Vatican releases consecration text

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by BrianK, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Vatican releases text for March 25 consecration prayer for Ukraine, Russia

    BREAKING: Vatican releases text for March 25 consecration prayer for Ukraine, Russia
    Pope Francis will lead on March 25 for the consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Here is the full text of the prayer obtained by CNA:

    O Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, in this time of trial we turn to you. As our Mother, you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often we have experienced your watchful care and your peaceful presence! You never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

    Yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century, the sacrifice of the millions who fell in two world wars. We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns. We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbour’s keepers and stewards of our common home. We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves. Now with shame we cry out: Forgive us, Lord!

    Holy Mother, amid the misery of our sinfulness, amid our struggles and weaknesses, amid the mystery of iniquity that is evil and war, you remind us that God never abandons us, but continues to look upon us with love, ever ready to forgive us and raise us up to new life. He has given you to us and made your Immaculate Heart a refuge for the Church and for all humanity. By God’s gracious will, you are ever with us; even in the most troubled moments of our history, you are there to guide us with tender love.

    We now turn to you and knock at the door of your heart. We are your beloved children. In every age you make yourself known to us, calling us to conversion. At this dark hour, help us and grant us your comfort. Say to us once more: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” You are able to untie the knots of our hearts and of our times. In you we place our trust. We are confident that, especially in moments of trial, you will not be deaf to our supplication and will come to our aid.

    That is what you did at Cana in Galilee, when you interceded with Jesus and he worked the first of his signs. To preserve the joy of the wedding feast, you said to him: “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3). Now, O Mother, repeat those words and that prayer, for in our own day we have run out of the wine of hope, joy has fled, fraternity has faded. We have forgotten our humanity and squandered the gift of peace. We opened our hearts to violence and destructiveness. How greatly we need your maternal help!

    Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.

    Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war.

    Ark of the New Covenant, inspire projects and paths of reconciliation.

    Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world.

    Eliminate hatred and the thirst for revenge, and teach us forgiveness.

    Free us from war, protect our world from the menace of nuclear weapons.

    Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our need to pray and to love.

    Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity.

    Queen of Peace, obtain peace for our world.

    O Mother, may your sorrowful plea stir our hardened hearts. May the tears you shed for us make this valley parched by our hatred blossom anew. Amid the thunder of weapons, may your prayer turn our thoughts to peace. May your maternal touch soothe those who suffer and flee from the rain of bombs. May your motherly embrace comfort those forced to leave their homes and their native land. May your Sorrowful Heart move us to compassion and inspire us to open our doors and to care for our brothers and sisters who are injured and cast aside.

    Holy Mother of God, as you stood beneath the cross, Jesus, seeing the disciple at your side, said: “Behold your son” (Jn 19:26.) In this way he entrusted each of us to you. To the disciple, and to each of us, he said: “Behold, your Mother” (v. 27). Mother Mary, we now desire to welcome you into our lives and our history. At this hour, a weary and distraught humanity stands with you beneath the cross, needing to entrust itself to you and, through you, to consecrate itself to Christ. The people of Ukraine and Russia, who venerate you with great love, now turn to you, even as your heart beats with compassion for them and for all those peoples decimated by war, hunger, injustice and poverty.

    Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine. Accept this act that we carry out with confidence and love. Grant that war may end and peace spread throughout the world. The “Fiat” that arose from your heart opened the doors of history to the Prince of Peace. We trust that, through your heart, peace will dawn once more. To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of the world.

    Through your intercession, may God’s mercy be poured out on the earth and the gentle rhythm of peace return to mark our days. Our Lady of the “Fiat," on whom the Holy Spirit descended, restore among us the harmony that comes from God. May you, our “living fountain of hope,” water the dryness of our hearts. In your womb Jesus took flesh; help us to foster the growth of communion. You once trod the streets of our world; lead us now on the paths of peace. Amen.
    DesertStar7, Sam and Carol55 like this.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021

    ACTION PLAN – For the Fatima Consecration of Russia
    Timothy Flanders March 22, 2022 0 Comments
    The Worst Papacy – Good out of Evil?
    On March 13th, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was raised to the Apostolic See of St. Peter in Rome. Two months later on Fatima Day, May 13th, 2013, “At the Holy Father’s personal request, Cardinal Jose Polycarp, the Patriarch of Lisbon, consecrated the pontificate of Pope Francis to Our Lady of Fatima on her feast day.”

