Why are Mass attendance figures so low in some countries?

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by Xavier, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    I saw this post on Twitter: "Percentage of Catholics who attend mass, per country: United States - 18% Ireland - 15% United Kingdom - 12% Spain - 11% Germany - 8% Belgium - 4% France - 3% Canada 2% To keep perspective, in 1958, Catholics who attended mass in Ireland was at 91%"I saw this post on Cathinfo, it's from Twitter: "Percentage of Catholics who attend mass, per country: United States - 18% Ireland - 15% United Kingdom - 12% Spain - 11% Germany - 8% Belgium - 4% France - 3% Canada 2% To keep perspective, in 1958, Catholics who attended mass in Ireland was at 91%"

    In India, where I'm from, most of the parish Masses are full on Sundays. And there are generally 3 or 4 Masses at least.

    So, why are these figures so low? These stats are even before Covid, after which they plummeted even more. Is it the New Mass, especially in the abusive and banal way it is sometimes celebrated? Simple laziness on Sundays? Lack of interest in religion? Secularism? A wrong belief among Catholics that we can be saved without frequenting the Sacraments? How do we get people excited and interested about our holy religion once more, and especially about what St. Peter Julian called "the holiest act of religion. You cannot do anything to glorify God more, nor profit your soul more, than by devoutly assisting at it, and assisting as often as possible" https://liturgyguy.com/2016/10/07/the-holiest-act-of-religion/

    Tradition can definitely be a solution here. And thank Heaven there is a lot of interest, especially among the young, in assisting at the TLM. But TLMs worldwide are still too few and far between to meet the needs of 1.3 billion Catholics. Iny my country, there are about 25 Mass centres - I've been to about 3 in different states - almost all operated by the SSPX, thanks be to God for them, and about 3-5 Indults or diocesan TLM's in a few places. About 20 million Catholics in India.

    I did some research. Based on 2010-2014 stats, it seems the highest percentages of faithful Holy Mass attending Catholics are in Africa and Asia and Latin America. How can we get Catholics motivated to fulfil their duty to assist at Mass often again? The highest percentages by attendance I could find.

    "Ecuador - 49.2%

    South Korea - 59.0%

    Colombia - 53.3%

    Philippines -60.9%

    Rwanda - 74.2%

    Zimbabwe - 84.5%

    Ghana - 85.4%

    Nigeria - 92.2%"

    Stats from: https://cara.georgetown.edu/caraservices/intmassattendance.html
    Beth B and AED like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Praise God for Africa- the new axis of faithful Catholics in the world! Think of all the missionaries to Africa from the 1870s-1950s! There has been a Nigerian chaplain/priest at Upstate Hospital for about 20 years! What a joyful, holy priest, Fr. Innocent!

    It will be Africa that will set the pace after the Warning: they will evangelize us!

    Come Lord Jesus!
    AED, Jo M, fallen saint and 3 others like this.
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Where are the figures from Ireland coming from. The Iona Institute who monitor these things had overall attendance at 36%. The figures in Dublin brought down the national %. Attendance outside of Dublin would be much higher. Of course the lockdown has stopped everything as we are now barred from going to Mass.
    AED and Xavier like this.
  4. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Africa will lead!

    AED and Xavier like this.

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