The Good Professor here comments that he , 'Finds it weird that people are stoking up fear like this'. Well I don;t find it weird at all. Fear= Control The more afraid the dummies are the more you can control them. The Virus. The War against Russia. Whatever. Fear.
To me its obvious. It has morphed into a religious cult. Woe betide anyone who doesn't follow the dogma. Well we are having a super cold wet spring. Coldest in recent memory! A little warming would be welcome.
Cold here, as well. Still using my heat some days. Usually by the end of April, I’m putting the air conditioner on full time.
It is hard when you are not a scientist yourself. You are on the back foot from the start. Who has the time to go into such things deeply? But when I hear of causes that encourage fear these days it makes me at once very suspicious.
Well, it looks like our lows are moving upward for this coming week. The pattern of morning frosts appears dead in the water. We were still burning wood when waking up in the morning. It's been 5 days since our last snow. It's been an unusually cold April. At least we'll have one cord of wood to save over to next winter.
It is SO cold and windy here it might as well be 1st of March instead of almost 1st of May. What cannot be cured must be endured! Thanks be to God for mortification! (Trying to give thanks in all things)
According to Catholic Prophecy cold is one of the great Signs of the Three Days of Darkness coming down the line. I could watch this Princeton Professor again and again and again and again and again.. ..such a joy...