This was quite shocking to me. I had no idea that the Russian Orthodox Church viewed the Catholics as enemies. Even though the report was filmed in 2002 I have heard many murmurings of the same in 2022. That group of young rebel rousers picketing the construction site of the Catholic Church reminded me of the antifa protesters that destroyed the city of Portland. The religious and converted young Catholics there have my admiration and prayers.
I think the young people in Portland were Left wingers whereas the young men in the film are right wingers. But I suppose when you get down to it, its hard to tell the difference between extreme left and extreme right, it's all about violence and forcing your opinions on others. I wonder in a strange kind of way if Persecution of the Church might be a strange kind of Blessing? It results in Purification. The bad leave and the good stay. Perhaps when our own turn comes we will see things turning better, though it may not seem it. It' not just the Russian Orthodox that distrust and dislike Catholics.
I have a certain perspective that the recent schism in the Orthodox Church (Russian Church and Ukrainian Church), was predestined to occur close to a schism in our Church (German synod), so that both Churches will be divided and in a climate of maximum hostility in the moment before peace and reunification.
I think it will be a blessing of sorts. The extremists on both sides are causing a refining or sifting of the truth. But I'm finding it harder to discern enemy from friend. Last week our pastor warned us of possible friction or disruption from pro-abortion activists so I was hyper alert the entire Mass. When a sort of raggedy group of people came and sat in our pew, I expected some sort of trouble and was weighing my options. When one member of the group actually went into the confessional to pull out the priest, I was ready to flee with the priest tucked under my arm (he's quite small in stature). It turns out that I was guilty of judging them by their appearance. The man was asking Father for an annointing of the sick for a companion there, which Father graciously performed. They were all smiles and gratitude and I was ashamed of myself. Sigh. It is a new world and the Church appears to be a battleground and I'm fuzzy on the rules of engagement.
You have said this so well. We are all hyper alert and distrustful. I am too. I don't want to be but the world we live in requires it. All persecuted Catholics through the centuries have had to do it.
I recall the uproar when Amoris Laetitia was published about six years ago. It remained on our radar for two or three months. Now new issues and questions are sowing discord and confusion almost weekly or biweekly! We must be careful with our time and discerning on where to place our energies. Think of the centuries when news spread slowly and the pace of life less stressful. I'm beginning to realize this instant information frenzy is an anxiety maker and not worth tapping into. I ask myself, "If I restricted my time and exposure to all this hype, wouldn't life be more peaceful?" My fretting does nothing. Time to pull back more. Keep in touch to be a prayer support, but over-analyzing the latest events and becoming stressed just isn't worth it. As Mary instructs, "Pray, pray, pray!" If I place everything in Our Lady's hands, she'll know best how to approach Jesus, anyway. There are enough persons in my immediate circle of family and Church who need loving care. Let us praise God for our victories, repent of our sins, and help those near at hand. With the dissembling of the contemplative orders we need to pray more to strengthen the leaven of grace in the world. djmoforegon, I recommend the Abandonment Novena to help regain one's equilibrium: O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Thank you for your comments. Fr. Dolindo's novena has helped restore my peace once before; thank you for the reminder.