    Since then, Pope Francis has proven himself to be worthy – we write in tears – to be named among the worst popes in history. He has justly been dubbed “The Dictator Pope” by respected English historian Henry Sire, a critique which cost Mr. Sire his membership in the Knights of Malta (who had formerly contracted him to write histories of the order in English)—proving, lamentably, his whole point.

    In just a few years, Pope Francis has joined the ranks of men who profaned and discredited the sacred office of Papa Romae – men like Urban VIII, Alexander VI, Julius II, John XXII, or John XII, the latter of whom was some form of Satanist, murderer, fornicator, struck down by God’s direct judgment (historians debate how exactly it happened).

    But before John XII died, “despite himself,” Coulombe observes, he confirmed the charter of the Cluny Monastery.[1]

    The Cluny Monastery was what got the Church out of the First Pornocracy, called the First Crusade and created what historians call “the High Middle Ages” – that period of western Christendom that we all know and love.

    God brought good out of the evil of the First Pornocracy.

    After all of the destruction wrought upon souls and the Mystical Body of Christ, will Pope Francis consecrate Russia and fulfill Fatima “despite himself”? Is this how God brings good out of the Third Pornocracy?

    Fulfilling Fatima – Current Status
    After the shocking news out of Rome last week, the Nuncio to the United States confirmed about the Pope’s “act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” that:

    The Holy Father intends to invite each Bishop… to join in this act of consecration, if possible, at an hour corresponding to 5pm Rome time [Noon US eastern standard time]. (This story broken by our friends at CFN)

    The Letter specified that Pope Francis would send the text of the consecration “in the coming days.” At the time of this writing, no consecration formula has been released. Nevertheless, the Greek and Latin rite bishops of Ukraine, the bishops of Latin America (CELAM), England, Wales, Philippines, Spain (SEC), Europe (COMECE, CCEE), Slovakia, Nicaragua, Kazakhstan, Australia (all according to LifeSite), Poland, Ireland, and Bishop Brislin of South Africa.

    Our brethren under the regime of “errors of Russia” Communist China, if they have been able to hear the news, will no doubt join as much as they can – their Communist “Patriot” bishops notwithstanding.

    Even Pope Emeritus Benedict will join the consecration of Russia:

    JUST IN: #Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni has confirmed to me that Benedict XVI will join in the consecration of Russia & Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary “privately from the Monastery” of Mater Ecclesiae, i.e. from his residence chapel in the Vatican.

    — Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) March 21, 2022

    Shortly before the day the Consecration announcement was made, reports appeared that the Icon of the Theotokos, Softener of Evil Hearts, in the Russian Orthodox cathedral of the Military Forces is bleeding:

    A significant earthquake hit Japan last week, and moderate tremors have been felt also in California and Ontario.

    But the opulent heretics of the German schismatic synod, meanwhile, may need to brush up on which continent has war right now:

    .@LifeSite reports: "According to German Catholic news outlet, Vatican officials have pressed Pope Francis to tone down the 'Eurocentric' emphasis of the consecration."

    Not good

    — Matt Gaspers (@MattGaspers) March 21, 2022

    Xavier likes this.
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021

    If the German heretics are behind a great deal of money flowing through the corrupt Vatican bank and polluting and producing the Third Pornocracy (as evidence has indicated for decades), the will of pope Francis to follow through with his intention might be a contest between a modern form of simony from the Rhineland and the NATO narrative in favor of the Ukrainian people. If he reverses himself under pressure as completely as he did with Traditionis Custodes, we might have every hope in Fatima’s fulfillment dashed to pieces by the pen of the Petrine Peronist in Chief.
    God of Surprises?

    Then again (and unfortunately for the heretics at their particular judgments) God is indeed the God of surprises. And if God actually brings about the fulfillment of Fatima by means of Pope Francis… well, look what He did with John XII.

    His Excellency Bishop Schneider responded to various “dubia” about the Consecration, and shared his hopes of Russian conversion to the Mystical Body of Christ yesterday.

    A few days ago I was speaking with Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute about this and he had an interesting take on it. He could see the stars aligning for another good-out-of-evil “surprise” from God:

    In a twist of supreme Divine Irony, Bergoglio will do this [Fatima Consecration of Russia], and is the only one who could actually obtain the cooperation of all bishops of the world.

