COVID shots intended to reduce world’s population by poisoning ‘billions’: South African doctor ‘The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,’ said Dr. Shankara Chetty. Tue Nov 23, 2021 - 7:56 am EST PORT EDWARD, South Africa (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent doctor credited with advancing the development of early treatments for COVID-19 has stated that, in his judgment, the purpose of the pandemic and vaccine campaigns, is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.” Dr. Shankara Chetty, a family doctor in South Africa who, according to his website, has “treated 7000 Covid-19 patients without a single hospitalization or death,” combined insights from his medical knowledge along with his observations of government dictates and media censorship to support his conclusions. While participating in a Zoom meeting of people who appeared to be physicians, Chetty prefaced his remarks by posing a question: “I think the perspective around what is happening is vitally important. We need to understand what the aim is. Everyone knows that there’s inconsistencies, that there’s coercion, but we need to understand why. Why is it there?” He went on to identify, as “the most important” aspect for answering these questions, the “pathogen that was causing all the death in COVID illness,” the spike protein which is carried by the virus and is what the vaccine is designed to produce in a recipient’s body. “If I had to give you my opinion, as to what is happening on a global scale,” he said, “[the] spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made. And the aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it. So, it’s a poison with an agenda.” The physician, broadly recognized for developing the “8th Day Therapy for COVID-19” for patients who have entered the more dangerous inflammatory stage of the disease, then stated that “what looks like transpired here, [is] they’ve engineered a virus and put this weapons-grade package onto it called ‘spike protein.’” With the initial release of this “most elaborately engineered toxin,” expected allergic reactions happen in a small percentage of people, causing many to fall very ill and die when the reaction occurs. According to Chetty, this is normally on the eighth day of symptoms. The physician said that because of the initial 14-day global lockdowns, those infected with COVID-19 who had allergic reactions arrived at the hospitals late, and these institutions implement mandated protocols “to engineer death and damage [in order] to stir all the fear.” “But the game that they played with this engineered virus was to justify the vaccination of the planet,” he continued. subscribe to our daily headlines US Canada Catholic Chetty added that these injections are meant to “expose us to [the] spike protein for a longer period.” The 18-year veteran practitioner, who has often been interviewed across the internet by fellow doctors, and has made appearances with other well-known early treatment innovators such as Drs. Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, and Richard Urso, explained how, following the allergic reaction deaths in the first two weeks, more long-range health dangers begin to emerge. “[We begin] to see the endothelial [blood vessel lining] injuries that this vaccine causes with its spike protein, with its influence on its ACE2 receptors. Those are the deaths that are meant to follow. And they will never be pinned onto [the] spike protein, a very well-engineered toxin,” he said. “Now spike protein is also a membrane protein. So, the mRNA will distribute this throughout our body. It will be made in various tissues around our body. It will be incorporated into those membranes around our body, and those specific tissues.” “Those tissues will be recognized as foreign and will trigger a host of autoimmune responses. So, the deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison! They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,” he continued. “Now this toxin in the long term is going to get people with pre-existing illness to have those illnesses exasperated,” the doctor explained. With certain toxic substances, including “bits of HIV protein” within this “definitely engineered” spike protein, Chetty states “people with cancers are going to have their cancers flareup, and they will say they died of the cancer.” “People with vessel injuries or predisposition like our diabetics and [those with] hypertension are going to have strokes and heart attacks and the rest at varying times, and we’ll attribute those to their preexisting conditions,” he said. “People are going to develop, over time, autoimmune conditions, the diversity of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they’re far too targeted.” “But I think if people understand what the intention is, then they’ll understand why what’s happened has happened. The ill logic, the coercion, the suppression, is all warranted if you understand that there is a bigger plan. This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned,” the COVID physician said. “And so, I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame,” he concluded. “I think there’s a huge picture at play; [otherwise] the vaccines make absolutely no sense. We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start, and if we look at the science, the science does not play out.” — Article continues below Petition — HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside YOUR Australian Embassy - Dec. 4th - US 3668 have signed the petition. Let's get to 4000! Add your signature: Show Petition Text Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues.
I heard a report on BBC Radio last week. quarter.. of the population of Wales are on Waiting Lists for hospital procedures. Not how is that possible? Also I have been thing of the number of friends and relatives I have know who died of cancer down the years. This makes me wonder too.
There might be a reason to wonder about all of the cancers, yes. The treatments for cancer are worse than the cancer, imho. And follow the money.
Sadly, this article validates our worst suspicions about the vaccines. It has to be the worst crime against humanity in history, a worldwide genocide that flew under the radar. A diabolical plot.
Your thoughts on malachi martin said of the antichrist he will come when the world as unsolvable problems and he will have real and successful solutions. That's the first sign.2nd when he solves the problem the whole world will say he is divine.3rd he will say yes I am bow down and adore me. Well imagine if people start to realise that these vaccines are a death sentence and someone comes on the scene to solve everything. How tempting would it be to take what he has to offer to survive.
Just some thoughts that have been nagging me. So many anti vaxers are throwing the plot off. Not as many are going to be annihilated. Our Mother Mary has been warning us of a new epidemic coming where blisters appear on the skin etc. The remedy is the essential oil that has been discussed on here. I recently read that the smallpox that allegedly has been wiped out has been found in labs in the U.S. and China. I also read that the U.S. Has been stockpiling an antidote for smallpox in case of biological warfare. I also read that Bill Gates has come up with a new vaccine for smallpox. This is all info available with some research . . .Bill Gates is really fitting the description of the antichrist, imho. Smallpox brought back on the scene would wipe out as many people as you wanted wiped out, his vax can be taken after symptoms appear . . .thus, he would be the savior etc. Soooo, the plot thickens. But I would have some of that oil on hand, js.
U.S. doctor reports a '20 times increase' of cancer in vaccinated patients 'Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells'
yes sir padraig
On a personal note, I have been involved with more cases of endometrial cancer surgeries this year than in my entire career. The latest was yesterday, we had a emergency case come in of a 79 year old woman with no prior medical history (she stated the last time she was in a hospital was when she was born.) Massive hemorrhaging, surgeon requested stat tests which came back as cancer of endometriosis.
I hardly even want to thing about it. It's just so awful. I pray to God it isn't true...but what sobers me to suspect it is, is the weight of our collective sins and the State of the Church. Perhaps a Warning Sign might be when we start to see kind of off the chart rare cancer stats shooting up? It's truly so alarming the very thought of it being true..truly heart stopping.
I have been following this brilliant young Researcher on the subject. He would also scare you to death.But does it in a very nice way...
Lucifer offered Our Lord all of the kingdoms of the world during the 40 days in the desert and the Lord refused the offer. I can only imagine how the evil has multiplied in the world since then. Much evil hidden in the darkness. But all that is hidden will be revealed.