Cardinal Dolan Hit: Amazing

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Amazing, what was Cardinal Dolan thinking? Do these People never learn anything?

    BREAKING: O’Malley Turns in Dolan for Abuse Cover-Up


    DETROIT ( - Church Militant has learned that Boston's Cdl. Sean O'Malley has reported a case of predatory homosexual sex abuse by a New York priest and the ensuing cover-up by New York's Cdl. Timothy Dolan to the papal nuncio to the United States, Abp. Christophe Pierre.

    In a letter dated Dec. 21, O'Malley draws the nuncio's attention to the case of Fr. Donald Timone, a priest of the archdiocese of New York, whom Dolan allowed to remain in active ministry — even calling him "remarkably tender and holy" in 2013 — after he knew of the credible allegations of sex abuse.

    The story about Timone broke in a recent New York Times article, which detailed that Dolan compensated two of Timone's victims and allowed him to remain in active ministry, even as recently as this week.

    It is an extraordinary turn of events for one cardinal to essentially turn in another cardinal for neglect, and especially with the indirect pointing of a finger regarding sex abuse cover-up — but that is precisely what this amounts to.

    What impact this will have on the U.S. bishops upcoming week-long retreat of prayer and reflection regarding their failures in the arena of sex abuse and the resulting decades of cover-up is uncertain, but it seems as though this latest bombshell will at the very least make some encounters among various bishops uncomfortable.

    Nearly the entire body of U.S. bishops will be gathering at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago starting next week, and this seems like news that will cause quite the commotion.

    O'Malley, who is president of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, seems to have fallen out of favor, at least to a degree, with Rome and Pope Francis, perhaps relating back to his revelations regarding the involvement of multiple Chilean bishops in homosexual sex abuse and cover-up and his own criticism of the Holy Father's mishandling of the case of Bp. Juan Barros.

    O'Malley's public declaration that he had indeed passed a letter to Pope Francis from Juan Carlos Cruz, a sex abuse victim of Fr. Fernando Karadima, whom Barros protected, became an enormous embarrassment for the pope and high-ranking Vatican officials, with the pope having to go as far as publicly acknowledging his own personal failure in the case and apologizing for his actions.
    Booklady, Indy, gracia and 5 others like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    The pain seems never ending.:cry: I believe O'Malley made the right choice! The bishops calling each other out must be done for the sake of healing.

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
    Booklady, gracia, Carol55 and 2 others like this.
  3. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Female noted in his letter....the allegations were published in the NYT the day he addressed the letter to the nuncio. Didn’t anyone know about this before the NYT published the story? It seems as though he thought it the right move since this particular abuse scandal had already let the “cat out of the bag”...that same day
    Booklady likes this.
  4. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Carol55 likes this.
  5. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."
    -Our Lady at Akita Japan, October 13, 1973
    Beth B, Booklady, Indy and 5 others like this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    I was speaking to a gentleman last week who has almost lost his Faith over all this stuff.

    I expressed great sympathy; I know the ground has moved beneath my feet a few times at all this.

    There just seems to bottom to the complete rottenesss of it all. I knew, of course, that it was bad the but sheer total awfulness of it almost defies belief.
    Booklady, gracia, Beth B and 3 others like this.
  7. SteveD

    SteveD Powers

    Feb 9, 2017
    I note that the NYT article was published only two days after Cdl. O'Malley's letter. It seems probable (to me at least) that he had been approached (as the go-to man on abuse in the US Church) by the NYT and got his defence in as quickly as he could (making his apologies to Dolan, probably). Am I becoming cynical in my old age?
    Beth B likes this.
  8. Donna259

