They are also spreading mis information as well. The US is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. There is a difference.
I noticed this so much around the Trump Election and after. Like him or loath him the Media and Cultural and Political Establishments not only in the USA but in Europe and elsewhere were totally out to get him. It was like they were in lockstep. The same in the Church Hierarchy, it saddens me to say.. It was so obvious and spooky. Like they were all speaking with the one voice. 'Get Trump gone!'
Type, 'Fake News Mass media', into utube and all you get are videos about Fake News on Social Media. Their algorthims suppress news about how the Mass Media are puppets of preset agendas. Proverbs 12:22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
This is why I question the current "narrative" against Putin. They are showing the same lockstep demonization campaign they used on Trump and as we are finding out now (some of us already knew) it was all lies!!!
I've recently interacted with someone, very knowledgeable, who's "there are no angels in this" (8 prior years of war-like skirmishes in eastern Ukraine against ethnic Russians there) and that Zelensky could end the conflict today if he'd swallow his pride instead of trying to hold onto three things (can't recall what) that don't matter anyway.
Putin's no angel and may be as evil as they say he is. If he's as crazy as they say, their own actions make no sense. It also makes no sense that they alternate between claiming that the Russian military are incompetent, in disarray, undernourished with inadequate food supplies, running short on bullets and spare parts for their inferior hardware and vehicles and then claiming that Poland and all the other neighbouring countries are next on Putin list of countries to be invaded. The Russian military which is an existential threat to the world is really a ramshackle group of reluctant conscripts? As usual, there's probably some truth mixed in there. Sorting the fact from fiction is a headache and the main reason I avoid the news as much as possible.
I have taken my small TV set down to rubbish bin back in 2003. Never looked back. I only read different sources online, hardly mainstream, and form my opinion. I don't need to be brainwashed by agenda pushers.
Militarily, the invasion has gone very badly, this is inescapably true. Every serving and retired senior military officer in the US or Europe who has commented appears to fully agree on that one. This war was 'sprung' on almost all those at the 'sharp end' who were assured that they were taking part in an 'exercise'. All prisoners taken by the Ukraine say the same thing and we KNOW that Putin told Macron a few days before invading that he had absolutely no intention of doing so. He was keeping this secret as far as possible, for obvious reasons, he didn't want the Ukraine to be prepared for what happened and wanted to 'wrong foot' the West but he overdid it and many of his own senior people were unprepared and had to plan and execute the invasion on very short notice. Armies and dictators learn from their mistakes (e.g. Stalin) if they are wise but repeat them if they are not (e.g. Hitler). Failure against the Ukraine does not necessarily mean that e.g. Moldova, Poland, the Baltic States and Finland can feel safe. It merely means that other strategies and other weapon types (nuclear?) may be employed against them. No commentator I can find says that the Russian army is a 'ramshackle group of reluctant conscripts'. Putin has denied using conscripts or reservists and was contradicted two days later by his own Defence Ministry who said that some conscripts had been in action but were being removed. It was a policy in WWII that the USSR used inexperienced and so expendable soldiers to 'soak up' ammunition and tire the enemy in initial assaults leaving the more experienced and valuable fresh troops to go in for the kill (it seems that policy might still be in place). In the US you have an appallingly partisan media but you are incorrect to assume that therefore no western news source is trustworthy. The BBC, for all its faults, does try to provide accurate information and they have some brave and reliable reporters 'on the ground'. They report millions of refugees, dozens of hospitals, schools and apartment blocks destroyed, thousands of Russian dead and wounded and now people being shipped to camps in Russia. Several prominent Russian TV journalists have resigned and even openly protested rather than cheer on this mass murderer at great personal risk. Are the millions of refugees with their appalling reports also part of some conspiracy to misinform you?
