In Defense of Perverts.

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Catholic League On Predatory Priests: It’s Not Rape If The Child Isn’t Penetrated

    Catholic League president Bill Donohue defends predatory priests by claiming it’s not rape if the child isn’t penetrated.

    In a bizarre, insensitive, and outrageous post, Bill Donohue, president of the very conservative Catholic League, attacked the recent grand jury report documenting the rape and sexual abuse of over a 1,000 children by hundreds of Catholic priests in Pennsylvania.

    Donohue called the report released by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court an “obscene lie” while defending the Catholic Church and their deplorable record of covering up and enabling the rape and sexual abuse of children by predatory priests.

    In his post titled “Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Debunked,” Donohue desperately tries to minimize the findings of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and in so doing Donohue reveals the profound poverty of both his intellect and his character.

    At one point in the deplorable post Donohue has the audacity to claim that the statement “the priests raped their victims” is actually a “myth,” writing:

    Myth: The priests “raped” their victims.

    Attempting to justify his assertion that the claim that “the priests raped their victims” is a “myth,” Donohue writes:

    Fact: This is an obscene lie. Most of the alleged victims were not raped: they were groped or otherwise abused, but not penetrated, which is what the word “rape” means.

    In a fleeting moment of self-awareness the rabid defender of all things Catholic continues:

    This is not a defense — it is meant to set the record straight and debunk the worst case scenarios attributed to the offenders.

    Donohue is being dishonest. He is defending predatory priests. When he claims it’s not rape if the child isn’t penetrated, he is attempting to minimize the horrific crimes of predatory priests, and in so doing he is defending those predatory priests. Full stop.

    Again, Donohue is being dishonest. The fact that the Catholic Church received legal advice about how to set up the playbook only confirms the fact that the playbook does indeed exist.

    Commenting on Donohue’s post, Joe. My. God. notes:

    Donohue goes on to denounce the media for using the term “pedophilia” to describe the incidents when, Donohue claims, most of the victims were “postpubescent.”

    And, as he always does, Donohue rants that the media is providing cover for the LGBT movement by not describing the assailants as “gay priests” and by sensationalizing the “minority” of cases involving preteen girls.

    Donohue frequently tries to minimize and excuse the behavior of predatory priests by pointing out that some victims are “post-pubescent,” as if raping or sexually assaulting a 13-year-old is more acceptable than raping or sexually assaulting a 9-year-old.

    Donohue also has the habit of blaming “the gays” for the moral corruption of the Catholic Church. It is all part of his pattern of trying to excuse and minimize the deplorable and criminal behavior of predatory priests, and the the deplorable and criminal behavior of Catholic leadership that covers-up for and enables the predatory priests.

    Bottom line: Catholic League president Bill Donohue defends predatory priests by claiming it’s not rape if the child isn’t penetrated.

  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Bill Donohue, Cardinal Wuerl’s High-Priced Hit Man


    By George Neumayr

    Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, makes a salary approaching $500,000 a year. In 2013, according to the media blog, Donohue took home compensation to the tune of $474, 876. That was 2013. Who knows how much he has pulled down in 2015?

    So what would explain such a grotesque salary at a time when the American bishops describe their archdioceses as "humble" and focused on the poor? The answer appears simple: Donohue is the high-priced hit man of Cdl. Donald Wuerl, the pampered prelate of Washington, D.C, who resides in a penthouse atop a $43-million mansion-turned-"parish" and La Raza-style learning annex in the luxurious neighborhood of Embassy Row (the learning annex is called the Washington English Center and is funded by Leftist groups such as the Herb Block Foundation).

    Cdl. Donald Wuerl
    For helping to expose the decadence and heterodoxy of Wuerl, I have come under fire from Donohue, who is obviously operating under orders from Wuerl, his patron who helped him get his cushy and scandalously overpaid job at the Catholic League. The bumptious Donohue revealed his corrupt alliance with Wuerl in 2012 after I drew attention to Wuerl's punishment of a priest for withholding Communion from a self-described "lesbian Buddhist" who had confronted the priest in his sacristy.

