Poland and European Union in a spiritual World War III over Abortion:

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by Xavier, Nov 17, 2021.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    Feb 19, 2019
    God Bless Catholic Poland, the home of St. Maria Faustina, St. Maximillian Kolbe, and Pope St. John Paul II. Poland is one of the few countries that fought the nαzιs, beat the Communists, and lived to tell the tale. The Devotion to the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ Our Lord, which came from Poland, is greatly practiced in Poland, and has clearly and visibly blessed the Polish Church, and strengthened its strong stance and heroic fight against abortion. As Catholic Poland, led by Pope St. John Paul II, started the Solidarity Movement that led to the downfall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the erstwhile Soviet Union, so today Poland is continuing the battle of spiritual World World War III, against the Abortionist Terrorists.

    Poland is a great example and a heroic inspiration to all Catholic and Christian Countries, and all countries everywhere that respect and seek to keep God's Natural Law, that it is possible to fight against Abortionist Terrorists and win. Pro-Life Legislation in Poland is stronger than in all other countries in Europe. Thoughts?

    From: https://catholicherald.co.uk/the-european-unions-attack-on-conscience/

    The European Union’s attack on conscience
    [​IMG] Andrew Tettenborn
    November 11, 2021 at 1:19 pm
    Apart from the ongoing high-profile argument over the supremacy of EU law, there is another, ultimately more important, fight between the EU and Poland that any Catholic should be concerned about. This is the anti-Poland resolution, passed 319-214 on Thursday by the European Parliament in connection with the Polish approach to abortion law. It shows two things about the EU, or at least the elite who control it. One is that they cannot understand the idea of a society imbued with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The other is that they show, and seemingly wish to push willy-nilly throughout Europe, an alarming strain of anti-religion in general and anti-Catholicism in particular.
  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Prayers for Poland.
  3. Michael Pio

    Michael Pio Archangels

    Mar 16, 2021
    Poland should leave the EU. Would be best for all.
    I love Poland, being half Polish. Been to Krakow (St. Faustina) with my family, and to Czestochowa. Lots of young people in Czestochowa, very Catholic. Took my 88 year old late grandma to her birthplace in Poland which she had left at age 8. She met her school friend there after 80 years. Polish people from the village took us in, very generous and friendly, very Catholic. The son an altar boy. The whole family and even almost the whole country goes on a walking pilgrimage to Czestochowa each year. One million Poles went to pray the Rosary at the Polish borders around 2016 to pray the country stays away from Muslim invasion.
    I visited the Eucharistic miracle in Legnica with late grandmother, too.
    When I visited, the son of Polands Prime Minister was a Holy Priest in the FSSP as I recall. What an amazing country, truly blessed.
    Poland should leave the EU. Everybody happy.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
    Mario, RoryRory, PurpleFlower and 7 others like this.
  4. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    As should Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
    AED and Jason Fernando like this.
  5. indaiatubano

    indaiatubano Archangels

    Aug 20, 2014
    They won't leave. They get too much MONEY from the EU. Really they are being bribed to stay. :(
    DesertStar7 and Jason Fernando like this.
  6. Jason Fernando

    Jason Fernando Powers

    Apr 25, 2020
    it's not just abortion, the LGBT onslaught is also making headways in Poland...

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