A group of German Pathologists (these are Doctors who study the effect of illness and injury on the body both before but especially after death) have done a study on a group of 25 people who died suddenly at home of Myocarditis (Heart failure) . This study is peer reviewed (which means other highly respected Pathologists have studied and agreed their study and agreed with it. This study was published in the magazine of the German Pathology Society the premier body of it's type in Germany. This study included pictures of actual affected tissue from the heart. This means their findings are really ,really nailed down. It does not get any more certain than this. Their findings? That these deaths were probably caused by Sars-Covid MRNA Vaccines. What the vaccines appear to do is to stimulate T-Cells in the heart which then attack it. T Cells are the cells which attack things like viruses but in this case they turn rogue and attack the heart itself. What is interesting about this is that no one, at least in the Medical Community, will be able to ignore these findings. They are cast iron proof that the vaccines are killing people.
They must all know this by now. Will they continue to tow the line anyway? I'm trying to be of a mindset of constant forgiveness, towards all and myself, especially for what hasn't happened yet.
Every Government/ Establishment on the Planet needs very urgently to bury this very urgently as they pushed the jabs so urgently. The Pope/Vatican. Intelligence Agencies; the Media /Social Media; Political Parties of every Stamp; The Medical Communities . You name it. It is in the interest of all in Power to bury the truth. I wonder how they will go about doing it? The entire world would go crazy with rage if they discover the horrid truth..that they have been mass poisoned. That the mad conspiracy theorists were right all along. That it was, in fact the very people they trusted the most, like Pope Francis , that were the nut jobs. That were leading them to mega deaths. https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covi...says-getting-covid-vaccine-a-moral-obligation Jan. 11, 2022 -- Pope Francis came out in support of COVID-19 vaccines on Monday in some of his strongest language yet, suggesting that getting vaccinated was a “moral obligation.” He also criticized people who spread misinformation about the coronavirus. In the annual speech to Vatican ambassadors about the church’s foreign policy, the Pope said people should take care of themselves “and this translates into respect for the health of those around us. Healthcare is a moral obligation,” The Associated Press reported. Francis has previously avoided using such strong language about the vaccine, The Associated Press said. In a message last August, Francis had said that getting a vaccination was “an act of love,” as was helping other people do the same. On Monday, he also criticized the politicization of vaccinations and the spread of misinformation. “Frequently people let themselves be influenced by the ideology of the moment, often bolstered by baseless information or poorly documented facts,” he said. “Vaccines are not a magical means of healing, yet surely they represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be developed, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease,” he said. Some Catholics have rejected the vaccines, saying they’re based on research that uses cells from aborted fetuses. The Associated Press reported that the Vatican’s doctrine office says it’s “morally acceptable” to receive vaccines based on that research. The Pope, who is vaccinated, repeated his call for wider access to COVID vaccines and urged a change in patent laws so poor nations with low vaccination rates could develop their own vaccines. “It is appropriate that institutions such as the World Trade Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization adapt their legal instruments lest monopolistic rules constitute further obstacles to production and to an organized and consistent access to health care on a global level,” he said.