    Furious at my columns in The American Spectator on the subject — he was sufficiently rattled that his press secretary called over to TAS to complain — Wuerl unleashed Donohue on me, who discharged his debt to his old friend by issuing a press release that compared me to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez:
    I have never met George Neumayr, but it is clear that he is a right-wing fanatic, a man whose dogmatism is as scary as the authoritarians on the left. On the other hand, I have known Cdl. Wuerl for about 25 years, and I have nothing but respect for him. When I was a professor in Pittsburgh, it was Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl who got me involved in the Catholic League.
    Did you catch that last line? It "was Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl who got me involved in the Catholic League." Translation: Donohue owes his nearly $500,000 salary at least in part to the corrupt cardinal of D.C., and Donohue is willing to sing for his salary by smearing any orthodox Catholic journalist who dares question Wuerl.

    Does this not throw light on the utter sham that is the liberal Catholic Church in America? In Wuerl and Donohue — who, recall, bragged to the press about the special "audience" he got with Francis during his U.S. visit thanks to the pull of his Pittsburgh pal — "AmChurch," as wags call it, has never looked more Borgia-like, with Wuerl padding around his Embassy Row penthouse while Donohue lines his pockets with hundreds of thousands of dollars from the hard-earned donations of pious Catholics who respond innocently to Donohue's begging letters.

    [​IMG]Wuerl is so vainglorious that in a move that would have brought a smile to the face of Rodrigo Borgia he has had a high school in Pittsburgh named after himself — Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School, where presumably the students read attentively the sermons of Pope Francis on the dangers of self-interested "clericalism" in the Church. Don't the Pope's words apply to the self-aggrandizing cardinal of D.C., whose ecclesiastical presumption and vanity is so great that he would name a high school after himself and insist (as informed sources have told me) on royal treatment during his frequent visits to the Pontifical North American College in Rome?

    Like the Borgia-era cardinals, Wuerl protects his posh privileges by underhanded means. I gave him a chance to respond to my article from two weeks ago in The American Spectator, "Cardinal Wuerl's Embassy Row Penthouse," but his press secretary blew me off, sending a quizzical text to me (after multiple unanswered phone calls) that simply said: "The archdiocese will not be responding."

    Of course, the archdiocese did respond a day or so later — through a screed cobbled together by Wuerl's smear merchant on retainer, Bill Donohue. This time Donohue called me and the journalists at (to whom I initially gave information on Wuerl's penthouse) "right-wing nuts."

    To all the conservative Catholics who donate to the Catholic League, keep in mind that this is what he thinks of you too. He takes your donations, pays himself almost a half-million a year, and then launches attacks on orthodox Catholics effectively ordered by Donald Wuerl.

    Note that in his press release on "right-wing nuts" like me, Donohue — whom the press gleefully notes is "divorced" — implicitly endorsed Wuerl's position in favor of granting Communion to pro-abortion pols, adulterers and other checkered Catholics: "These crazies are mad at Wuerl because he doesn't believe in using the Eucharist as a weapon to smack liberal Catholic politicians."

    Donohue solicits donations from the faithful on the ostensible grounds that he is protecting Catholics from defamation. Meanwhile, he defames orthodox Catholics himself at the behest of Wuerl and shills for his libertine proposals. My advice to the faithful: Send your donations elsewhere; Bill Donohue's multi-million-dollar slush fund at the expense of the orthodoxy which Wuerl hates is fat enough.

    To my critics on both the Left and the soft Right, this may all sound like personal pique. But it is not. I have never taken Donohue all that seriously and consider his transparently lame sputtering about me a kind of badge of honor. The famed atheist Christopher Hitchens once called him a "bilious thug," which was one of the few true comments Hitchens ever made. Like most bullies, Donohue will run if his target punches back, which I intend to continue doing, not out of personal hatred but out of love for God's Church that is disgraced by his greed, egotistical buffoonery and weasely water-carrying for Wuerl.

