Well Padraig I have created this little thread for you to address the accusation you made but have yet to clarify, as far as I know, regarding CJ. You seemed startled by his mixing theology and politics but he has always done this always. Most of his stuff has been an erudite secular analysis of contemporary events both within and outside the Church. Now he has made many statements in this time that have been clearly wrong such as the whole last normal christmas malarkey that has suffered a thousand deaths since 2014. He has also stated and repeated in his latest piece that he has been right on the main things to date but as of yet not long of his defenders or supporters has offered any evidence whatsoever on precisely those things that he has foretold and come to pass. NOT ONE. I am no defender or critic. Just standing in the sidelines watching this unfold as it were. What say you?
It would seem that Charlie was correct in saying that our next President would not come from the political arena - President elect Trump was not a politician. Waiting and pondering.....
I would just like to say that I respect your beliefs and your walk Lynnfiat! May God continue to bless you! I know we have had our differences due to both of us wanting to walk within the Divine Will. You follow Lusia and myself a former devotee of Lusia am left with only Gods leading as, as you know I can no longer follow her lead due to knowing so many of her writings now ,which signal me into a different direction. But I know God loves us all and He will not leave us. May God Bless You and I pray for you. Please Pray for me.
CJ himself says Trump does not fit his prophecy because he was elected through normal means. CJ himself also admits that Jan 20th is the date. All will come true by then or not, and if not then he will go away quietly.
Thank you Josephite, and I will certainly pray for you and ask for your prayers for me. Follow whatever way God is leading you in His Divine Will for it is towards that goal that we are all trying to head - no matter which way He leads us. We are all on the same path - at least those who wish to live in His Divine Heart and His Will. May Our Blessed Mother lead, guide and teach you the way - and remember to "Do whatever He tells you." God bless you. You are in my heart!
I am fond of Charlie. I think it is so close to the dates he has given I am willing to let it all die a death by itself. No good flogging a dead horse.
By the way if events transpire the way Charlie says they will , I will be the very first to apologise. In fact I hope I am wrong and Charlie is right. Nothing would please me better. But I do advise great caution.
Truely false prophets who do it for the WRONG reason always change the story, change the dates when they miss. That is what makes Charlie different.
Yes I have always liked this about Charlie, he puts his money were his mouth is, no doubt about it. We will see. As I say dinner is nearly cooked , let's just see what comes out of the oven. Sometimes people when they are walking in the mountains walk well for a good ways. Then a mist comes down and they get themselves lost. But I hope I am wrong in this. I really, really do.
I agree. This is not a battle that needs to be fought. January 20th will come soon enough. It is Charlie's LTTW moment.
"Charlie Johnston mistaken prophet?" would be a more appropriate and charitable title for this thread, in my opinion. Whatever happens, I think he has acted in good faith.
The one thing I appreciate about CJ is he does not spin this pope's "mistakes" which have become a common occurrence these days. The pope converting at this point would be the biggest turnaround for me.
Oh dear how quickly we become a brood of vipers it reminds me of the clip from Toy Story below,, well if your looking in on this thread God bless you Charlie your a good man..
Anyway I will not get too hot and bothered about it all. We will see what we will see. I agree Charlie was never malicious.
Even if he is "right," he is a political expert analyst and his beliefs could arise from purely well informed human conjecture. I know many people who think, by whatever means, Soros and his puppets will never allow Trump to be inaugurated but have never heard of CJ and his prognostications. In some aspects MDM was correct too. She is still a false prophet.