It is just so unusual for a priest, especially a young priest to make a point like this, these days. It reminds me of when I was young, before Vatican 2 when everyone spoke like this. I love this, it's like going back in a time machine, when folks spoke plainly.
I'll tell you something which may be totally off the point about Fr Mark is saying here, but which I have noticed lately at mass and this is totally unexpected hostility from people who are really total strangers at mass. A week ago I noticed two men at mass a t my local parish Church who got very angry at me during the , 'Kiss of Peace'. I am not big into the kiss of Peace, if I can avoid it I do it but I'll not do a tour of the Church. They were very angry at me for not cruising to shake their hands. But thai morning again I woman who talks like crazy in the mornings at Church came up to me glaring after mass. Really spooky. I had enver said anything to her even glanced in her direction but I think she knew I disapproved.
I believe you are experien cing a clash of spirits. These sound like afflicted people. I am not crazy about the handshake of peace but I nod and smile. Very seldom does anyone take offense. These two have distorted vision poor thin gs. May God bless them. And may God especially bless you Padraig.
Yes! Exactly!! Although on the other hand it may be they interpreted something from my body language (women are do much better than men for covering this up). But I don;t really think so. The woman who came up to me after mass mass this morning and glared at me was miles away when I saw talking and talking really loudly right beside the altar} I thought, looking at her face it was really, really spooky. It was as though she wanted to kill me , though we didn't even know each other.
That is diabolic influence on her I bet. I think it shows that you are disturbing to these spirits. God permits this but I'm sure it is unsettling. Will this woman even ask herself why she is so angry at you?