    George Neumayr is a contributing editor to The American Spectator and co-author of "No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom."
    Malachi likes this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Carol55 and maryrose like this.
  4. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    fair play to Michael Voris. He is the hammer of God.
    Carol55 likes this.
  5. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Treating this as if it is a matter of "handling" the story and "correcting errors" is not even a good attempt at more spin IMO.
    Meanwhile, the media corps lap it up while playing both sides of men like this.
    Where is the public call and display of prayer and penance on the part of these men for their part in any of this? Where is the humility?
    Good priests are calling for fasting, prayer devotion, novenas and Masses said for these intentions. I have yet to see one single priest or bishop remotely close to this do likewise and it says more about their true concerns than anything they have said.
    If 80% of the victims in these cases were men or young men as has been estimated we have not a problem of child abuse or even pedophilia but clearly gay clergy permeates the Church and its sin of choice is pederasty. We have known this or decades.
    The thing that really gets me about this is that it is widely known by anyone who has ever been around it that this is common place and not some kind of exception with gay men and women. This takes place all the time.
    These people delight on preying on young men and women and the conquest of those who are innocent. If you are ever on the receiving end of their "affections" you will never soon forget it. I know, first hand and have two cousins who choose to live this way and have witnessed it repeatedly with them and their friends.
    My best friend growing up did this as well and destroyed our friendship and who knows how many young men's lives at this point. At 27 years old he lavished gifts on and groomed a 15 year old boy and the rest is history.
    The world has long accepted the gay man or woman as just yet another flavor of "sexuality" and now even the Church tries to pass this hogwash off as "families" while condemning anyone who speaks plainly against it.
    This is a battle we must gladly lose in the eyes of the world and willingly suffer its persecution while maintaining the Truth. Choose to do nothing and we kick the can down the road and reap the harvest of predatory gay clergy decade after decade and we will that much is sure. The cover ups will get better until there is simply no need to cover it up anymore. We are almost there. Then, the true chastisement comes.
    Remove them and be ostracized and ridiculed by the world.
  6. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Go away Bill Donahue. You have been found out. We see now what you are. Take your bombast and your 500,000 dollars a year and go away.
    Agnes rose, Booklady, gracia and 2 others like this.
  7. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012

    Sick Sick Man!

    In no way is he a priest of Our Lord Jesus Christ !

    He belongs to the "other" crowd....that is, the priests of judas
  8. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    DeGaulle, Booklady, gracia and 2 others like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Romans 8

    The Holy Spirit Gives Life

    8 Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s judgment. 2 Because of what Christ Jesus has done, you are free. You are now controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit who gives you life. The law of the Spirit frees you from the law of sin that brings death. 3 The written law was made weak by the power of sin. But God did what the written law could not do. He made his Son to be like those who live under the power of sin. God sent him to be an offering for sin. Jesus suffered God’s judgment against our sin. 4 Jesus does for us everything the holy law requires. The power of sin should no longer control the way we live. The Holy Spirit should control the way we live.

    5 So don’t live under the control of sin. If you do, you will think about what sin wants. Live under the control of the Holy Spirit. If you do, you will think about what the Spirit wants. 6 The thoughts of a person ruled by sin bring death. But the mind ruled by the Spirit brings life and peace. 7 The mind ruled by the power of sin is at war with God. It does not obey God’s law. It can’t. 8 Those who are under the power of sin can’t please God.

    9 But you are not ruled by the power of sin. Instead, the Holy Spirit rules over you. This is true if the Spirit of God lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Christ. 10 If Christ lives in you, you will live. Though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life. The Spirit does this because you have been made right with God. 11 The Spirit of the God who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. So the God who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your bodies. He will do this because of his Spirit who lives in you.

    12 Brothers and sisters, we have a duty. Our duty is not to live under the power of sin. 13 If you live under the power of sin, you will die. But by the Spirit’s power you can put to death the sins you commit. Then you will live.

    14 Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15 The Spirit you received doesn’t make you slaves. Otherwise you would live in fear again. Instead, the Holy Spirit you received made you God’s adopted child. By the Spirit’s power we call God Abba. Abba means Father. 16 The Spirit himself joins with our spirits. Together they tell us that we are God’s children. 17 As his children, we will receive all that he has for us. We will share what Christ receives. But we must share in his sufferings if we want to share in his glory.

    There are two ways to be led in this life, the way of the Spirit and the Way of the World. Cardinal Wuerl has hired a very expensive, half a mill a year, public relation's man in Bill to go to bat for him. He has hired a very, very expensive team of Lawyers. he has hired and equally expensive IT Media Consultancy to foster good image. This is the way of the world. Being a man of the world he seeks solutions in thie things, the reosurces of the World.

    This rather than being a man of the Spirit seeking guidance and Direction of the Spirit who would have guided his feet in very different paths.

    In fact if he had been guided by the Spirit he would not have gotten himself and everyone else into this huge mess in the first place.

