This video is a great relief knowing there are some senior Hierarchy who still believe. Many of the reports we hear these days do certainly make one want to weep at the arrogance of some Hierarchy who want to rewrite the Bible, rewrite the Catechism and even rewrite the Lords prayer; all with the intention of allowing men to fake copulation among themselves whither Priest or lay man. They want us to believe God did not know what He was talking about. They might as well follow Luther and have done with it so the rest of us can carry on practising the Faith of our Fathers. Viva Christo Rey.
To me Martin Luther was a much , much better class of Heretic. Much, much better. I can't believe this is really happening in our own life times. Of course Our Blessed Lady foretold all this. But still I can't quite believe it. Sometimes I wish I could just die rather than witness it. It is like a dagger of pain through the heart.
How true! Lord have Mercy! Holy Spirit, convict the hearts of these wayward Pastors! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
On the other hand, those of us who stay the course in this terrible, terrible storm will earn huge graces, maybe even great holiness. Our one safe anchor is the rosary.
It's so hard to protect your kids from the lgbt qurstv agenda it's everywhere ireland is saturated by it
Pray the rosary as a family if you can. If not, pray it daily by yourself. Our Lady will assist you in your efforts. Sr Lucia of Fatima said that the rosary can solve all problems. Be at peace. You are right about saturation from the LGBT agenda. It’s everywhere in the US, too. Ugh
It is so heart breaking for parents who try to pass on to their children the safe path in life so as to protect them from making choices they will bitterly regret later on. But because there are no sermons from the pulpit backing up our efforts, we are left on our own. We are silenced, cancelled, helpless in the face of constant attack from the enemy of our souls. Then in schools especially Catholic schools children are being led to believe the old fashioned and dare I say traditional customs are out of touch with reality. So children are caught hook, line and sinker in the modernist ideology that leads on the highway to hell. God help our children and youth. God help us parents, teachers, pastors and shepherds to find a way to protect ourselves and our children. God forgive us parents, teachers, pastors and shepherds who have failed to follow the Way, the Truth and the Life Who comes from obedience to God and His Commandments, and Who recommends loving our neighbour as ourselves for His sake. Keep Watch and Pray.
This is a real spiritual chastisement. May God hear the prayers of the faithful who weep for their children and this generation. Soon we will be pleading with God to send a direct physical chastisement to break this adulterous and blasphemous generation and the wickedness we see all around us.
I had a similar feeling today, Garabandal. I was praying and it occurred to me for the first time that we are going to be asking for a chastisement as the only remedy for this death spiral we are in. There are simply too many lost souls and those going to hell. We cannot lose anymore. And I consider myself in danger of being in that group as well. I pray to be given the grace and strength to live my life to the end as a good and faithful servant.
Do not be afraid, Patrick. In acknowledging your personal frailty, you are just the type of sheep the Good Shepherd will carry on His Shoulders. Safe in the Two Hearts!
Thank you, Mario. I struggle with that. A priest in confession one Divine Mercy Sunday a fews years ago said to me that I am a good man. I was so surprised to hear that. Not even close to perfect, as my previous confession attested, but to hear that was so uplifting. I guess my confession gave away my struggle a bit. Your encouragement feels the same. Thank you. I am editing this a bit. When the priest said I was good, he was saying I was not so far lost as I judged myself to be. He wasn't saying good as in - right where I need to be and assured of Heaven. It was just nice to hear someone say the words.