Italian abortionist Emma Bonino John-Henry Westen Follow John-Henry Share on Facebook 3.4k Share on Twitter Comment on this Article 148 Share via Email Print this Page NewsAbortion, Catholic Church, Politics - WorldThu Feb 25, 2016 - 7:20 pm EST Pope calls Italy’s foremost abortion promoter one of nation’s ‘forgotten greats’ abortion , catholic , emma bonino , pope francis February 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion – Emma Bonino -- as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. Knowing that his praise of her may be controversial, the Pope said that she offered the best advice to Italy on learning about Africa, and admitted she thinks differently from us. “True, but never mind,” he said. “We have to look at people, at what they do.” At 27, Bonino had an illegal abortion and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion which boasted over 10,000 abortions. There are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump. Arrested for the then-illegal activity she spent a few days in jail and was acquitted and entered politics. When she was appointed Italy’s foreign minister in 2013 there was a general outcry from life and family leaders at the appalling situation. Responding to the Pope’s praise of Bonino, pro-life leaders in Italy expressed disbelief. “How can the pope praise a woman that is best known in Italy for practicing illegal abortion and promoting abortion?” commented Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, who was until last year the head of the Rome office of Human Life International. Luca Volonte, an Italian politician and the president of the pro-life Novae Terrae Foundation, told LifeSiteNews he believed the Pope “was not really informed about how much Mrs. Bonino has done in Italy and at the international level to promote abortion and euthanasia.” Even though he admits “she did well in Egypt,” he adds that even there “she promoted her anti-life values.” The Pope, said Volonte, “was wrong and worse were the members of His secretariat for not informing him.” The Pope’s possible ignorance of Bonino’s stance is unlikely given his justifications in the interview. She has been for decades the most prominent supporter of abortion in Italy. Moreover, the Pope already received criticism for his contact with Bonino in 2015 when he called her about her cancer and invited her to the Vatican.
Not only is Emma Italy's most famous abortionist she is Radically anti-Catholic Church; here she is addressing an anti-Church rally in Rome. To put it succinctly she is one of the Church's greatest enemies in Italy .In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion – Emma Bonino -- as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman:
Do I have to post any comments on this? It is self explanatory. Please don't tell me for the 1000th time that the Pope has , ' Some secret plan', or is being, 'Misunderstood', I am sick listening to it. If anyone sends me anymore PM's complaining about critique of the Holy Father on the forum, here is my answer. We are in a very,very bad way, that's why. 'If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.” ― Albert Einstein
I have been thinking and praying about this. I researched the record of this lady last night (Padraig must be reading my mind!!) and it is not good reading. Yes she has a good record on things such the refugee crisis but is anti-life supporting abortion, euthanasia, IVF - not only in Italy but has tried to influence the abortion debate in other countries such as Malta so she is a proponent of exporting this anti-life mentality to Africa. She is anti-family supporting divorce and the homosexual agenda. Back in 1975, Emma Bonino founded the Information Centre on Sterilisation and Abortion and was a protagonist in the campaign which led to the legalisation of abortion in 1978. Emma Bonino is currently one of the promoters of the referendum seeking to repeal a restrictive law regulating assisted fertilisation in Italy. We are actually fighting in Italy for a referendum to delete some of the most restrictive articles of the law on assisted pregnancy. I'm sorry to have to post this photograph of Emma Bonino performing an abortion in 1975 but the truth is the truth and sometimes the truth is shocking. I know forgiveness and mercy are available to all but Bonino continues to peddle her revolutionary ideas and is unrepentant. We have a duty to pray for her soul. It will take much prayer and suffering in order for her to convert. And a duty to pray for the souls of the thousands of babies aborted because of her influence on making abortion legal in Italy. Jesus said 'by their fruits you shall know them'. Holy Mary, Mother of God - Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. NB - have just read that Emma Bonino has cancer so prayers going up for her conversion and reconciliation with Christ and His Church.
'...A forgotten great'. This of someone who reportedly committed over 10, 000 abortions personally and who is unrepentant? I mean really, 'A forgotten great'? This from a Pope? In public?
It might have been better if this 'great' was forgotten. And not getting all this free publicity which all politicians love and a thumbs up sign from the Pope that she is doing a great job
We must pray much for our Holy Father. Why is he blinded? Is it lack of the faithfuls prayer? Is it lack of my prayer? Please Pray the following every day PRAYER FOR THE POPE. Let us pray for Our Holy Father, Pope Francis. May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. Amen Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be. O God, Shepherd and Ruler of all Thy faithful people, look mercifully upon Thy servant Pope Francis, whom Thou hast chosen as shepherd to preside over Thy Church. Grant him, we beseech Thee, that by his word and example, he may edify those over whom he hath charge, so that together with the flock committed to him, may he attain everlasting life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. We need the devil to quit attacking him, to quit blinding him! As we need our Holy Father! We need His guidence! We need His counsel! PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..
What are your thoughts on this padraig seriously. Is this Pope so politically, culturally uninformed. Is he so naive about social communications that he has no understanding the impact that every ambiguous phrase and action make on the world stage. I mean it's becoming g increasingly more difficult to excuse this every time as ignorance or misinterpretationm
She is well known in Italy and further afield for her pro abortion stance in fact one might say she is an icon for feminist movements throughout Europe on abortion advocacy. The Pope admitted 'she thinks differently from us'. “True, but never mind,” he said. “We have to look at people, at what they do.”
