ready for day one and beyond. I thank my mother for raising us kids to be ready. My children (oldest 3) know what's coming. We're not afraid but may be anxious at times. Give everything to The Immaculate Conception!
    Torrentum likes this.
  4. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Untold graces must come in order for us to live out in action, not just in words, the great storm. The gospel story of Peter walking and sinking in the storm is where it is at. I spent an hour with my family tonight talking about the 'end game' and keeping ones eye's on the goal. My kids are all athletes, so they understand challenges through the preperation and keeping ones eye's on the victory. The more our kids buy into their part in this victory the more grace will flow through the rest of the family. We must lift each other up and it starts now, not day one.
    Ecclesiasticus 2 and Torrentum like this.
  5. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    I agree with everything said above. But I think it's important to accept that many will just not take this seriously until it's in real time. Adults generally are "just in time" learners. Unless it has immediate application, you can't get their attention. Throw in the spiritual dimension of the wiles of the enemy and it's no wonder so many have their heads in the sand.

    That's why we have been instructed. In Luisa Piccarreta's writings, she's told that the older children in the family are taken into the confidence of the parents when hard times are upon them, while the little ones just keep playing, unaware of the dangers. As the older children in the family, it will be our job to lead the way, and it will be the way of the cross.

    I believe the spiritually immature will get a miraculous growth spurt or be mercifully taken home very quickly.
    Ecclesiasticus 2 and little me like this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I can't really imagine how I will cope because I cannot really imagine what exactly will happen. :)

    One thing I woke up this morning appreciating is the regularity of the day by day. When I was younger this would have bored me but now I find it very restful and comforting, like a monastic timetable. The two dogs usually wake me about five to take them for a walk. During the walk I say the morning offering and some prayers asking God to accompany me through the day. I find when walking at this point I kind of do a check up to see how I stand with God, am I drawing closer? Am I drifting? I suppose you would call this an examination of conscience.

    The indoors and on the forum, then off to 7 am mass. After spiritual reading and prayer for 20 minutes and unto work.

    I ask Jesus Mary and Joseph to accompany me to work. Work is wonderful when spiritualised into prayer, it becomes a joy. But it can also be challenging, not the work but the people we work with. There must, I believe be a great deal of love, but also care in dealing with folks who are mostly unbelievers.

    One of the new girls, a lovely country girl asked me the other day , genuinely puzzled , 'Padraig how can you be so happy all the time? You never stop laughing!'

    Well what a wonderful compliment.
    RoryRory, Clare A, little me and 4 others like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Of course to loose this regularity will be a challenge. Perhaps the greatest challenge of our lives.

    But you know it does not have to be negative it can be very positive. I was shown in a series of dreams events here in Ireland directly after the Warning and I have to say it looked really wonderful to me. Like a second Pentecost. I was walking along a country road and looking into the houses and saw lights on everywhere. In some rooms large groups were meeting in prayer, in some smaller. It was like a Second Pentecost, people everywhere were rediscovering their faith. I was shown the city of Dublin and again this ferment, this new fervour, this rediscovery , like a million Christmas joys all rolled into ones. The Second Coming of the Holy Spirit as Fire.

    A great, great gift of Joy.

    So we loose the regularity but gain a Second Pentecost. A small price to pay, I think. To grow much poorer in the material and richer in the Spirit

    Ecclesiasticus 2 likes this.
  8. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Padraig. What joy this post brought to my heart this morning - so uplifting.
  9. Bella

    Bella Guest

    I don't know how I or my family will cope either in any coming disaster but I have noticed, as Padraig was saying, that I am much more rooted in the "now" and trying to live each moment as important. I tend not to worry so much any more about the future but try and focus on each day as much as possible. I think trying to be in constant prayer throughout the day is helpful too. It removes fear. I would hope that any disasters or coming chastisements will also bring a certain amount of peace and joy, like being in the eye of the storm, but not caught up in the storm itself. I have not been stockpiling food or provisions yet and I don't feel that I should.
    Bartimaeus, fallen saint and Fatima like this.
  10. Torrentum

    Torrentum Guest

    I suppose those of you used to reading my posts here will know that this is a topic that fascinates me. However, I've no idea what to expect.
    Thanks for starting this thread Fatima.
    Fatima, If I may ask, do your family share your beliefs on the coming change? Are any skeptical?
    I speak about it with only certain members of my family, as there are others who I'm pretty sure think I'm a cracked pot.
    Bartimaeus and Bonaventure like this.
  11. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014