Israeli health reporter Yaffa Shir-Raz told Rebel News that “Israel was Pfizer’s laboratory” and the FDA’s decision to approve the booster shot was based on Israeli data. “But what the world did not know is that almost for the entire year in which all the population was vaccinated two, even three doses, Israel did not have any functioning monitoring system,” she said. Shir-Raz said the Ministry of Health lied, to its own people and to the FDA, when it claimed side effects from the vaccine were minimal and short term. They had no way of knowing, she said. The journalist claims that it wasn’t until December 2021 that a six month study of reactions to the vaccine was properly conducted, the results of which completely contradicted advice the Ministry of Health had previously given. “Those results actually contradict the entire narrative that we were told and the narrative was that side effects are mostly mild, if any,” she said. “They found new side effects not listed by Pfizer, including very serious ones such as neurological ones … and menstrual irregularities.” Shir-Raz says that when results of the study were presented in May of this year the Israeli Ministry of Health stopped the research. The journalist, whose mother was a holocaust survivor, says she was shocked that their own government had betrayed them by recommending and mandating vaccines using falsified information. (She was sacked for exposing the truth.) https://www.rebelnews.com/the_world_misled_by_falsified_israeli_data_says_journalist
They are still singing that same song here in some places...It seems to me they are afraid of something more than just viruses.....And not afraid at all of Whom they should be afraid.. Canadian bishop pushes faithful to get COVID jabs, wear masks in church again - LifeSite Thu Dec 1, 2022 - 2:19 pm ESTFri Dec 2, 2022 - 9:23 am EST LifeSiteNews has put together a compendium of information about COVID-19 here. LONDON, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian Bishop Ronald Peter Fabbro of the Diocese of London, Ontario is once again urging the faithful to take the abortion-tainted COVID injections and wear masks in church buildings. “We have made incredible progress in our fight against COVID-19 (C-19), but we are now facing some imminent threats that will likely cause further spread of the virus and related health challenges for many,” Fabbro wrote in a November 24 letter to his flock. “The vast majority of medical professionals emphasize the importance of getting the vaccine to fight C-19,” Fabbro continued. “These are readily available for almost all ages of children, youth, and adults.” The Canadian prelate advocated for getting “booster shots,” especially for people with pre-existing conditions who should be getting boosters “as often as they can.” “This is still the best way for us to fight this pandemic if all who are able to be vaccinated do so,” insisted the bishop, adding that people should also get the “annual flu shots” since they are “a great weapon for fighting off the flu.” Fabbro’s promotion of the “vaccines” come despite the fact that the COVID inoculations are tainted with fetal tissue from aborted babies – which has led many Catholics to avoid the shots for conscience reasons – and the reality that many people have been seriously injured or even died after receiving the experimental jabs. In his letter, Fabbro also urged the faithful to wear masks, saying, “I strongly encourage all people, then, to wear masks when gathering in our parish churches, halls, or other related buildings.” “Wearing proper masks – and wearing them properly – has been proven to stop the spread of viruses or, at least, to slow them down,” Fabbro continued, adding that wearing masks would only be a “small sacrifice” that may help to prevent churches from being closed “for another Christmas.” READ: Canadian bishop issues jab mandate for priests, diocesan workers, threatens those who resist Fabbro’s claim that wearing masks has been proven to stop or slow the spread of the virus is questionable, as studies have shown that countries with high mask usage did not perform better than countries with low levels of mask compliance. Masks can also have negative effects on physical and mental health, with one German consumer protection agency finding that COVID masks are actually harmful to children. The Canadian bishop also demanded that ministers of Holy Communion wear masks and sanitize their hands, especially when someone receives communion on the tongue. “I continue to expect that all ministers of Holy Communion who exercise their ministry in a church, seniors residence, nursing home, or private home wear a mask and sanitize their hands properly before distributing Communion, and after each time a communicant receives Communion on the tongue,” he wrote, adding that “this directive does not allow the possibility of giving Communion on the tongue even to two people in a row without sanitizing after each person receives, even if those people are related.” Fabbro’s concern that reception of communion on the tongue is more dangerous than reception on the hand has been challenged by experts. A scientific article by Sergey Budav in the Journal of Religion and Health concluded that “[t]he traditional manner of receiving Communion on the tongue is therefore unlikely to incur a high risk of infection transmission.” “If we all do our part, we will overcome these viruses and be prepared to deal with the next one to come along,” Fabbro stated. “Let us continue this joint effort, and let us continue to pray for those who have been afflicted by C-19, especially our children and seniors.” This is not the first time Fabbro has pushed COVID measures on his flock. In December 2020, the bishop banned communion on the tongue and enforced mask mandates, warning priests that non-compliance could lead to them facing “prosecution.” In 2021, Fabbro went a step further and outright mandated the COVID injections for all priests and parish workers in his diocese, a move that led to significant backlash from faithful Catholics both locally and nationally. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/c...to-get-covid-jabs-wear-masks-in-church-again/