You know I honestly do not know, Malachi. He is Pope, Our Holy Father so we have a very particular duty of Charity. I try to think the very best , to try to rustle up some excuse or explanation, but he has me completely baffled. The very kindest thing I can think of to write is maybe the poor man is not a bit well in the head.
Emma is very well known in Italy as in Europe, I know her myself since years via some good friends in Rome, Pope Francis know her very well and since years as well, The Holy Father had personnally invited her over the Telephone recently, as confirmed by the News Paper Vatican Insider, known to be very close to the Current Pontif as below : "Radical leader Emma Bonino was also present in the Paul VI Hall. The Pope had personally invited her over the telephone, when he called to inquire about her illness, as Bonino said herself in an interview with Radio Radicale, adding that the Pope had met her when she was still Foreign Minister of Italy" Unfortunately Emma has never denied her past (no repentance but on the contrary), no one in Italy might think a second that the Pope was not aware of Emma's life, this argument is untenable because facts are there, Emma is also very sick, Cancer, probably this might explain some mercy from the Pope. More about Emma Bonino below : Emma is also known to be close to Scalfari and so on. Aviso
I wonder is the Pope trying to be merciful, even if this makes him look the fool? Is he trying to save her soul, come hell or high water?
Absolutely yes. This thread is, of course, about Pope Francis rather than Emma Bonino. When I looked at the photo of Ms Bonino that Padraig posted at the start, my initial thought was, well, whatever her past she seems to have an openness to Francis that seems to be lacking in many on this forum! It is stated that she is 'unrepentant'. Hmm, how do we know that? And if she is not fully repentant yet, how far on the path of repentance is she? We cannot know the answers to those questions. This wider situation with regard to Francis and sinners is SO similar to that which played out 2000 years ago in the Holy Land. The Jewish authorities were totally outraged at the way Jesus 'fraternised' with sinners and non Jews. There are, of course, differences in the situation. Jesus KNEW the hearts of everyone He met, Francis does not. So the Pope has to assume the best in whoever he meets and to see the best of how they are NOW, not their past. Is Pope Francis' attitude to Ms Bonino more likely to bring her to Christ than if he ignored her? My answer to that is YES. The devil is really working overtime to persuade us that Pope Francis is not a good man. We have to resist the devil's lying whispers and say, like Jesus, get behind me satan.
'she thinks differently from us'. “True, but never mind,” This is a statement of blindness! This woman agrees with abortion and all forms of contraception and proclaims this! but never mind ??? Our Holy Father needs prayer. I never envisaged a time, that little me, would need nor have to say this to my dear Pope. My Dear Holiness; I grieve for the sins against Almighty God, that are being, not only overlooked by Our Church, but are even now being, seemingly celebrated by the church, especially with the aknowledgement by the church of those who propone anti-God agenda;.... such as Emma Bonino! We your faithful brethern love our dear sister Emma Boronio, but we can never concede to her anti life agenda! She has no right to be acknowledged in esteem, by the Catholic faith (or anyone else for that matter) for any good she may have preformed inadvertently, as her stance on the dispensability of life represents an afront to Catholic moral doctrine and advocates grievous sins against God! Please give us, your Catholic faithful, a statement that is clear on this matter. Your loving Daughter in Christ Carolyn.
I am sorry David, I have already tried to be open to this excuse, but it simply doesn't add up, to save her soul yes, but to call her publically,someone who is an unrepentant mass abortionist with the blood of 10,000 unborn babies on her hands a , 'Forgotten great'? I mean how does that work? How do you explain away that? There comes a time when, exasperated , you just run out of excuses , spin it as you will. We're not talking about him spilling his coffee here. Its a bit like saying, 'King Herod got the job done , though it's a pity about the Holy Infants.' Come to think of it I don't see where the Holy Father even mentioned the babies she slaughtered.... ...and slaughter them she did.
No one has a problem with Pope Francis meeting her or engaging with her and bringing her to Christ. Wouldn't that be great! But that is not the point - the Pope called her a 'hidden great'. I know most pro-abortion people think the same about Marie Stopes. And there might still be the odd German who still thinks that Hitler wasn't that bad!
Like the ripples in a pond. The evil that is done in the passing of abortion legislation. In Italy, Emma Bonino is the one of the ones who dropped the stone into the pond --- and the rest is a legacy of tragedy and misery with thousands of innocents paying the price. Those ripples continue today - she has promoted many other anti-Christ causes and the ripples continue - they will continue even after her death in the legacy of an anti-life demoniac.
If it looks like evil, smells like evil, behaves like evil, promotes evil - then it is evil. I wonder what this child that she aborted could have become - a good priest, a cardinal even a Pope?
There are aspects of your post I agree with David but I also don't think that Pope Francis needs to publicly proclaim her as a great woman. This sends out the wrong message and can lead other souls into serious error. If he has some private relationship with her then we'll and good I hope it bears fruit but don't laud someone who openly attacks the Church and especially don't do it when you are the representative of Christ on earth.