    1) He will do it for purely political reasons. Ukraine is in crisis and the recipient of Russian aggression. It would polish his image to do as the Ukrainian bishops requested.

    2) The good bishops who understand the importance of this act will participate, happily.

    3) The sycophantic bishops of the Left will do it to curry favor with Bergoglio.

    4) Even Pope Benedict will… participate, as it would be a display of unity with the entire Church.

    Therefore, Russia is consecrated by the pope, in Union with all the bishops of the world.

    In short, the devil’s agents are being tricked into doing the right thing.

    He went on to make this important point about Fatima, going back to the failures from Pius XI (a failure which led directly to the Second World War!):

    I wonder if, in a similar respect, the pope was simply unable to do the consecration as requested, because the laity was not doing as Our Lady asked: pray the Rosary every day for the pope and the conversion of Russia, and make the five first Saturdays of reparation. Just as Sr. Lucia needed Our Lady’s grace to fulfill the command to write down the third secret, the pope also needs Our Lady’s grace to make the consecration properly.

    This point, I think, is critical for us to seize upon at this moment. It’s the easiest thing in the world to blame the pope for all the problems in the Church and the world at this point.We can keep the blame going and condemn the prior pope, and his predecessor, and his predecessor… go as far back as you like.

    And let’s be honest – these popes have a lot to answer for.

    But blaming the pope won’t get you into heaven at your particular judgment.

    As we heard in the Gospel in the first full week of Lent, Jesus Christ will condemn you to eternal damnation if you despised Him the poor and hated your brother.

    What good will it do to your soul if Russia is indeed converted but your heart is hardened?

    Will you escape eternal punishment without penance? Will you obtain eternal happiness without charity toward God and neighbour?


    The Lord and King says solemnly to all of us right at this moment:

    I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish (Lk. xiii. 3).

    Therefore, brethren, whatever happens, whether Russia is converted or not, as far as we are concerned, let us be converted with all our hearts (Joel. ii. 12). Join in these actions according to the intention of Fatima for your own soul, for the souls of your brethren, for all poor sinners, and most especially for the Holy Father and all the bishops. Let us redouble our zeal for penance and the conversion of poor sinners “for many souls go to hell because they have no one to sacrifice and pray for them.”[2]

    Annunciation Novena for the Consecration of Russia

    Day 7

    I greet you, Ever-blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Throne of Grace, miracle of Almighty Power! I greet you, Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity and Queen of the Universe, Mother of Mercy and refuge of sinners!

    — OnePeterFive (@OnePeterFive) March 22, 2022

      • Call your bishop and confirm he is publicly doing the Consecration at 5pm Rome time (show him the Nuncio’s orders from the United States or elsewhere).
      • Attend the Consecration in your diocese and offer up penance and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on her feast day (the original date of Good Friday)
      • Hear Mass for the Annunciation and receive Holy Communion in a state of grace in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary (the same intention for the Five First Saturdays)
      • Say the Eucharistic Reparationprayer given by the Angel of Portugal at Fatima: My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love you! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love you.(3 times)
      • Lead your family and friends to do the same
    (If you wish, write to me to document that your diocese did the consecration and your bishop participated: editor [at]

    Fiat voluntas tua, Domine.

    T. S. Flanders
    Feria Tertia infra Hebd. III Temp. Quad.

    [1] Coulombe, Vicars of Christ, 132.

    [2] Fourth Apparition of Fatima, August 19th, 1917.
    PurpleFlower, Xavier and ClareG like this.
  4. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

    Aug 10, 2013
    Why is he saying “ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine”? Why can’t he just say “Russia”?
    Catherine L, ClareG and BrianK like this.
  5. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    The million dollar question.
    Catherine L and ClareG like this.
  6. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    So it won't be "Eurocentric."
  7. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    I posted this in another thread but probably goes better here.

    I had a bit of an insight earlier about the wording of the consecration. At the time when the consecration was first requested, Russia had not yet spread her errors. But by now, she has: to the Church, and all of humanity, as the wording announced today states. So maybe this wording, though it seems superfluous, is in fact appropriate and necessary for where we are currently at.
    AED, Mary's child and Carol55 like this.
  8. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Surely, most of Russia is in Asia so the Eurocentric concerns are not valid?

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