    Its the same with other Bishops and Cardinals as well. They are not men of the Spirit , they act more like CEO's of large Corporations digging bigger and bigger holes for themselves.

    The Spirit would have led them to openess, honesty and Repentance. Instead they just keep digging bigger and bigger holes for themselves and falling into them.

    Bill Donohue is not the answer.

    Expensive lawyers are not the answer.

    Huge media consultancies are not the answer.

    Falling down on his knees before the Lord in honest contrition and seeking guidance from God is.

    But that is never gonna happen. He's just not that kinda guy. He's gonna just keep digging himself deeper and deeper and looking more and more like a total clown.


    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
    AED, Don_D and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  10. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    They act like CEO's...I guess you agree clericalism has hurt the church.

    AED, HeavenlyHosts and padraig like this.
  11. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    The crisis we are in is a crisis of morality, virtues, grace, formation, imitation of Christ our model. It is in the end a crisis of the supernatural order. Everything else our clerics are talking about is PR b%&/t.

    ST. PETER DAMIAN: not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them ‘are deserving of death’

    "Tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others"

    In an open letter to Pope Leo IX, St. Peter Damian tells bishops if they're complacent about correcting their sodomite clerics under their authority then they'll be complicit in their sins of impurity.

    In his zealous letter penned in 1049, famously titled The Book of Gomorrah, St. Peter Damian admonishes bishops to stamp out the "epidemic of sodomy among the priests of Italy," which was part of a "plague of sexual perversion" and a "larger crisis of moral laxity in the priesthood" of his time.

    In his letter, St. Peter decried the silent bishops who failed to take action against clerics immersed in the grievous moral perversion of sodomy:

    Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them license to sin. Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them.

    Saint Peter Damian was closely paraphrasing Romans 1:32. Saint Paul condemned homosexual actions in Romans 1:27,32 in a very grave manner:

    [M]en also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy ... Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

    For his part, Pope Leo IX received St. Peter's letter well and reinforced it by urging bishops to take action. The Holy Father responded:

    So, let it be certain and evident to all that we are in agreement with everything your book contains, opposed as it is like water to the fire of the devil. ... Therefore, lest the wantonness of this foul impurity be allowed to spread unpunished, it must be repelled by proper repressive action of apostolic severity.

    The Roman Pontiff affirmed that silent shepherds do indeed share in the guilt of those in their charge, whom they fail to correct. "For he who does not attack vice, but deals with it lightly, is rightly judged to be guilty of his death, along with the one who dies in sin," said Leo IX.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
    DeGaulle, AED, Don_D and 2 others like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Will the Warning Occur in 2022 and the Triumph in 2026?
    I was about to write an opinion piece commenting on the current crisis in the Church — McCarrick, the PA Grand Jury Report, the Catechism Revision, Chile, Honduras, etc. etc. etc.

    Then it occurred to me that, even if one made his very job consist only in wading through the existing articles commenting on these issues within the Catholic Blogosphere, he could nevertheless barely scratch the surface even if he worked overtime for months. So why add another? So instead of an article, I’ll just add one small thought: A brief “Confession of an Ex Seminarian Who Was Never Molested,” (yours truly, that is). I spent a semester as a seminarian at a wonderful, holy, orthodox seminary. I lived in the dorms there. Shortly after I left Seminary, I discovered that a large group of men were expelled — some even who had gone so far as to become transitional deacons. The reason? You guessed it: major active homosexual subculture within that very seminary, within that very dorm hall I lived in for a semester, had been discovered by the Rector (a very holy priest, as I mentioned in the Preface to the Crown and Completion of All Sanctity). In all honesty, I didn’t have the faintest clue anything like it was going on. Bear in mind that many, if not most, of these active homosexual seminarians and priests are likely, at least to some degree, demonically possessed. The devil happens to be rather intelligent, and he knows well who to steer his minions clear of. Besides those cases, it would not have taken an expert psychologist or soul-reading seminarian to realize that if a he were to have made an abusive sexual advance on me, he’d leave that situation not with a gentle rebuke, but with missing teeth and a broken nose. Consequently, none made so much as the slightest indication to me of their deviant ways. I say this only to encourage the faithful not to lose heart: yes, the rot is pervasive, sickening, and must now be fought and destroyed with all vigor. But it is not all-encompassing. Just as I didn’t have the slightest part in the evil that apparently was going on at my very seminary (not even by silence, for I would have blown the whistle loud and clear the first second I got a whiff of that evil — irrespective of any consequences I would have suffered for doing so — and if my superiors didn’t act, I would have acted through this blog and elsewhere), so too, I know, there were many other seminarians like me: many of whom are now priests who are among the holiest people I have ever met. There are many of them, and they will be the ones to lead us through the imminent chastisements and lead us into the coming Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Peace afterward.


