There is a realy great link in, 'Spirit Daily', to a blog with a piece entittled, 'Naming Demons'. One of the things Michael Voris talks about is the , 'NIce Church', the Church that does not ruffle feathers, does not get into argument, is alway nice and nice. My own family is Irish and we were all of us, seven boys and three girls all fighters. Someone siad one time of our family , 'The only thing soft about the Caughey's is their teeth'. Though mostly my own tendency has been to often feel shame for being too aggressive and violent in my life, contrary to the teachings of Christ , I blush for shame at the times I ran away. When I just did not fight , when I ran away. For instance there was a time in the work place when I allowed myself to be bullied by a very large and aggressive man. I knew if I stood up to him he would ahve slaughtered me and I would have ended up in hospital and inaddtion my fellow work mates were hsotile to me , but that was no excuse I should either have stood up to him or walked way to another job. I did neither I stood and took it. But I think in my own life mostly I have stood up to evil. I am glad I did. Jesus said, 'Blessed are the meek , for they will inherit the Earth. ' I have often pondered over that word meek and how it applies to myself. For on the outside I look anything but meek. But I think for me to be meek means to take your time. To be slow to react . To lovingly consider the wrong before acting. Not to have a short fuse. Not to bully. But it DOES NOT MEAN TO LIE DOWN AND TAKE IT. Effectively at the moment this is exactly what the Church in Irleand is doing. It is not standning up for itself . It is lying down and taking it. It is being cowardly and run by cowards. When I speak of so called, 'Gays', I like to call them out for what they are , sexual perverts, when I talk of so called, 'Prochoicers' , I like to call them out for what they are, baby killers. When do we ever hear our Church Leaders calling a spade a spade and talking about the hard things such as hell? The short answer is never. We need to stand up. We need to call a spade a spade. We need to get into the fight with both fists. We need not to be afraid. We need to name the demons.
Speaking of evil:
"But it DOES NOT MEAN TO LIE DOWN AND TAKE IT. . . We need to stand up. We need to call a spade a spade. We need to get into the fight with both fists. We need not to be afraid." Amen brother. As my dad taught me, we don't go looking for fights but sometimes enough is enough. I'm a big guy so I've never had to get in a fight my self. Bullies pick on weak targets so they left me alone but I've defended others and broken up fights. But what has happened in the world now is as my dad said, enough. Time to stand up and face down evil. Enough is enough.