What I love about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church: The truth. I love that, by the grace of God, I have come to know the fullness of truth exists in the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! In her teaching, we have a certain guide for our lives. I love the great Communion of Saints. I love that we are all of us brothers and sisters, and we don’t walk alone in our journey. I love that we have the great Saints to inspire us and teach us and intercede for us. And I love the community we have here in this earthly life, to help each other and be there for each other. The Holy Mass. I love going to Mass! I love everything about it; from the moment I walk through the door and bless myself with holy water, to when I walk out the door, and head off to dinner with our pastor and my friends. I love the reverence of silent prayer, as well as the joyful singing of praise! I love every bell and smell. I love the moment of the consecration of the Eucharist; when the priest elevates the host, and even though I can’t see anything with my imperfect human eyes, I know, I know, that a miracle has just happened! And as I gaze in wonder at my God, I know that all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, at that very moment, are also adoring our God. And every great once-in-a-while, I swear I can hear the Angels singing.
I love the concept of the church as mother who frets about her children especially the ones far away and never gives up on them. I love that she always has a band aid ready and even at the last moment she has the remedy to snatch her child from the jaws of disaster. I love her courage in always speaking the truth even though I know some of her sons fail her in this but she is always forgiving and like all mothers everything will be wiped out if there is any little response. Mother church is the example for all families in that there is room for everybody and every soul is important. Finally Mother church is represented by Our Lady and what can I say but Thank you God for so great a gift to all your children on earth. Mary
I love Confession, as it brings such healing to the soul. I love praying the Rosary in church, at home, and in the fields. I love sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I love.... I could go on and on :lol: :lol: :lol:
Where to start? I love the Mass... Especially daily Mass. I love the rhythm of the liturgical year, and the progression of the various readings. I also love trying to find the link between the First Reading and the Gospel reading. Sometimes an obvious one, sometimes more challenging... I love the way the Saints work themselves into the liturgical calendar, peppering the year with great examples. And I love that 15 minutes or so after receiving Communion when I am, literally, a tabernacle, holding that precious Eucharist inside. Yes-- being a member of the Catholic Church is awesome! 8)
From the beginning. 1Jn 3:11 For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. I love the Church for she is one in the truth, in the sacraments, and in the love she brings to the world! There is a visible, unbroken link that stretches to our day from the time of the apostles. Unbroken!! The bishops-in-union-with-Rome have preserved and made available to the family of God all the graces which Jesus intended to shower upon us. These graces are real, tangibly given, and intimate when received in humility and faith! It is the ultimate seven course meal! Denominations may offer some of the courses, but Mother Church serves all! It is this weave of continuity that unites us with each other and God which fills my soul with joy! Safe in the Father's Arms!
I love the fact that the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church is the same today as it was in the days of our first pope Peter. Regardless of the fact that other denominations or non-religious people cannot grasp our beliefs, the Church has remained as Christ proclaimed "a rock", and no matter what the trial or tribulation. now or in the future; "the gates of hell shall never prevail against it."
I love that after searching for all of my life, the Church found me and called me home. The first mass I ever attended assured me that the fullness of everything I had studied was there and that even more, My Sweet Lord was waiting for me, in the Tabernacle. I love that on some days I can smell the holiness as I walk in the doors to the little brick church I call home and that tears fall freely from my eyes when I feel the Holy Spirit move. I love that Our Lady was calling to me as a young girl and never gave up on me. I love that there are people much crazier than I, having had much more bizarre experiences and it's part of God's way of teaching us...always calling us closer to His Sacred Heart. I love that we have communion of the saints, and they really pull for us and that the Holy Souls of Purgatory are willing to help us as well. I love that for the first time in my life I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is always always always with me. I love that I can go anytime of the day and kneel down right in front of Him and He listens to me. I love that the church brought you into my life!
