Name: Jan Subject: miracles Question: You mention in your description, miracles..I along with a group of people, had a discussion re; miracles, such as the miracle of Fatima etc. In the case of Fatima,some say they can't really believe it happened. that there was such political upheaval in Portugal at the time that they think all this was some sort of scam..I had a parochial education, and sometimes the nuns would like to scare us by saying the letter won't be read until 1960, and the Bishop of Portugal passed out when he read it. As usual all exaggerated. I myself, do believe in the miracle at Lourdes, I can't believe a simple peasant girl like Bernadette could make it up, I believe she saw a vision. And it was the Blessed Mother And there have been cures, of course skeptics have other explanations for them. . The argument I get from people is that they don't believe in a vengeful God but a merciful one. I too, believe that. But some of these miracles they were told by Mary, that they had to suffer all kinds of pain to gain Heaven. Or words similar I find that hard to believe myself. I would like to hear your thoughts on this. As the saying goes, for those who believe no explanation is needed, for those who don't no explantion is possible. Thank you. Answer: Hi Jan, An interesting question. I think its one of the great Signs of the Times that people can so easily accept the fact that there is heaven, healing and a compassionate and merciful God but cannot accept those that are taught to us both by Scripture and the Church that there is a Hell, is a Last Judgement , is a Just God and that Christians who follow Christ can also accept to hang with Him on the Cross. The reason why we as Catholics and Christians in general have lost this belief is that we have lost any real belief in sin of the consequences of sin or in any real way in evil itself. To be honest Jan I don't know really how any poor words from me might convince you otherwise for having the Teachings of the Church and Scripture before you, if you find them hard to believe then why should you believe me? But it seems to me if you are a parent and have children you will see these truths yourself in written in the lives of your children. Firstly in that there are two faces of love are shown in their lives. For if children are shown simply love and mercy without regard to the need of justice and correction they will be destroyed and corrupt. For our children , like ourselves bear in their hearts the effects of sin. This is not heaven , we other suffer from the effects of sin and evil for they are all around us. If we can expect to see our children laugh, may we not also expect to see them cry? If we see them born, are not aware too that one day they too, like ourselves will die? That as we have laughed and been filled with joy and known many tears so shall there lives be too? The great mystery of the Cross and the life of Christ is that were Jesus walked we too shall walk, for we are being changed, through grace into the image of Christ. The great doorway to this change is the Cross and it is through this doorway we all as His children walk. So then as we die with Christ we are reborn in His image. The Cross the is our blessing for as we die with Christ, so too shall we live with Him for all eternity. ... tify=login