    Donna259 Powers

    Jul 14, 2018
  9. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    The chaff means all men and women who have no saving faith in Christ, and no sanctification of the Spirit, whoever they may be. Some of them perhaps are infidels, and some are formal Christians. Some are sneering Sadducees, and some self-righteous Pharisees. Some of them make a point of keeping up a kind of 'Sunday religion', and others are utterly careless of everything except their own pleasure and the world. But all alike, who have the two great marks already mentioned—no faith and no sanctification—all such are chaff. From Paine and Voltaire to the dead churchman who can think of nothing but outward ceremonies—from Julian and Porphyry to the unconverted admirer of sermons in the present day—all, all are standing in one rank before God all, all are chaff.
    Mario, Beth B, Booklady and 2 others like this.
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    There but for the grace of God go i... I pray His mercy over all such poor apostate souls. They are like the spiritually paralyzed. They are so gone they dont even realize the terrible state they are in. They need prayer. We must beg deep pardon for all faithless and hardened hearts who resist the impulse of His Grace.
    Tanker, Booklady, gracia and 3 others like this.
  11. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Doesn't Bishop Barron believe that we can have a reasonable hope that there are none of the above?
    gracia and AED like this.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    No one who has paid attention to God's messengers in the past 50 years should be the least bit surprised at what is going on in the Church and our world. If they are, they are guilty themselves of not listening to God's prophets of our time who have clearly and loudly resounded heaven's warnings of what has, what is and will continue to unfold. If people are about to loose their faith over the troubles we see in the Church then they will for sure loose it with what is yet to come. We must remember our faith is not about sinful leaders in our church, but about the sinless founder of the Church, which will remain until the end of time. Too many in the Church are ready to throw the baby out with the bath water. We have not seen anything yet!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    Patty, Tanker, Booklady and 6 others like this.
  13. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    :cautious:Bishop Barron is a cheerful soul. Would that it were so. However Jesus tells us a different story.
  14. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    I feel the same Padrig,

    Ive watched this going on in my diocese in for over 40 years...long before it broke in the media. I tried to alert folks, but no one would or could believe that it was possible, ...or if it was, that it was as bad as the recent media reports discovered it to be. What I didn’t realize was how widespread it was ...and that it was systemic.

    My diocese is still not coming clean....they are still covering up. Priest that the diocese deemed as a legal risk for them and would put them in legal jeopardy, were simply let go...most still getting retirement from the diocese. Others are still active or simply retired. The ones who left the area are now out there and living in public view....a danger to those who do not know their history. I suspect that this is the case worldwide. Many...or most of the faithful have no idea about these priest...and many if told either do not believe they are guilty or do not want to believe it...even in the wake of this worldwide epidemic.

    Many folks are themselves not leading faithful lives and with the growing acceptance of their sexual orientation, they simply keep their eyes closed....and their mouths shut.

    These are the evil historic times were are now living in. Only the intervention of God will save our church....but the gates of hell will not prevail. That is where the faithful need to be...trusting in God. We may not see His hand in our lifetime, but God will not be mocked....He will exact His time. We just need to trust and remain the faithful the very end. Faith is believing....not seeing...trusting Ultimately in God’s word.
    Mario, Patty, Tanker and 5 others like this.
  15. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Some of the laity do indeed participate in the evils. Sadly. It’s part of the building of the NewChurch. Ugh
    Beth B likes this.
  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015

    Some do It knowingly and others are so one wants to believe that they were so deceived. These predators clerics groom the flock...makes it hard for the faithful to see the truth. That’s how they’ve gotten away with these crimes for so long.
    HeavenlyHosts and Sam like this.
  17. heyshepard

    heyshepard Archangels

    Oct 26, 2011
    Agreed. :( . It's a sad state of affairs. Faith will have to carry us through.
  18. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Honestly, I count myself very blessed to still have my faith in light of what I know. There was a period when I was young ....and knew about the abuse problem, that I almost left the church. I believe that I didn’t because friends prayed for me...mostly the rosary. My faith never waivered....just my trust in the church. I still lack trust in the organization of the church....because of the ongoing scandal, but my belief that we are the one true church is greater than ever. That is why Satan is attacking our church...he’s trying to destroy it because it is the true church. No worries...our Lady is crushing his evil, ugly we speak :).
    Carol55, Don_D, Praetorian and 5 others like this.
  19. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Feb 18, 2013
    West of Ireland
    Dolan comes across to me as a Champagne gurgling, showman.
  20. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Oh Indy....he gripes me more than I can say. His jolly, everything is just wonderful rhetoric really bugs me. You can’t be rubbing shoulders with evil, yucking it up with pro abortion politicians and be ok in my book. Sorry, you need to admonished the sinner. He’s turned a blind eye in his own back yard. You won’t be invited to the ritzy NY galas if you do your job, but you’ll be doing what you were ordained to do.

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