'A Cold will come out of China' 'Central Banks and graduated tax are two parts of the Communist Manifesto' 'An endless 'War on Terror is a Fraud' 'Feminism breaks up the family' 'We're heading into a Nuclear War' 'America has become a Communist country' 'Two parents have to work' 'The Country has been dumbed down' 'There's no difference between political Party's whoever is in charge, they will Annoint' http://www.1260.org/Mary/Apparitions_Garabandal/Garabandal_Apparitions_Communism_Comes_again_en.htm This excerpt is taken from the German book by Albrecht Weber, «Garabandal—The Finger of God» («Garabandal—Der Zeigefinger Gottes»). Conchita told the author in 1965 when everything would be set in motion: “When communism comes again everything will happen.” The author responded: “What do you mean by comes again?”
The color green like climate change. Maybe this comet is signaling “when communism comes…” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/space/green-comet-visible-passes-earth-first-time-years