I remember way way back, more than a year ago, Immunologist and Microbiologist, Dr. Bhakdi in Germany - he was warning, in fact pleading with people not to take these shots unless they were very vulnerable to infection. One of the scenarios he envisaged and described, using simple tools like a pencil and cardboard, was what would happen if the spike protein mRNA escaped from the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and got into the endothelial cells of the blood vessels and arteries. These are the cells lining the inside of the vessels and arteries forming a smooth surface exposed to the blood. Well he predicted that the spike protein would be manufactured in those cells. And then these foreign protein molecules would be presented on the surface of the endothelial cells, either through natural means or via the immune system MHC compex. And what would happen then? Well, he said that the smooth endothelial lining of the vessels would be transformed into a 'rough' lining. And as a result, the flow of the erythrocytes, platelets and other cells would upon detecting this rough surface trigger the blood clotting cascade of reactions. So he predicted blood clots using his theoretical knowledge of the vascular and immune system. And of course we then discovered that Pfizer had done no biodistribution studies before pushing mass vaccination upon the populace. It was not until the Japanese did the biodistribution studies on the mRNA containing nanoparticles that we learned that the mRNA ended up in nearly every organ looked at. And then of course we had the concern of Dr. John McDonald about the lack of a directive to 'aspirate' the needle before injecting the vaccine into the shoulder. This precautionary aspiration (slight withdrawal of the plunger to test for the appearance of blood) would have prevented injecting into a blood vessel. However, there was no consistent directive by the health authorities to employ the aspiration technique. So this was a hit-and-miss strategy on so many levels. It seems therefore that it is quite plausible that the clots being seen by pathologists, embalmer and doctors may be being caused by the vaccines. The difficulty as I stated in another post is getting the final proof. https://rumble.com/v11qcta-unbelievable-blood-clots-video-from-embalmer-richard-hirschman.html
I have been wondering to myself how the Establishments could bury the truth that is coming out, that they have actively conducted the biggest mass poisoning in History ? On the surface burying the truth may look easy. The Mass Media/ Social Media colluded like crazy in all this and would be more anxious than anyone to bury this. The Medical Establishment the same. Pretty well everyone with power would want to see this gone. The World's Intelligence Agencies will be up front , bushy tailed and eager to terminate with extreme prejudice, or blackmail or buy their way out of this. So it might seem easy. Even just ignore the whole deal. Act like it isn't happening. But there are several problems. Like Elon Muck buying Twitter. Like the scientific evidence being so evident. They would have to censor the entire Medical/Scientific community. More than that, where to hide all the dead bodies? I mean the undertakers have noticed. The Life Insurance industry have noticed. The hospitals have noticed. All the dead bodies. People will see it in their towns and cities and parishes. Too many dead. But I guess they'll try their best as well as they can, for as long as they can. What else can they do?
My twin sister's husband was just diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer at 55. My other sister's boyfriend just had a heart attack at 57. Of course no one would even consider a possible link to the shots and I won't be surprised to see both getting more. Is there anything more frustrating and infuriating then helplessly watching these things happen? They both know my stance on the shots but I'm not the medical expert so what do I know......
This is the problem. All we have is common sense and our own instincts, but every time I see someone in Church wearing a mask, especially a priest, I just want to grind my teeth and shout out. But I have to say, I am happy the truth does appear to be coming out, no matter how they may try to bury it. Sweden for instance , never had any Lock Downs and have the lowest number of Excess Deaths in the Western World. Far,far, far lower. In fact I think their excess death were about 2.5% higher than usual for the period 2021 to present. Compare this to the USA which had Mass Strict Lock Downs in many of their States and has an Excess Death rate for the same period of around 21% (over a million poor souls). How come?
The problem, imo, is that many many people will not be able to accept the fact that they have been deceived, and over a period of years at this point. The truth will be too much for some to take in. I've made a promise to myself (which I pray I can keep), to not ever say to anyone "told ya so", if they finally see the light in all this. I have no desire to add insult to injury ~~ But I so wish more would get a clue and wake up ~
I sent a link to a friend in Dublin of this video. Him and wife, who runs a hospital down there took just about every vaccine they could lay their hands on. When visiting and I happened to remark , when they asked me when I had last had a booster, that I had never even taken the experimental vaccine they gazed at me in total shock and horror. In fact I thought I was going to be ordered from their domain. Health and Safety. Health and Safety. Health and Safety. So I was waiting for his reply with some interest. All he answered was, 'Interesting'. All I thought was, 'Is that all you have to say? 'Interesting'. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
This made me laugh, cuz that's my "go to" response when I think something is nutty.....At least you weren't accused of pre-meditated murder.........(Ellen's boulder from the other thread has been a great blessing)
A coworker of mine who was a strong proponent of the shot (but wasn’t pushy about it) is concerned because 4 of the women in her family who received the shot and boosted have now had strokes. She is extremely worried about herself now
I find people do not want to know. They swallow any explanation so as they can say they made the right decision. Pride has a lot to do with it. Its not my job to open their eyes. Also I don't want to stress them out.