Cardiologist stuns BBC interviewer by making case for pausing COVID shots In has been hailed as a breakthrough for COVID-19 vaccine skepticism into the mainstream media. In what is being hailed as a breakthrough for COVID-19 vaccine skepticism into the mainstream media, the BBC invited cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra to speak on a segment about medical issues, during which he told viewers there was “lots of data” linking the jabs to heart problems. Hosted by Lukwesa Burak, the segment began with the subject of statin pills for heart health. After taking issue with a recent National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on the cholesterol medication, Malhotra took the opportunity to tell the BBC’s audience that the mRNA-based COVID vaccines “do carry a cardiovascular risk.”
Super fit BBC Sports Presenter Jennie Gow yesterday was rushed to hopital with a severe stroke . She was just 45.
The death count keeps mounting. And yet the powers that be will not admit their grave error. Shaking my head.
Mainstream media is slowly deviating from the narrative. Not because they want to, but because they have to in order to remain relevant. The average person on the street is growing more and more skeptical of mainstream media, big tech, government institutions, medicine, the the so-called science. No matter how hard they all colluded to censor and destroy anyone who disagreed with the mainstream narrative, the truth can't be denied forever. We will see more interviews like the one on the BBC as the powers-that-be pretend to have been ignorant of the vaccine's dangers. Oh, the shock, the outrage, we were just as in the dark as the rest of you. They are unrepentant liars and pawns of the corrupt rich and powerful. The only reason vaccine safety is now being questioned on mainstream outlets is because the tide cannot be stopped, and they know it, and they're scared. The media is straying from the narrative only now after the damage is already done in hopes of cushioning their fall. They want to be able to say, See, this story is proof that we didn't intentionally censor anything. As soon as credible sources started questioning things, so did we. We are innocent of any crime, so don't hold us accountable! Too late, I say. I see them for what they are, pawns of the corrupt rich and powerful, and liars who will say and do anything, regardless of if it's true or not, to fill their own pockets and further the agenda of their puppet masters.
You say truth! Reminds of that classic line from Casablanca. Captain Reynaud says "I am shocked--shocked to find gambling is going on." And he shuts down the bar as someone hands him his winnings from the roulette table.