    Now, none of this current crisis is even a little bit surprising to those who have been taking trustworthy private revelation seriously. And by trustworthy I mean trustworthy; I do not mean approved — all approved private revelation is trustworthy, but not all trustworthy private revelation is already fully approved (and every now approved private revelation was once unapproved, and only became approved due to courageous faithful willing to take it seriously despite its lack of approval). The problem is, incredibly few Catholics (including the “orthodox” ones) take trustworthy private revelation seriously: they’ve been told by career lay apologists, for decades now, that private revelation doesn’t matter; unless perhaps it’s already fully Vatican approved, in which case it matters perhaps a little bit, but still shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

    Indeed, what is transpiring now is scarcely a foreshock of what is soon coming — those who follow trustworthy private revelation know that, too. Neither this, nor what is soon to come is a mystery to them. Nor is what must be done a mystery to them (for a long time now, what must be done has been the homepage of this site for years now —

    So, instead of more armchair commentary pointing out what everyone already knows, allow me to instead present you with some speculation wherein I consider what might constitute some of the details of what we do not yet know.
    Don_D likes this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Introductory Note on Speculation
    This post is pure speculation — educated speculation, I suppose — but speculation nevertheless. I certainly do not present my own prophecy here (I’ve never received so much as a locution from God, much less any apparition or prophecy), nor even do I label this a prediction, for even that would imply a degree of confidence that I do not necessarily have in these dates. I merely present these findings as they are, and leave it to you to decide what to make of them.

    Many are, no doubt, understandably fed up with speculation. Considering how many expected Divine Intervention after or during the Year of Mercy, and/or during the Centennial of Fatima (/supposed end of a 100-year-reign of Satan), only to have events by and large continue as they long have, this post will likely inspire only the rolling of eyes in many.

    Now above all, you must know yourself. And if you are one to be distracted from what is good and holy by speculation, then being rid of it is the right thing for you to do, and you should stop reading this post now.

    But if — like myself and like many others — a healthy dose of speculation, rather than distracting you, instead truly inspires you to be more zealous for what is good and true (your own sanctification and the evangelization of the world), then it would be absurd to cast it aside as a “distraction.” What, pray tell, is such healthy speculation a distraction from? Worldly interests that receive no benefit from the consideration that their time is nearing an end? Indeed; let us hope it is a distraction from these.

    In fact, the only purpose of speculation is to inspire a more vigorous pursuit of what we already know we ought to do. For we are all weak beings, incapable of doing well merely what the intellect dictates if we do not have more to move us forward. This is where inspiration comes in; so I present what follows in the spirit of hoping to provide some.

    Several powerful prophetic indications seem to be converging on these dates. They are:

    1. The 2022 Collision of Two Stars
    2. The Two-Thousandth Anniversary of Redemption
    3. The Prophecy of St. John Bosco
    1. The 2022 Collision of Two Stars
    Soon, the first stellar collision visible to the naked eye will be seen on earth.

    When the story broke at the beginning of last year, I was far from alone in immediately thinking of the Warning (or “Illumination of Conscience”) prophesied at Garabandal (See, for example, Ted Flynn’s article here). The seer, Conchita, specifically said, decades ago, that “The Warning would be like two stars colliding.”


    For those new to this prophecy of a coming “Warning,” I recommend the works of Mark Mallett. You could start here, and here

    As far as the Warning itself and this Collision itself is concerned, I simply recommend reading the links presented above. But I have one more observation to add.

    More recently, it occurred to me that this would be extremely prophetically meaningful and symbolically profound if, although we are only going to be able to see (i.e. witness the full effects of) the stellar collision in 2022, it nevertheless occurred 2000 years ago, at the time of Our Lord’s Death and Resurrection. For indeed, everything we observe when we gaze upon the stars at night actually occurred many, many years ago, and the light of these events — due to their great distance from us — only reaches us long after their occurrence.

