The Life Insurance Industry is reporting the Highest Surge in Deaths it has ever recorded in the USA (this is right across ALL Life Insurance companies). A 40% upsurge in Working Age Deaths (18 to 64) as compared to normal. Deaths way, way above Base Line pre-pandemic figures. Just imagine. Since real journalism has given way to political activism , none of this is being reported of course. Censorship has just turned savage at the moment. People are being vanished of Social Media left right and centre. One minute they are there; the next minute they are just gone.
Yes, I see so many, many stories that have the leading line, 'died after short illness' and 'cause of death unknown' or simply, they pay homage to the dead person and offer no reason as to cause of death.. I recently had a discussion with my brother (he has no faith). And like many he has no awareness of vaccine injuries, of big tech censorship, or of slanted journalism, nor of the propaganda machine. He sees nothing wrong with mass immigration - and is oblivious to the actual goings-on around us. He is in the majority. I can only rationalize it by recalling the following, 'for God would send a great deception among them, so that many would believe the lie....' I don't know where that line is from, or who said it. But it reasonates with me. It has stuck itself in my brain. And it is how I make sense of the current carry-on.
GK Chesterton said that the people with no God will have Government as a God. So it has become. The idea that their God would lie to them is simply unacceptable.. For if your God lies where do you from there? This is true not only for the political Left, but also for many on the political Right too. It reminds me of scenes from the film, 'The Matrix' . Faith is the best way of being red pilled and staying sane. It is a great fount of common sense too.
Another strange thing I noticed around here is a sudden enormous rise in hepatitis in children. I don't know if the vaccines have anything to do with this. But who knows? So many strange things are occurring at the moment. Things Doctors just can't explain. It does make you wonder... Hepatitis is a very serious thing, nothing to laugh at. Public health officials in the United States and the United Kingdom are investigating a number of unusual cases of serious hepatitis in young children, the cause or causes of which are currently unknown. Evidence from the U.K. and from Alabama — where nine cases have been recorded since last fall — points to the possible involvement of an adenovirus. Adenoviruses generally attack the respiratory tract, causing cold-like illnesses. But they have been linked to bladder inflammation and infection, and occasionally to hepatitis, though rarely in children who are not immunocompromised. In a statement issued late Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is working with Alabama on its investigation into the cases, and is working with other state health departments to see if there are other cases elsewhere. In an alert to doctors the Alabama public health department issued in early February, it mentioned being aware of a case in another state, but it did not give details. “CDC is aware of and working with the Alabama Department of Public Health to investigate nine cases of hepatitis in children — ranging in age from 1 to 6 years old — who also tested positive for adenovirus since October 2021,” Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the agency, said in a statement. “CDC is working with state health departments to see if there are additional U.S. cases, and what may be causing these cases. At this time adenovirus may be the cause for these, but investigators are still learning more — including ruling out the more common causes of hepatitis,” she said.
But it is not just illness, there is a real feeling of things breaking down and getting out of control all around us. A for instance I heard a gentleman say he went to buy white paint to decorate a nursery for a new baby. he discovered the tins of white paint were FOUR TIMES HIGHER IN PRICE than it was a month ago. The thing is, why is this? Why four times a higher price in just a month? It is baffling.
They have told us their plans to be fair. They want us in perpetual penury and completely in their control.
2 Thessalonians C2 And now you know what is restraining,* that he may be revealed in his time.* For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved. Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, 12that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned.
It's funny but true. Sometimes you have to see the hilarity of it. These people are bat shit crazy and are so convinced of their superiority they see themselves as invincible
If this were true, I would certainly have noticed. I have a large family who also have family who have friends etc. etc. I know of only two early deaths in the time that the pandemic started two years ago and both have been officially attributed to COVID. In the UK at least, from personal experience (unless I and my contacts have been uniquely fortunate), I can assure you that this is totally untrue. Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers Companies believe lack of medical treatment during pandemic has contributed to deaths from other causes Among other insurance executives, Hartford Financial CEO Christopher Swift has noted an outsize number of benefit claims for non-Covid-19-specific deaths. Photo: Julie Bidwell for The Wall Street Journal U.S. life insurers, as expected, made a large number of Covid-19 death-benefit payouts last year. More surprisingly, many saw a jump in other death claims, too. Industry executives and actuaries believe many of these other fatalities are tied to delays in medical care as a result of lockdowns in 2020, and then, later, people’s fears of seeking out treatment and trouble lining up appointments. Some insurers see continued high levels of these deaths for some time, even if Covid-19 deaths decline this year. In earnings calls for the past two quarters, Globe Life Inc., GL 0.61% Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., HIG -0.53% Primerica Inc. PRI -0.35% and Reinsurance Group of America Inc. RGA 0.87% were among insurers noting higher non-Covid-19 deaths, compared with pre-pandemic baselines. “The losses we are seeing continue to be elevated over 2019 levels due at least in part, we believe, to the pandemic and the existence of either delayed or unavailable healthcare,” Globe Life finance chief Frank Svoboda told analysts and investors earlier this month. 2Q3Q4Q1Q20212Q3Q010203040%Tied toCovid-19Non-Covid-19 Among the non-coronavirus-specific claims are deaths from heart and circulatory issues and neurological disorders, he said. “We anticipate that they’ll start to be less impactful over the course of 2022 but we do anticipate that we’ll still at least see some elevated levels throughout the year,” he said. Primerica executives similarly cautioned in their fourth-quarter call about outsize numbers of non-Covid-19 deaths in 2022. “Some of these will be the result of delayed medical care or the increased incidence of societal-related issues, such as the increased prevalence of substance abuse,” Chief Financial Officer Alison Rand said in an email interview. From early stages of the pandemic, many medical professionals have raised concerns about Americans’ untreated health problems, as Covid-19 put stress on the nation’s healthcare system. Newsletter Sign-up Markets A pre-markets primer packed with news, trends and ideas. Plus, up-to-the-minute market data. SUBSCRIBE Trade group American Council of Life Insurers said the pandemic in 2020 drove the biggest annual increase in death benefits paid by U.S. carriers since the 1918 influenza epidemic, totaling billions of dollars. The hit to the industry’s bottom line has been less than initially feared, however, because many victims have been older people who typically have smaller policies, if any coverage. Still, Covid-19 and other excess deaths have cut into many carriers’ quarterly earnings, especially as deaths linked to the Delta variant increased for people in their working years with employer-sponsored death benefits. “Earnings impacts have been material and there still appears to be some Covid-19 discount, but investors are starting to look through mortality claims costs,” said Andrew Kligerman, a stock analyst with Credit Suisse Securities.
300% increase in cancers. 270% increase in Myocardial Infarctions. 300 % Increase in Bell's Palsy (A Neurol0gical Condition). 470% Increase in Pulmonary Embolisms. ( Lung Blood Clots)
Notice this WSJ article makes absolutely no inference that the increased death toll in the 18-49 year-old bracket is related in anyway to the vaccine itself. Today, I received a letter sent to volunteers helping out at Loretto's nursing home facility in Syracuse. Please return-we need your help. Then down near the bottom: but, of course you must be vaccinated! Lord have Mercy!
The fact that she received so much negative comments when this doctor suggested we consider the vaccine as a possible culprit among others, reveals the brainwashing of the American public. The MSM's deceptive reporting the last 2 years is the true, and unfortunately, successful culprit. Save us, Heavenly Father!