Heavy rioting in the Dutch city of Rotterdam last night over Covid Passes. What is interesting about this is that the police totally lost control with several police vehicles being set on fire. But what is more interesting still is that: THE POLICE USED LIVE AMMUNITION ON UNARMED CIVILIANS. Think about that. Think about it long and hard.
Oh boy...deep breath. Desperation is in the air. When I read about Austria I thought "so now they are going alphabetically? First Australia and now Austria?"
You know what’s funny…..a news station here in the US said that the Rotterdam riot was because of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Liars.
Yes, Padraig, think about it long and hard. Who benefits from these riots now when the majority are vaccinated and the long term effects of the vaccines are unknown? Don't discount the possibility that people with evil intent are planted among demonstrators to engineer a situation where the majority will support police firing on unarmed civilians. Isn't this just a step further than what happened in the US Capitol building in January where the face of the so-called insurrectionists turned out to be an activist who had nothing in common with the vast majority of the demonstrators?
I wonder if anyone in the entire world has heard of a Bishop or Cardinal referring to these events as a Direct Judgement and Chastisement from God on account of our sins? A Modern John the Baptist who has called for repentance in sackcloth and ashes for forgiveness and repentance for our horrible and manifold sins? Well have you? One single Bishop anywhere on the face of Planet Earth? I haven't. I have heard of Conferences to discuss Global Warming. Economic Inequality and every other Liberal hot button issue on the Liberal /Left list. But Repentance? Turning to the Lord and begging Him to Relent. No. None . Nada. Nilch. Why not? well for two reasons. For fear of being laughed at (Fear of Human Respect). That's number one. Number two is those who have sold out to the World think like the World and so become as blind as the World (Spiritual Blindness). But this virus is not going away anywhere unless we repent and fall to out knees in Repentance. With Pope Frankie at the Driver's Wheel I'm not holding my breath. Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them: 'As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?'
Any mention of sin these days is considered pharasaical, unless it's the sin against the doctrine of climate change. Times have changed, but the Lord's message hasn't. Love God, love your neighbour, forgive your enemies and pray for your persecutors. Riots and turn the other cheek aren't a good fit. There's enough rational argument on the side of vaccine hesitancy to make rioting counter productive.
What is Civilisation at the end of the day but the absence of Fear? Introduce Fear and say goodbye to Civilisation.
Oh St Augustine bishop of hippo, you were indeed insightful on this matters, spoke without fear but with the truth of Truth. In those days the gangs were known as Kingdoms, in our age the villainy acquired another name, Empires. I guess it is what the Apostle Paul speaks to us about when he tells us we fight not against fresh and blood about against powers and principalities. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”Ephesians 6:12
Imagine the police had used live fire on a large Gay Pride Event..or Radical Feminists ..or Radical Environmentalists..or pro aborts..... imagine the shock..the outrage..the total horror...
Yes, there is governmental tyranny, but the excuse the police will use is that the rioters were anarchists. I believe it was in Australia that shots have been fired on peaceful protestors. With Austria going down the path of radical enforcement we see a ramping up in the move toward worldwide dictatorship. When the colonies rebelled against Great Britain in the 1770s both sides were pretty well balanced in regard to weaponry. We're a long way from parity in our day! The Church will now grow through martyrdom, not through military victories.
I believe Our Lord called Satan, 'The Lord of this World'. So I suppose there are no surprises there. I find myself as I get older more and more concerned with the World to Come than this World. I notice this because all the things Government stops or is intending to stop me doing I would not have been doing anyway. I do not go to concerts or dine or eat out, I do not go into the city shopping. The things I do like to do like going going camping or walking in the forests they don't stop. The one thing they have stopped and I suppose will stop that does annoy me greatly is stopping the Mass and closing Churches. Lets face it , it would have been impossible for Government to do this if Our Holy Father the Pope and the Bishops had not bought into it, for which may God forgive them... But as St Paul tells us, 'Who shall separate us from the love of Christ...'? No one of course. As I look back on my life the time when I felt closest to Christ was when I lay in the dark and freezing cold with just a tee shirt and jeans on, with a howling snow storm outside, covered in blood in solitary confinement just after being badly beaten. They took me out in my bare feet in the heavy snowfall at night time. All around were bright arc lights and razor wire and barking guard dogs. I had to run to stay warm in the snow to keep from freezing. But Christ never seemed closer. What indeed can keep us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35-39 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Comments on the video say that the Guardian labelled the protesters as "far right" and played down the numbers. Also comments saying there was a large protest in London not covered by the legacy media. A protest in Zagreb, Croatia: Melbourne, Australia: I'm not a fan of mass protests during a pandemic. I can understand the Austrians protesting because they face heavy fines or prison for refusing the vaccine.
I am sure the system is behind that with agent provocateurs. They obviously want to shoot protesters going forward. It is getting nasty. We have to protest peacefully. Lord help us.
Maybe there would be more if our Church leaders hadn't caved in so readily to the globalists. On the other hand, had the Pope and Bishops taken a different approach, a fair number of protesters might well have jumped on the vaccine mandate bandwagon. A whole lot of people are in for a shock when the Great Reset gets into its stride. For example, we often see Catholics in the US being accused of being single issue voters because they vote for pro-life Republican candidates. That accusation is used by Catholics who support the anti-God Democratic Party - as often as not the financially comfortable Jesucated types. I watched a recent video from Bishop Barren where he stated that there are pro-life Democrats. Any Pharisees watching that video knows now that the prominent Democrat who asked for a copy of his speech is pro-life from beginning to end of life. Evidently, Bishop Barren believes that the US Democrats do enough to protect life despite the millions of unborn babies murdered thanks to their love affair with the abortion killing machine. Well, Bishop Barren and the card carrying members of the US episcopate might benefit from watching this video from the New York Times: Unless Joe and Nancy's devotees are of an age with them, they're all in for a rude awakening. The people who voted to remove mention of God at the Pary's convention are ready to take over. No problem for Georgetown Jesuits, but what about Bishops who actually have some faith? Party membership won't be much use in the gulags. The word on fire will be morse code tapped out on cell walls. Dialogue how are ya.