Back in the midst of what I was told was the "exaggerated threat" of Covid-19, I made a choice that resulted in the door of chaplaincy being closed in my face. My ministry then was shifted to the parish, and so it remains today. It removed a source of great joy in my life and affected my income stream negatively. But the State is not done with me yet, nor really are they done with any one of us. There are persons very close to us who saw the danger back then, but due to the high cost of necessary medical supplies, they elected to be vaccinated, so as to remain in their field. And so it was, and remains so for many of us. I don't know what it will be, but I'm confident a new crisis will emerge shortly through which the State will apply the screws once more. What will it be? Will I submit? I honestly don't know. But I've listened to the Jordan Peterson clip below and hope I will be able to follow his example. Grant us all wisdom and fortitude, O Lord!
Yes Mario, may we all be granted the grace of fortitude. I stand alone now in my department as the only unvaccinated staff. I wear the scarlet letter of a n95 requirement in order to work, breathing becomes difficult. I am tired...I offer it up for those who walk blindly following the dictates. Please pray for me, I have an interview next week at a Catholic hospital.
Prayers to Our Lady for you, Mary's Child. May she reveal her Maternal Love to you once more! Safe in the Two Hearts!