Most people are not deficient but you can see how critical it is. The end includes the daily recommended dose. There is some evidence for higher levels than that.
My Zinc dosage comes in 50 mg per tab.... bottle recommends 1 tab daily ...seems like alot ... may cut that in half.
My mom used to give me zinc as a teenager and it hurt my stomach pretty badly. So I've stayed away ever since.
That is exactly what I do. I break my 50mg pills in 1/2 taking 25 per day. I also take a calcium/magnesium/zinc at bedtime which adds another 17mg. 40ish feels right for me and there are many doctors recommending this amount. Always take with or after a meal I would recommend.
When we have a cold or allergies I use Coldeze, they are a flavored drop with zinc. I spread them out throughout the day so not getting a big dose of zinc all at once. Our Dr. recommended them when we get a cold.
I never knew how important zinc is in the proper functioning of the human body. Our" inner space" is just as AWESOME as is "outer space". What an AMAZING laboratory the human body is ! God is GOOD!!
Lots of food contain zinc. Lamb, for example, is a rich source of zinc. My day was made when I read that. Beef too although it needs to be from grass fed cattle. There are plenty of websites listing the foods containing zinc. I didn't see a mention of nettles or dandelions on any of them so getting your levels up through natural means shouldn't be an endurance test.
Mine too. Right now during this bad season I am taking the 50. Usually I cut it in half but with covid everywhere I am using 50. Some MDs are recommending 100 when sick. Not sure I'd go that far.