    Padraig, this scenerio is what I see happening after the Warning. I think this time between the Warning and the Miracle will be one of great instruction, prayer and calm before the chastisements from heaven occur. This is the period that starts the 'new springtime', not for all, but for the elect.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Torrentum, of the 5 that are long gone from home, two share fully in what is up (the other 3 will enter in the ark at some point I am hopeful). The two in college are on board, although being tugged by worldly things like additction to the cell phone (sic)! The other ones at home are fully aware and although quiet and reserved, seem to look forward to the family rosary and hearing the various words I bring them from my readings and MOG. It's not like they are angels, but they are saints in progress being tugged by the world at times. I use to worry about them, but now I put them in the care of our Heavenly Mother and it has taken a huge burden off my shoulder. I pray and fast and try not to worry about what I cannot do that Mary can.
  13. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    I don't necessarily want to say that today is Day One, but ... in a significant escalation of events, four countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden and Georgia) are now officially accusing Russia of having invaded the Ukraine as the separatists open up a new front of hostilities around Novoazovsk and Mariupol. The Russian opposition (Alexei Navalny/Khodorkovsky) are also now calling this 'war'.
    Torrentum and Bonaventure like this.
  14. Lifesong

    Lifesong Angels

    Jun 1, 2014
    Fatima, I am hopeful that is what will be- I almost feel like the Lord is preparing me to be able to explain it all to my family and friends when the Warning occurs and to get them on the lifeboats. I am so thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace!
  15. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Peter, I feel the Ukrainian one is the 'tipping point'. The 'globalists' want Ukraine but Russia remains an obstacle to their plans. I can see no other solution than a Russian invasion of East Ukraine (on the same pretext as Crimea).

    Could the Russian invasion of the East of Ukraine be the 'assassination of Archduke Ferdinand' moment of 1914 for the year 2014?

    The Fatima apparitions spoke powerfully of Russia and Russia's error. Russia is central and key to upcoming events - why would heaven warn us so vehemently in 1917?

    Revisionists of the Fatima events have downplayed the significance of Russia which continues to be central to the mystery of Fatima.
    Bonaventure, FatimaPilgrim and Eamonn like this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    How amazing, astonishing to see these events played out right in front of our eyes.

    Everything is indeed falling apart as Mary said.

    Pray,pray , pray.
    little me and Bonaventure like this.
  17. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    It all revolves around Fatima. NATO has satellite photos showing Russian armor and troops in Ukraine already, been there a month. It will keep escalating. Russia helped Iran build their nuclear plants. I really fear for Israel and NYC and how and when we find out Iran has the bomb. Iran supports Hamas and Hezbollah. Syria. North Korea. BRICS. Russia's errors have spread.

    My guess is that the "assassination of Archduke Ferdinand" moment was when the Russians shot down that Malaysian plane. 298 dead. And no one did anything. But that's really neither here nor there, our errors have spread and the culture of death, secularism, relativism, and complete break down in a moral and God fearing society have us on the precipice of what is coming.

    I just want to thank many of you for prompting me to do the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart. My wife and I are on Day 23, best thing I've ever done. I've never prayed the Rosary with such faith and conviction in each word. It's a true transformation and can't wait to do the actual consecration and then to get our kids to do it with us again soon. Just my wife and I are doing it this time
    Jeanne, kathy k, Bartimaeus and 4 others like this.
  18. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I have posted this before, but I don't know what thread. My husband is retired military and has taken me and the kids for 'survival camping' as early as 2yrs. old! We get a knife and a flint. He teaches that you can't live 3 seconds without the will to live, 3min. without air, 3hrs. without shelter in an extreme environment, 3days without water, 3weeks without food, 3months without hope/ human contact.

    Understanding this, you can put things in order physically. But as you can 3 seconds you can lose the will to live. There are many stories regarding highly trained people who could have lived, who were highly trained, but for some reason or another chose to kill themselves rather than go through it all.

    Being trained is very valuable, but living in our Lord's Divine Will will guide and keep you 'above' the chaos and able to 'see' what He sees, 'understand' what He understands, 'speak' what He needs to you say, 'Hear' what you need to hear, and 'go' where you need to go. THAT is the most valuable gift of all! Even being in the woods not knowing what is edible and what water is safe can be known through our Lord's Will. He will tell you. Our Lady will tell you. I've done it. They WANT TO GUIDE US!
    Jeanne, kathy k, lynnfiat and 2 others like this.
  19. Lifesong

    Lifesong Angels

    Jun 1, 2014
    I had a thought coming out of Mass this afternoon- when the Warning comes, will the average local parish be ready for the onslaught? I assume there will be a rush to the Sacraments. And what about non Catholic Christians- will the Warning direct them to the Catholic Church or to repentance within their own traditions? Will the average Mainline Protestant church out there even have a clue? Will the more Evangelical churches be confused especially as there will be no rapture? If the non Catholic Christians feel drawn to become Catholic given the average RCIA class is nine months is there even time to accommodate them? Or is this all my little St. Peter like mind trying to make sense of the Transfiguration by trying to build three huts for Moses, Elijah and Jesus because I can't even grasp what is about to happen?
    hope and Bartimaeus like this.
  20. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    I picture Reconciliation lines stretching for miles and very tired priests :)

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