Marian Secret Just Revelaed.

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by padraig, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    A Marian Secert has just been revealed which appears to give full support to Garabandal.


    Thanks to Spirit Digest:

    Cardinal Ricardo J. Vidal, archbishop emeritus of Cebu, has written to the Philippine bishops that on Oct. 17, 1949, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace Teresia Castillo, “Pray hard for China’s dream is to invade the whole world. The Philippines is one of its favorites. Money is the evil force that will lead the people of the world to destruction.”

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  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    According to Garabandal, communism will again be a force to be reckoned with in one final attempt at world domination. On September 29, 1978, Father Francis Benac, S.J., interviewed Mari Loli at her home in Massachusetts. Here are some of the questions and answers pertinent to our subject.
    FATHER BENAC: Did the Blessed Virgin speak of communism?
    MARI LOLI: Our Lady spoke several times about communism. I don't remember how many times, but she said that a time would come when it would seem that communism had mastered or engulfed the whole world. I think it was then that she told us that priests would have difficulty saying Mass, and talking about God and divine things.
    FR. BENAC: Did Our Lady ever speak of people being put to death?
    LOLI: What Our Lady said was that priests would have to go into hiding but I didn't see whether they were being killed or not. She didn't exactly say they would be killed, but I'm sure they would be martyred.
    FR. BENAC: Your mother told me that one night you were upstairs with your father and that you cried and cried for one hour. Afterwards your father said to her: "I have just seen the most touching sight. Loli was crying the whole time while saying, 'Oh, it's going to be like that? People are going to suffer like that? Oh, make me suffer!'" Do you remember what you said at the time?
    LOLI: It was all related to communism and what is going to happen in the Church and to the people because all these things are to have repercussions amongst the people. When the Church suffers confusion, the people are going to suffer too. Some priests who are communists will create such confusion that people will not know right from wrong.[THE CALL OF GARABANDAL, Apr-Jun 1984.]
    This last statement of Mari Loli's should make us wonder if the blame for all that is wrong in the Church today has always been properly placed. It seems very little consideration has been given to the possibility that an evil force has deliberately infiltrated the Church with the intention of trying to destroy it. The other day I was speaking with Harry Daley, author of Miracle at Garabandal Harry was a good friend of the late Father Walter Ciszek, S.J., who spent 15 years in Soviet prisons and Siberian labor camps, and lived to tell about it in his book With God in Russia (Ignatius Press). Harry visited Fr. Ciszek (a believer in Garabandal by the way) often and on one of his visits, Father went to great lengths explaining how the communists tried to recruit him, promising him all kinds of benefits, if he would work as their agent in the Church and join the network that was already in place.


    What geographic areas will experience this communist persecution? Some references have been made specifically to Spain.
    On February 23, 1943, Sister Lucy, the sole surviving seer of the Fatima apparitions who spent 21 years in Spain at Tuy and Pontevedra, sent a statement to Bishop Antonio Garcia of Tuy-Vigo which read: "If the bishops of Spain listen to the desires already manifested by Our Lord, and begin a true reform of the people and clergy, then it I will go well. But if not, she (Russia) will again be the enemy by which God will punish her once more."[SHE WENT IN HASTE TO THE MOUNTAIN] And Conchita has said that communism will return to Spain, [GarabandalNuevo Pentecostes, 1984.] but she went on to say that it will suffer less than other areas of Europe because of the persecution it had already endured during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) where 13 bishops and more than 7,000 priests and religious were put to death.

    We asked the Virgin what this great trial was called and she told us it was "communism."
    Booklady, josephite, Beth B and 2 others like this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    At times the last few weeks I think I am dreaming the most extraordinary things are happening.

    This Marian Secert about China is just breath taking. the Chinese Communists are still at it and planning to take over the world.
    Booklady and Beth B like this.
  4. little me

    little me Archangels

    Jun 20, 2014
    What was the secret? That China wants to take over the world? I thought that was common knowledge.
    Fatima likes this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    We guessed but we did not know, now we do. God Bless Cardinal Ricardo a true son of Mary.

    There will be much gnashing of teeth in the Vatican at this.

