O Canada! We stand on guard for thee. God bless our neighbors to the North. A revolution for our times.
Please include Canada in your prayers. Main stream media here shows all the negatives they can find..
I can't believe the way the mainstream media and others are slandering the poor old truckers. It's big reminder to be very ,very sceptical of mainstream media and politicians. They are calling them Racists, Nazis, Fascists, violent, disruptive, the list goes on and on. To cap it off they are putting nails down on the roads round Ottawa so truckers can;t get through. The thing is if they are telling such gross lies about these poor old truckers, what else are they lying to us about? It's stomach churning. Here is a good instance of mass media slander.
I love how this movement seems inspired by the Holy Spirit. It came out of nowhere and is bringing so many people of good will together. Even the trucker interviewed as one of the organizers said that he doesn't know who is coming because there are convoys spontaneously coming from everywhere. The movement is spreading to Europe and I read somewhere US truckers are doing the same. And read Mark Mallett's wonderful post here and get your hanky in hand before watching that video of the trucker at the bottom of the page. If someone can find me the original link to that video, I would love to forward it. Go Holy Spirit, go!
If you don't have the time to listen/watch the whole video, may I please direct you to the 25 minute mark through the 26 minute mark - very well said! *** This was probably posted already but just in case... Thousands of U.S. Truckers to protest Vaccine Mandate by: Christina Aguayo https://www.kark.com/news/national-news/thousands-of-u-s-truckers-to-protest-vaccine-mandate/ Posted: Jan 30, 2022 / 08:29 PM CST Updated: Jan 30, 2022 / 08:29 PM CST EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – Truckers in the United States are getting ready to follow the lead of their Canadian counterparts and form a convoy that will travel from California to Washington D.C. This after 50,000 Canadian truck drivers formed a 45-mile convoy to Ottawa this week to protest the government’s vaccine mandate. The same mandate issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security who is requiring that non-U.S. essential workers such as truck drivers be fully vaccinated against COVID. If they are not fully vaccinated, they will not be allowed to cross land borders, from Canada or Mexico. The American Truckers formed a Facebook group that as of Sunday has more than 67,000 members. The page states that they support freedom and they are done with the mandates. “We are part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers. We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place.. God Bless America,” the page reads. The group has not yet announced it’s start date – but says the convoy will be scheduled soon.
I'd say these Days will go down in the History Books of Canada. Quite amazing. The World is Watching. I hope the Government does not go down the road of trying to suppress the protestors. That would be a big, big Boston Tea Party mistake. Prayers for Canada.
Excellent. I am going to have to look for the Rubin Report in the future, I have seen him on Fox News and I remember him always having good commentary. Tucker Carlson's commentary on this subject is very good too imho. Towards the end of the video @ the 12 minute mark embedded in the following link Tucker includes a clip from a guy who appears to be "a plant", a provocateur, as Saul Alinsky suggests to do in Rules fro Radicals which is the book that Hillary Clinton did her thesis on. https://www.foxnews.com/world/justin-trudeau-freedom-convoy-praised-truckers-2020
The only thing about Dave Rubin is he is a , 'Married'.. homosexual and Agnostic. Just something to bear in mind. This skews his narrative in certain ways. For instance he would have no concept of the idea of sin or the need for conversion which would be very much part of the Judea Christian understanding. Biblical thought seems quite foreign to him though he is ethnically a Jew. I also think his views of life are very Hedonistic and materialist. Still I like his Conservatism and Libertarianism...and anyway he is very easy to listen to.
Things seem to be going very, very poorly for the Canadian Government and very, very well for the protestors, bless them. What amazing times we are living through! The Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole just got kicked out for being a Rhino. It just keeps getting better and better.
Is there any update on these great hereos? Earlier in the scademic, I thought Canada had fallen over and died. Was I ever delighted to be so wrong! I pray Australia and Austria can now do similar.... Anyways, we don't get to hear any news from Canada here (except the BS that the BBC and MSM allow). If anyone has any real news, don't keep it to yourself. Post it up!!