Iran Death Penalty Threat for Abortion "Unlawful", UN Claims.

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by Xavier, Nov 17, 2021.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    Why is the UN, which claims to champion human rights, doing such dirty work around the world, as promoting abortion everywhere, and attacking countries that try to prevent it, like Iran, just like the EU is doing to Poland. Obviously Iran is Islamic, and as Christians we disagree with it, but the UN has no right to make them do abortions. The UN deserves a severe Judgment from Almighty God if it does not change its wicked ways.

    "Abortion in Iran is effectively banned, apart from a few exceptions. The new law puts the final decisions on therapeutic abortion – in case of threat to the life of the pregnant woman or foetal anomalies – in the hands of a panel consisting of a judge, medical doctor and forensic doctor, rather than on the pregnant women, supported by the medical doctor.

    For the UN experts, the law violates the rights to life and health, the right to non-discrimination and equality, and to freedom of expression by making it illegal to access a range of reproductive health services and share reproductive rights information.

    The law also prohibits free distribution of contraceptive goods, and imposes a ban on voluntary sterilizations for men and women, aside from very exceptional cases."

    God needs Good Pro-Life Champions rising up everywhere who have the courage to denounce abortionist terrorism. May Our Lord Jesus, Who became for us an Unborn Child, and Mother Mary, Who carried Him in Her Womb, have Mercy on us all.
    AED and Jason Fernando like this.

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