Crazy Church: Cardinal Cupich Celebrates Gay Crucifix Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich, USA, published on Twitter the picture of a gay-themed crucifix. The photo was taken on July 28 during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Parish St. Martha in Morton Grove. It shows Cupich presiding a New Rite Eucharist, surrounded by four co-presiders. Behind Cupich on the wall is the crucifix. It has the shape of the Saint Francis crucifix in Assisi and was produced by the self-declared homosexual Franciscan Brother Robert Lentz. Lenz painted on the crucifix a muscular naked man, gliding through the outer space towards the view so that only his head, torso and arms are visible. Behind him is the Milky Way and a dark demon with outstretched hands. Lentz called his crucifix "The Dance of Creation." The demon he interprets as wisdom which "dances and sings playfully in the background."
Chilling. Sacrilege and blasphemy all rolled into one. The only conclusion is demon-worship. That sacrilegious object, which I can't bring myself to call a Crucifix, appears to depict an unspeakable act. That sneering cardinal is mocking everything we hold dear. There seems to be a blatant, full-on push to over-turn the Church into a temple of sodomy. There is a suspicion that this push is rushed and desperate. However, there is great risk of damnation of souls with this abomination. At least, the demonists are coming out into the open. May the Lord God have mercy on us all.
All the signs were there 35 years ago, when Cupich, as a pastor in Omaha Nebraska, scolded my 2nd grade niece, when receiving her first Holy Communion she knelt to receive and he said, "don't you ever do that again in my church". A "crucifix" like this is something a person who does not believe in God's true presence in Eucharist would naturally contrive. He is an evil man and has been all along. A true wolf in sheep's clothing.
Fortunately, this evil man has only his small circle of like minded godless to people to lead any longer. He has nothing left to offer, if he ever did to God. We'll just keep praying for these lost souls.
It reminds me of my dogs. Now and again they eat something bad and can't keep it in. When I get back to the house I know there's something wrong be the smell. It's the same thing with evil. These people may try to hide it by wearing wonderful red silk robes but the bad smell of evil sometimes leaks out for the whole world to see. The stink of evil is on that Cross. Pure stinking evil like something from the horror film, 'Rosemary's Baby'. Shudder horror time. Anyway it didn't take this abominable, 'Cross' to make me want to run away from him and hide. Just to look at that face is a source of horror. The creepiest of the creepy. But what's wrong Pope Francis can't see this? It's plain as day. He would scare my dogs to look at him. President Lincoln always said that the soul of a man is written on his face when he is over thirty years old. Cardinal Cupich is a case in point. His face is a total horror picture. Have a look even at the faces of the people around him in the photos; even they seem scared. Never many smiles when Cardinal Cupich hovers into view. He is a regular smile killer.
I fear that it goes far beyond mere lack of belief in the Real Presence. It seems to be full-on inversion of the Faith. If I had the misfortune to be present at this travesty, I'd run out of the place as quickly as my legs would carry me. That Church needs to be gutted and exorcised.
I don't understand much about the words and deeds of Pope Francis, but perhaps it is for the best that the proud likes of Cupich be given plenty rope. Let people clearly see him hang himself for his sodomy worship.
Well Cardinal Tobin certainly hung himself just as soon as he got the red hat with his live in male model lover. It's wonderful how things come out in the wash.
What is wrong with these people? -- I wonder how sick they acturally are (spiritually) They don't like piety - kneeling in reverence or holding hands in prayer -- anything reverential seems to turn their stomachs!!
How many cardinals and bishops can be trusted anymore? In England, the cause of the beatification of GK Chesterton has been rejected by a Bishop Doyle (brilliant lampoon over on the 'Eccles is Saved' satirical site). We have supposedly eminent Churchmen like Cupich so blatantly siding with the demonic, yet the greatest defender of the Faith and of Natural Law of the last century isn't good enough for these clerics. This Bishop Doyle quite calumnied GKC, smearing him as anti-semitic. Chesterton, who had many Jewish friends, was one of the earliest to recognise and condemn Nazi persecution of Jewishness and actually supported the cause of Zionism, reasoning that Jews needed a state of their own.
A close look at the symbolism on that 'crucifix' indicates the sickness is very deep indeed. The object of their 'reverence' is to be seen in the figure that is in the background and in the act that he is, in conjunction with the unorthodox, particular pose of the pseudo-Christ figure, positioned to suggest he is perpetrating.
Doyle isn't fit to even undoe the tie on Chesterton's sandal. Chesterton one of the all time intellectual greats -- I was hoping a wine drinking, pipe-smoking, 20-stone genius would be beatified giving hope to all who struggle with their weight and who also enjoy life's little treats - we need saints like Chesterton! Ahhh, Doyle -- party - pooper!!
Yes. Yes. Yes. I love me my Chesterton! I hope his intercession effects a HUGE miracle so stunning and inexplicable that no one--even an apostate--can deny it. Wouldnt you love to hear what Chesterton would say about his eminence? Pithy I daresay.