Many Germans are upping sticks and fleeing the country. Who could blame them? It reminds me of Our Lady's Refugees. A similiar thing is happening in the USA with many thousands fleeing the madness in California and New York.
I chuckled a bit with this Padraig! I live in NY- not too far from NYC. Believe me when I say it has sunken deeply not just due to Covid but the former mayor was a disaster. The city has reverted back to the way it was in the late 1970s and early 80s before Gulliani (whatever you think of him know) cleaned it up. I don’t go anywhere near the place. But with that said, the state of NY is also a disaster. My belief system- moral, ethical Political is not even really tolerated. We are blessed that our little county and area is a bit of a conclave but how long who knows. Still despite all that I feel the call to stay especially while my kids and grandkids are all so close by. Perhaps God is asking some of us to continue to be on “front lines” and witness. Perhaps even face fiercer discrimination and attacks? Believe me… I’m not looking to be a martyr per se… I’m here , likely will stay here. I will continue to witness, practice my faith, speak my peace and do my best to Love my neighbor and harder yet… love the enemy. But only way this happens is through prayer. So remember Forum members … those of us in or near the belly of the beast. We need prayer.
And Austria is the birthplace of a certain Adolph Hitler and the Austrian government are mandating vaccines for all adults. A fascist diktat.
My son lives in NYC, (the belly of the beast). It is slowly destroying him. He can’t see it, but we can see the changes in him when he comes home. I could be very wrong, but I believe the pandemic ushered in an increase in demonic activity in NYC. I have begged my so to get out of that place and return home, but nope. I am very concerned because he lacks the faith necessary to fight the evil in his midst. All I can do is pray for him.
You are very very perceptive. I agree with you. My wife and I have called it an overwhelming oppression and darkness in the city and area. So much so that I’m just past few weeks I’ve gotten many Sacramental's including epiphany water, Blessed chalk and salt and just this week blessed beeswax candles. Of course our rosaries and scapulars are always on us. Just last Sunday I invited our priest to dinner and he blessed every room in my hone. Including the attic because as he put it… “they” like to be up there too. we also are still quite blessed to have many parishes in our area who are having holy hours and adoration. I’m not a holy roller by any means- in fact my sins are right there but thank God he shines his light on my soul and I can see the dirt and can get ti weekly confession still. I don’t know how long these opportunities will last here but will go as long as I can. jo- I will pray for your son as I do for my kids that they stay protected from this evil and oppression. There are Catholic young people groups in the city - maybe you can encourage him to go….happy to give you sone ideas if you wants to pm me. Peace.
This says it all: After the fatal shooting of New York City police officer Jason Rivera, 22, that has also left Wilbert Mora, 27, critically wounded and fighting for his life, Democrats who have called to defund the NYPD are now praising police, the New York Post reported. The Post reported on the remarks of New York Democrats after Friday night’s shooting of two police officers and compared them to their past remarks when the Defund the Police movement was raging. “A 22-year-old NYPD officer has died & another is fighting for his life,” Comptroller Brad Lander said. “Praying for his recovery. Our hearts are with their loved ones and colleagues.”
It is so interesting passing the Sacristy in my Traditionalist Church after Mass sometimes. For there, on the table people leave out all kind of Objects to get blessed and turned into Sacramentals. Many of them date back to very old Catholic Traditions long since forgotten. There are the more obvious, Holy Water, Salt, Crucifixes, Holy Pictures, Medals, Rosary beads and so on. But some I never even heard of before.For instance, Blessed Oil? I heard of it in Sacraments but not as a Sacramental. Also I saw a rope or cord bound with two threads red and white.. I am guessing it has something to do with St Philomena? Anyway I have fun looking at them all as I pass, it is an Education in itself.
This sickens me. I come from a long and proud line of family members ( not me) who served the city of NY as NYPD officers. in fact my cousins brother became chief of police there several years ago. They loved the city and it’s people. They worked hard and sacrificed. And so do the men and women serving today. (I also include FDNY and EMTs). But there is very little respect today. Most of My family is out now. I pray for the repose of soul of this young 22 who paid the ultimate sacrifice. God have mercy on him. And comfort his family.
I completely agree with you! I have many family members living in NY, a few in the downtown area. Unfortunately, most of them disagree with NY being in a state of disaster and they would never move. It saddens me and I pray much for them. Although growing up on Long Island and living there for 19 years, I do not even wish to go back to visit and probably never will! It is not the same place I grew up in.
Fr Lazarus, a modern saint always cheers me up. He is so opposite of all we see around us. Why we flee the cities. He reminds me that things don't have to be the way they are. That things can be better; that we , all of us, can be so much better than we are.
Yes, a St. Philomena cord! We have a few we're going to get blessed soon. I'm so excited to be having candles traditionally blessed at Candlemas for the first time... I'd heard of this for a few years but no such thing was done at my Novus Ordo parish. And the Epiphany water a few weeks ago... Our church was bursting at its seams with people carrying jugs of water to be blessed. Such joy and faith is a tremendous gift to be surrounded by in these times.