    The symbolism obvious: the Illumination of Conscience (“The Warning”) will be the single greatest act of mercy in the history of creation. It will be as if what happened 2,000 years ago on the Cross came hurtling at us at light speed and whalloped the whole world with unprecedented grace. But how are we supposed to know when this star collision actually happened? Simple: everything we see happening in the night sky actually happened the same number of years ago as the objects themselves are distant from us, as measured in light years. However many light years away this binary star system is from us will also tell us how many years ago the collision (which we will soon see) actually happened. The result of this simple inquiry?

    They estimate that the collision happened approximately 1,843 years ago.

    “Bummer,” you might be thinking, “the prophetic significance is lost.” Far from it, though! 1,843 years is a mere 157 years off. If this event truly did occur 2,000 years ago, then even a miniscule 8% error in the estimation would yield the 1,843 figure. The “Gaia” mission currently underway only hopes to be able to give 10% accuracy for these distances — and this is still a work in progress.

    Suffice it to say, it is well within the accuracy of this stellar measurement to assert that, indeed, this collision may well have happened at the precise moment Jesus died on the Cross.

    Does this prove anything with certainty? Of course not. Am I saying this means that the Warning must indeed occur the moment we see this collision? Of course not. All I’m saying is — why not be spiritually prepared in case it does?

    Now the prophetic consensus seems to hold that the world will — in the coming years — completely fall apart. A sort of “natural” chastisement; a consequence of our sins. Of course, one doesn’t need prophecy to acknowledge this; one only needs an ounce of honesty to realize what is soon coming, considering that diabolical nature of so much of the modern world. When this natural chastisement is at its worst (which will probably take another few years), God sends the Warning. After the warning, all the people of the world will be able to freely and clearly choose a side. The line in the sand will be drawn. The time of mercy is over. The Antichrist enters the scene to gather into himself all those who choose the dark side. Then, his three and a half year reign, spoken of in the Book of Revelation, follows — itself ended by the Three Days of Darkness (a Divine Chastisement sent directly from Heaven) spoken of in many prophecies.

    And where does that bring us? To 2026
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    2. The Two-Thousandth Anniversary of Redemption
    As I have quoted many times, Jesus revealed to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:



    Now this “Third Renewal” is nothing other than the Coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on Earth — so that it may reign here just as it reigns in heaven — in total fulfillment of the Fiat Voluntas Tua of the Our Father prayer. In a word: the Era of Peace. I have spoken about this in some detail here . For this I again recommend Mark Mallett’s blog.

    Here, too, you might think again “bummer! We’ve got to wait until 2033 for the 2,000th anniversary of Redemption.”

    Well, again — not so fast. It is not mere modern revisionist scholarship that claims that our calendar is likely off a few years, and Jesus was likely born several years before 0 A.D. — no less authority than Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich herself, one of the greatest mystics and visionaries in Church History, was shown precisely this. (Besides; even a broken clock is right twice a day — occasionally even modernist biblical “scholars” get something correct). This holy woman specifically wrote that “Christ was born seven years and a portion of a year earlier than according to our reckoning.” (Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pages 126-127). If she is right — and I have no reason to doubt that she is — then Redemption itself actually occurred in the year 26 A.D. …

    Which, in turn, means that the 2,000th anniversary of Redemption is the year 2026 AD.
    Did Jesus promise Luisa the Kingdom would Come precisely at the 2,000th year mark? No. But He did promise — repeatedly, and it is a guarantee — that it will be “about” that time. And it sure would be fitting if it turns out to be exact!

    3. The Prophecy of St. John Bosco
    St. John Bosco’s prophecy depicting the Church as a ship, steered by the Pope in the midst of a great storm, guided by two pillars — Mary, and the Eucharist — is often cited. But this prophecy of a time of chastisement is not his only one! He also prophesied the Era of Peace:


    So much for the Era of Peace being the heresy of “Millenarianism”! John Bosco makes clear that indeed, on the earth, iniquity shall end, sin shall cease, and the Church (the “Bride”) shall be clothed in glory. This is, in other words, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Now, the “month of flowers” is generally agreed to be May. Today, a month in which two full moons shine is referred to colloquially as a “blue moon” month. The next blue moon May? You guessed it:

    On the Feast of the Visitation (May 31) of the year 2026, two full moons shall have shone in the month of flowers.
    And, what Feast Day could be more fitting? On the Feast of what what Pope Benedict called “The First Eucharistic Procession,” wherein God Himself comes to visit His people, so too He comes spiritually to reign on Earth.