First of all, Steve, let's get something clear here. I'm sick, sore and weary of people being dismissed as conspiracy theorists, Putin lovers or far right nut jobs because they dare say that they don't trust the legacy media to tell the whole truth. That inference doesn't intimidate me after two years of being dubbed a granny killer because I wouldn't take an abortion tainted vaccine, so don't bother trying it on. That you trust the BBC is understandable because it's your national broadcaster and it tends to present all news from the perspective of the British (read Westminster) establishment. I learned a long time ago to take the BBC's reporting with a very large grain of salt. Britain being a NATO country, I expect the BBC's reporting to be slanted on whatever side NATO is on. They certainly were far from unbiased in their reporting on Northern Ireland and I have no reason to believe that they have raised their standards since then. That no reporter or pundit actually said in so many words that the Russian military is a ramshackle group of reluctant conscripts is true but that's certainly the message they have been trying to convey, presumably to give heart to Ukrainian refugees and perhaps encourage dissidents in Russia. Who was it said that truth is the first casualty of war? Whoever said it was right then and is right now. We don't really know the whole truth of this, and the whole truth may never be known until all the major players are long dead. I don't doubt that Russia is suffering heavy losses but suspect that the Ukrainian forces are being advised by people with real military know how rather than it being the result of arming civilians. I'm sure that the foreign fighters with military experience who have travelled to Ukraine are also having an impact. Poland is a member of both NATO and the EU. Putin may be crazy as the western media would have us believe but he would have to be stark raving bonkers to attack Poland. I know that. You know it. And so do the media pushing the "Poland is next" line.
I live in the North of Ireland - I stopped watching BBC news many years ago because it is so biased and unreliable. I often refer to it as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
I think it's a good rule of thumb to be suspicious of narratives that stir up fear and hate. Because in doing so they make us all easier to control. Global Warming is a good example. The virus was another This war is another. It's always a good idea to start from the point , 'Why are they lying to us now?' Then go on from there. I know this sounds difficult but it is a very good antidote from turning into a sheep.
People who want to mass murder the unborn and support all forms of sexual immorality will be serial liars. It's a given.
Proportionately the Russians abort nearly twice as many babies as the US, so they will be nearly twice as likely to lie in your estimation? Which sounds right to me. Freedom of religion for Shamans (witch doctors) in Russia BUT NOT FOR CATHOLICS according to Ukrainian Rite Catholic priest. Putin and the Orthodox are ultra-nationalists (or fascists if you prefer). Russia's Attack on Ukraine is About Religious Freedom w/ Fr. Jason Charron - YouTube
We were assured by goodness knows how many intelligence experts that the Hunter Biden laptop was a fraud and an example of fake news. Now, it is being freely admitted that it was genuine. A conspiracy theory seems to be a truth that just hasn't been admitted yet. The New York Times is supposed to be another reputable example of the mainstream media, just like the woke, communistic BBC, yet it has come out very badly from this laptop incident. I would consider these media outlets as little more than mouthpieces for whatever narrative Big Brother wants to spread.
Everything a liar says is not necessarily a lie. According to this Ukrainian Catholic priest, the western media might be often untrustworthy BUT about Ukraine, they ARE telling the truth and the Russians are lying through their teeth. Is the Media Telling the Truth About Ukraine & Russia? w/ Fr. Jason Charron - YouTube
I will believe what Fr Charron says, but his is surely a limited perspective and he can't help but see it from his own country's side. He is surely a reliable witness, but he cannot be privy to the entire international background that led to this conflict, nor to the details or motivations of the incidents that are happening in the war. People inevitably get killed in wars, yet are we supposed to accept Biden's description of Putin as a 'war 'criminal' or Zelensky's invocation of the Holocaust in the Knesset? I'd say both sides are lying. This is what always happens and whoever wins gets to write the 'history'.
The winners of WWII wrote the history but you can disagree with their opinions and conclusions without risking imprisonment. If the other side had won, there would have been no chance to disagree publicly and survive. Russia has passed a law which imposes a possible 15 year sentence for contradicting their news outlets' version of events. When the western nations introduce similar legislation, I will happily accept that equality of misinformation idea. All sides are not equally evil in conflict. Fr. Charron's 'perspective' as a Ukrainian, a Catholic and a priest is much, much more persuasive and reliable than yours or mine but you excuse yourself from believing him because he is so close to the subject which is what makes him credible, surely. The Consecration on Friday is being conducted at the behest of the Ukrainian Catholic bishops who, from their numerous contacts throughout the whole country, also know that what is being reported in the western media is accurate and that Russia is acting with inhuman aggressiveness, lying comprehensively and threatening those who try to tell the truth or even question the narrative. One Siberian blogger wondered on his blog why no figures of Russian dead had been made public for several weeks and, within hours, received a visit from the police ordering him to remove the query. The Russian propensity to lie about everything and all the time will unravel when they try to explain why only '598' have died but several thousand boys will never return. Putin might be terrifying but the thought of thousands of mothers and fathers who can't trace their soldier sons demonstrating on the streets must terrify him - it will be the end.