What Fr James Martin says or doesn't say doesn't concern me so mach, after all the Church as seen thousands of depraved heretics in it's 2,000 year , though it's true he's a pretty bad example. No, what worries me is that the Church authorities , including the Pope, are giving the guy full free rein, despite the fact that he in one of a multitude of heretics, including Cardinals , Fr James has the about the highest media profile of the lot. http://www.fatimaperspectives.com/ts/perspective1082.asp
To answer Padraig´s question... Who’s really responsible for Fr. James Martin’s revolution? https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/whos-really-responsible-for-fr.-james-martinsrevolution excerpt: What is different now from the past, however, is Rome itself. Leading the defense of orthodoxy and doctrinal clarity back then was Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. While Fr. Robert Nugent and Sr. Jeannine Gramick could spread their errors and ambiguities, they did so with the condemnation of the Holy See. That is not the case with Pope Francis. To understand who is really responsible for today’s revolutionary spirit, one that seeks to make the LGBT’s agenda the Church’s own, go back to the back … of Fr. Martin’s book that is. Who else do we find endorsing Fr. Martin’s 2017 repackaging of the New Ways message of the 1990’s? None other than three of Pope Francis’ most recent episcopal appointments: Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey; Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life; and Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, California. All three of these prelates, much like Cardinal Blaise Cupich of Chicago, are viewed as Francis bishops: big on “mercy,” light on doctrinal clarity. Personnel is policy. But it’s worse than that. For Pope Francis has withheld the red hat from traditional episcopal seats like Philadelphia (Archbishop Charles Chaput) and Los Angeles (Archbishop Jose Gomez); both men viewed as far more conservative and consistent regarding the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality. The elevation of Joseph Tobin to the College of Cardinals speaks volumes, as the Archdiocese of Newark had never had a Cardinal archbishop before. So what does Cardinal Tobin, very much a Francis bishop, say about Fr. James Martin’s book: In too many parts of our church LGBT people have been made to feel unwelcome, excluded, and even shamed. Father Martin’s brave, prophetic, and inspiring new book marks an essential step in inviting church leaders to minister with more compassion, and in reminding LGBT Catholics that they are as much a part of our church as any other Catholic. Bishop Robert McElroy, appointed by Pope Francis to head the Diocese of San Diego last year, has immediately demonstrated his willingness to embrace the New Ways agenda of Sr. Jeannine Gramick and (now) Fr. Martin. He writes: The Gospel demands that LGBT Catholics must be genuinely loved and treasured in the life of the church. They are not. [Fr. Martin] provides us with the language, perspective, and sense of urgency to replace a culture of alienation with a culture of merciful inclusion. As we have seen, the only thing Fr. Martin has provided us is the tired old errors and confusion of New Ways Ministries. What has changed, of course, is that while St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict (Cardinal Ratzinger) are gone, Sr. Jeannine Gramick remains. But now Rome is on her side it would seem.
There is no condemnation of anything whatsoever coming from Rome. I could say I am a fly with twenty legs and am Christ reborn and they would stay silent Why? They figure everybody's views have equal validity. It's a nut house.
Yes, it certainly appears that the Vatican is a fertile place for the revolution and strife spoken of by Conchita after the Pope's return from Russia. Very fertile.
He is the Pope's mouthpiece. There will be no condemnation from him, as he is one of Francis' useful idiots to spread his new gospel, one contrary to the one we all have in our homes. The Vatican will literally fall soon, as many prophecies foretell. It is a good thing many good Cardinals have been kicked out of there, as it is a blessing from God when the physical collapse takes place from evil forces.
It is so obvious that Fr Martin is wrong in his thinking that it makes it a lot easier to call him out as one of those promoting a new Gospel contrary to historic Church teaching. I am also going to say that his effeminate style of communication is also a sign.
We will be in good company as Cardinal Sarah has already ripped into Martin!! http://www.ncregister.com/blog/gues...builds-a-bridge-to-christs-true-peace-and-joy
http://www.ewtnnews.com/catholic-news/US.php?id=16276 So, Martin was disinvited from his scheduled seminarian speaking engagement in October, but it seems that the University's president still doesn't get why he shouldn't have been speaking there to begin with. Why are basic morals so confusing for so many people!!
These people aren't one bit confused. They know exactly what they're about and are very well-versed in moral theology. That's why they know exactly what and how to attack in their mission of corruption. The evil one knows the appropriate kind of people to manipulate in his war against God.
No they aren't confused. Didn't Podesta's Catholic Spring crowd include someone on the staff of that university? I don't recall the details but I think it was a woman - another who had work experience with the Catholic charity run by the US Bishops. There needs to be an investigation into whether Catholic clergy and employees of Catholic institutions were involved in the setting up and direction of that Catholic Spring group because clearly they had links to the US Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's election campaign. Clergy putting party politics before the Church need to be outed. What they were doing (and likely are still doing) goes way beyond an individual priest or bishop expressing a personal preference for a politician or political party. Their aim was to change the Church to bring it into line with their party's political agenda where Church teaching clashes with that agenda. They put candidate and party before God and Church. I don't believe for a minute that the Catholic Spring was Podesta's brainchild. Very likely, it was the brainchild of priests and bishops (possibly a certain Argentinian Cardinal) who are now running the Church.
I think that this goes to show how naive I am. Even with all the craziness in the church these days, I guess that I assumed that the majority of religious that are embracing changes in doctrinal/pastoral practice and homosexual unions have just been swept up into some type of distorted version of social justice. My mind just can't comprehend that there are people who willing endorse evil, knowing that their eternal souls are in jeopardy.
I listened to an excellent sermon on sensus fidellium last night called "the doppelgänger: the cosmic Christ" It traces all of this mayhem and confusion back to Teillard desJardin. Succinct analysis well worth listening to.
Fr. Malachi Martin warned us about Teilhard des Jardin and his ascent into modernism during Vatican II.
Honestly I cannot make sense of the President's decision. It seems very unlike him. I am trying to find out more information, but I wonder if he was pressured. Still not a good excuse, but it may be an explanation. Showing that CUA is divided against Theological College is more scandalous than rescinding an invitation to a speaker anyway, and more so since TC was right.