    Now, the above three items are the biggest ones on my mind. But a couple more thoughts come regarding this timing:

    4. These events are immediately following 40 years of messages at Medjugorje. Those who follow Medjugorje most closely have been long saying that they believe the apparitions will go on for 40 years, which brings us to 2021. When the apparitions end, the secrets given during the apparitions begin — secrets that pertain, no doubt, in large part to the End-of-the-Era Chastisements.

    5. The Antichrist has no use coming on to the world stage until the infrastructure is fully in place for him to exert immediate, total, worldwide dominion. He must be capable of controlling everyone — especially by way of exerting dominion over all finance (the “Mark of the Beast” spoken of in the Book of Revelation). It seems to me that the technology he is waiting for is for a smartphone to be in the hands of every person on the face of this planet (they are almost cheap enough and solar power is almost easy enough to allow for this), along with the existence of a worldwide, high speed, wireless internet connection for each of these smartphones that are in the hands of all people (Google and other companies are working on this right now). We are not there yet of course, but it seems we probably will be in a few years (likely by 2022). When we do arrive there, rest assured that some sort of a chip will soon thereafter be required — in the right hand or the forehead — as a necessary “financial security measure” to correlate each phone with its proper owner. This measure, which will be orchestrated by the Antichrist himself, will in turn be in response to another orchestrated “global security breach,” the “only” feasible response to which will be such implanted microchip security measures. Furthermore, the implantation of this chip will also require some sort of a heretical, blasphemous, or sacrilegious oath (for God will not allow anyone to fall by the Mark of the Beast merely by innocently subscribing to a technological advancement). Again; this is all speculation.

    A closing thought on timing:

    As I began stating the dangers of speculation, I conclude stating why this particular speculation is so encouraging, which is largely the reason I publish it. If indeed 2022 is when the Chastisements really will hit, then this gives us just enough time to lose no hope in doing everything we can, fully expecting it to bear much fruit, in the remaining few years of society’s ordinary functioning that we may have. But it also points out that these events are not so far off that we oughtn’t consider them as imminent realities. Indeed, these dates shout loud and clear:

    You still have some time — but only just enough. Only enough for you to begin this very day in getting to work on what God has put on your heart for the sanctification of your soul and the salvation of the whole world, but which you have long procrastinated. Do not any longer put off until tomorrow what you must do today.

    Posted on August 19, 2018 at 3:00 pm in Blog Posts | RSS feed
    Sam, Jonah, sterph and 1 other person like this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I think the above post/ link is about the best I have seen for an immediate time line of what's coming. I am going to read and re read it many, many times.:)
    I am glad I will still most likely to be alive to see these things. ..and all this total filth being swept away before leaving the face of this poor Earth..

    Eight years; I can wait that long.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
    AED likes this.
  16. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    I like this last line since I guess for most people, the work God wants us to do for the sanctification of our soul is simple ordinary things, such as our daily work done well, our relationships with family and friends, the sports or hobbies we practice, small mortifications bear with patience, etc. - by offering to God those small simple daily things that we live everyday we become co-redemptive souls and help Our Lord in the salvation of sinners.
    Sam, gracia, sterph and 5 others like this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    gracia, HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  18. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Communion of found the magic.

    Saint jarg...sounds pretty good.

    May Gods Will be Done

    gracia, sterph, AED and 1 other person like this.
  19. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Basic simple Catholicism!
  20. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    So simple but not preached...Opus Dei was the closest.

    It's almost like a shedding of everything that holds us back. A path to true happiness by just being ourselves.

    Living the word...and the word living in us. So profound yet so simple.

    That is the magic. We are all called to be saints...and if we are not, we our on the other team.

    Nothing angers the created on more...then a soul becoming the word.

    It starts a domino affect.

    People will gradually notice the difference. Good souls and those searching...will suddenly be attracted to you. Dark souls will be rash and almost angry towards you. But they will keep distance because they cannot be close to the word.

    So exciting.


    gracia and sterph like this.

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