    Booklady likes this.
  6. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    What I find interesting is that according to Charlie, a key element within the destructive force of the Storm focuses on China's ambitions. Perhaps China's attempt at domination is closer than we think.

    Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
    Booklady and (deleted member) like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Apparently they are supposed to attack Russia across the River Amur.
    Booklady likes this.
  8. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Hope it is ok the share my perspective with you.
    I have read over the years that atheistic communism-Marxism-masonry are all ideologies of the same satanic spirit.

    One thing I find very interesting which ties Garabandel prophesies into what we are seeing today is. I believe communism was defeated after saint John Paul II made the Consecration to Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984. Make no mistake what took place after 1984 was a defeat without a single loss of a drop of blood. A true miracle right before our eyes with the fall of the iron curtain, and the Berlin wall.

    Of course as Our Lady predicted the ideologies have spread throughout the world. These are the fruit of communism in the USA, Canada and Europe to this day. How many of the Ten Commandments of God have been trampled on by our governments legalising one Blasphemous outrage after another.

    The fruits these ideologies have taken seem to be visible in materialism, hedonism and libertarianism. The latter is the most crushing to Christians because it appears rights for every perversion that comes down the pipeline are imposed on society as long as it is anti of Christ. As Holy Fathers have said we are in a battle between the Christ and the anti Christ; the Church and the anti Church.

    I am beginning to wonder if the next communist assault could come from China. I believe the man in charge of North Korea is more in the personage of the type of what societies get when God is expelled.

    But we will have to wait and see.

    As for communism or masons and Marxism in the Church. There is a book I have read which made my blood curdle about how this has been done. I will look it up and share it's title if you wish, so you can read and discern.

    As for Mr Putin. I see him as a Russian, and his wanting to expand and rule is a Russian trait. Communism per say is defeated in Russia. Blessed Mother does not take back her gifts. God save Russia.
    Booklady and josephite like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think it is like the many headed monster in the Book of Revelation, it has many heads but is still the same Beast. Kill one head and it will still come to get you. So the heads are things like Communism , Secularism, Masons, Liberalism and so on.

    Revelation 12:3

    Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

    (Note this dragon turns up just before the persecution)

    Booklady, Julia and josephite like this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  11. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    As for Mr Putin. I see him as a Russian, and his wanting to expand and rule is a Russian trait. Communism per say is defeated in Russia. Blessed Mother does not take back her gifts. God save Russia

    I could not disagree with this statement more. Russia has yet to do its damage to the world. This Fatima prophecy will soon be fullfilled at the peril of many.
  12. cathy parker

    cathy parker New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    Julia, I would like to know the name of the book you mention in your reply. I believe communism is on the rise & we are in great danger. Cathy
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  14. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    I can see what Julia is saying.

    The threat of communism is at our doors; Yes;, but in all sorts of disguises and descriptions as Padraig has pointed out it can be called marxism, masonism, materialism, hedonism and libertarianism and is even foretold in revelations, as the one beast, with seven heads and ten horns etc.

    Our Lady's request for the collegial consecration was not implemented before WW2, which she had specifically requested so that this second world war would be avoided;
    therefore the errors of communism spread!

    Between 1939 and 1984 the errors of communism spread throughtout the world and in the minds of men.

    So WW2 occured with the most inhumane atrosities of mankind to mankind which occured even to the apple of Gods eye (the Jewish race), and Russia had 45 years to spread its errors!

    However in 1984 the consecration by Pope JP2 was accepted by Our Lady. (I know this is disputed by some on the forum)

    I don' know what this all means in regards to Russia continued conversion as the consecrtaion did bring undeniable fruits in 1984 and this continued for at least a decade in Russia and some other communistic countries.

    However by then China, Serbia, Rwanda, North Korea, North Vietnam etc now had one of the heads of the beast of relevations due to the the spreading of the errors of Russia during those 45 years.

    And now we see those errors in Europe and in the Westeren societies.

    Where does this leave us?

    We are to listen to Our holy Mother (the Church) and to the credible Warnings from our Heavenly mother the most pure Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus and mother of the church, Our Mother.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
    Booklady, Julia and cathy parker like this.

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