I keep coming back to the fact, that with God and the things of God, all ALL, ALL, ALL, is positive.....there are no negatives, no negatives at all. I was also thinking again, these last few weeks how the Church is the Bride of Christ. When the Church suffers then so too does Christ. Just as the Church is called to the Marriage Feast so are we. Prayer is all about getting married to God. Even, then, our little sorrows are crowns of roses. What joy!!!
Padraig, there is something profound in your little post this morning. We live in a world that has forgotten how to love in fact for many it is a cold place. I think there is a quote in the Bible somewhere 'the love of many will grow cold'. Why? Because they may not have experienced love from family and do not know God's love either. That is where we come in - the body of Christ. The early church was so successful because people could see the love of God in the church; 'see how they love one another'. Love can convert many souls! But we can never be like the early church unless as you put it 'we fall head over heals madly in love with God'. It is the overflow of that love allowing us to love unconditionally all those whom we meet and have responsibility for that will transform the Church. What a challenge for us - to become consumed by the fire of God's love. So that evertyhing we do is an act of love done in love and in union with the hand of God. So even mundane tasks can be become holy. But this is a struggle as mundane tasks are boring and we get tired and fed up! Wonderful - love is not a feeling, it is an act of the will. Dear Jesus I do not feel like painting the hallway today [I am about to start!] but if I pray and unite myself to Jesus I can do it with the love of Jesus in my soul. And if I am tired I can unite myself to him in the Garden or carrying his cross. So that like St Paul could say - 'for me to live is Christ, to die is gain'. 'Our little sorrows are crowns of roses'. WOW! profound insight! The little sorrows of life can drag us down, or we can unite them to the sufferings of Christ and they transform us. I think you are 100% right - prayer is all about getting married to God. In the past saying this might have got us burnt at the stake as a heretic!! Padraig - thanks for your post this morning. Simplicity is genius.
All the best with the painting Bobby. You have my sympathy. I am thinking of taking a week of work to paint my place, but have not yet summoned up the courage. I read about a painting machine and am thinking of buying it. The Holy Spirit makes us all genius's. :wink:
We cant really love if we are not holy. I have been trying to look into my heart and take out the weeds as Our Lady has said we are not holy enough. I have some fine strong weeds that I have been ignoring. Its easy to see whats wrong with the world but as She points out we have to work on our own personal conversion. Really thats all we can do. If my heart is purified then the love of God can live there better and be more freely expressed. I am going to Medjugorjie next Saturday 12th. Our son and his wife and little baby are going there 1st week in October so please say a prayer that we all get home safely. I am a little worried about travel since I have heard how soon the world will be visited by a severe punishment. God bless Mary
There are many weeds too in my life and the pruning will be painful! Jesus is the gardener that prunes the dead branches and leaves. On death all that we are is tested by the fire of divine love so the more we imitate Christ the less is purified. And if we are to have a true spiritual betrothal with our beloved spouse then we had better prepare well and be purified of all that prevents us from loving. We must be overcomers of the flesh [ego and disordered passions], the devil and the world. These are the three obstacles to true holiness.
maryrose, How splendid that others in your family are answering Our Lady's invitation to visit Medjugorje! It will be a special time for you with two wonderful feasts, the Exaltation of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows, taking place during your pilgrimage. Are you traveling with anyone you know? Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
padraig, This morning as I was praying the Rosary, around the 4th mystery I experienced the deep sense of simply being in Our Mother's presence. So for me today, All is simple, uncomplicated joy! Even when trials and the turmoil of emotions abound, the joy of God's presence remains a still refuge. This peace is such a contrast to the noise of the culture and the quest for sensory stimulation. You are usually the one who redirects us to consider these things. Thanks! 8) Safe in the bosom of the Catholic Church!
Mario My husband and myself are traveling with a wonderful man from County Cork, Finbar O'Leary. He is a personal friend of Visca and every time we go we get to spend time in the bedroom of her family home where she suffered much and where Our lady often came to her. We also get to pray on the rosary beads given as a gift to her family by Our lady a month prior to the 1st visit of Our Lady. I will remember you all when I am there. God bless Mary