A painting depicting Jesus greeting seamen in a lifeboat that was on display at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in New York has been covered up after complaints. The painting, Lt. Hunter Wood's Christ on the Water, was on display in a room formerly used as the academy's interfaith chapel. The room is now used for official business. According to CBN News, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, on behalf of a group of USMMA alumni, midshipmen, faculty and staff, complained about the painting, saying its place in the Elliot See Room in the main administration building "sent an improper message of preferred faith," violating the First Amendment. USMMA Superintendent Vice Admiral Joanna Nunan requested that the painting be covered with a white curtain until plans could be made to move the it. The academy plans to move the art piece to the current chapel. Four House Republicans who attended U.S. military academies – U.S. Reps. Mike Garcia (R-CA), Mark Green (R-TN), August Pfluger (R-TX), and Warren Davidson (R-OH) – wrote a letter to Nunan, saying the display is constitutional. They referred to a 2005 court decision that allowed a display of the Ten Commandments on government property. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz also wrote a letter in support of displaying the painting. "Under the Supreme Court's standard for longstanding government displays, the painting is perfectly in keeping with the Establishment Clause. Your decision to move it, and to discontinue use of the conference room it presently is located in, is regrettable and suggests you believe a painting that tens of thousands of Midshipmen, faculty, staff, and visitors have viewed for more than half a century is now suddenly unconstitutional," Cruz continued. The painting shows Jesus and merchant seamen adrift in a lifeboat after being attacked in the Indian Ocean in World War II. The piece was originally made to hang in a chapel at USMMA Basic School in San Mateo, California. It commemorates more than 9,000 merchant marines who died in World War II.
My first though was, sigh, what harm was it doing anybody, Christian or non Christian? Believer or non believer? What harm? Sigh.
'Murder pro-lifers', Jane Fonda. Cheers and much laughter from the audience. 'When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country, Jane Fonda declares that they need to "murder" Republican politicians. Joy Behar immediately jumps in to claim "she's just kidding," warning "they'll pick up on that and run with it." Fonda gives a negative look.'^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1634238511426486295|twgr^6f460db603e4269895f51cfa5dcd5f35a3892a0c|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
Well if things keep going as they are she may get her wish. The whole culture seems to be moving in that direction. We all knew martyrdom was a real possibility. The swiftness of its approach startles me a bit though.
I vaguely remember reading that her mother had abortions, but don’t quote me. It was awhile ago that I read it.
I believe the founding fathers of America were Christian men, and they thought they were founding a Christian country. The picture of Jesus displayed should never be considered out of place in a Christian country. If foreigners move to America to get a better life, they should accept the civilised culture that was envisioned by it's founding fathers. Why do so many in positions of authority think they can remake the societies that have served them so well. Diabolically disorientated hypocrites. The same deadly assault is being perpetrated in the UK, Ireland and no doubt across Europe as we slide back into pagan cultures at the hands of spoilt, privileged brats who have no idea they will be the first to be dispatched once their puppeteers have used them to achieve the end of Christiandom. But we know God is about to visit the earth in the next few years to rectify all the damage and purge the earth of those who are committed to Killing, Stealing and destroying all that we have come to know as good and wholesome if we are to live in peace and prosperity under our Sovereign King and Lord Jesus Christ. Viva Christo Rey. He who is to die by the sword, shall die by the sword. And may God have mercy on us all.
Just as the Israelites were scattered when they worshipped other Gods, it might led to the fall of USA if these continues for pleasing people's of other religions and communities.
The View should be taken off the air. It has become a platform for a diabolical agenda. The show is offensive and promotes violence.
I suspect it was not immigrants but young Native Americans from formerly Christian families who complained. The New Pagans.
I really do believe that many of them have gone Bananas. Whoopee Goldberg is a case in point. She always looks so furious it looks like her head is going to explode. All that rage is not good for her health. Someone, some thing is always offending them like crazy. They seem to live their lives in a permanent rage. Thank God they are are living on a different Continent.
True. Whoopie and Joy come across as very angry, bitter women. They viciously attack anyone who disagrees with them. Both have successful careers, so it makes you wonder what happened to them in life to make them go off the rails.
It does. Anger is not good. It is like a battery acid that eats you up. I hate it when I get angry, it is so upsetting and draining. Like getting eaten up by acid from within. Yes, there is a source for the rage, but the goodness knows what it is. I have noticed pro Death people seem to be always raging. I heard Fr Chad Ripperger say there is Demon called, 'Isis', who is the Demon of Rage. Maybe this is it. It is certainly not normal. I used to work with a lady like this. You can be sure I stayed as far away as I could for my own health and well being. Anger can be contagious.
I’m sure there are a lot of invocations to God when in jeopardy of drowning at sea. **insert rolling of eyes in less than a charitable way here **
That's truly extraordinary. The name of the Demon of Rage corresponds exactly with that most terrible of Islamist groups, almost as if the demon has been incarnated.
I disagree, I think the current madness is the logical conclusion of what the United States was founded as. Saved from Rage Saved from Rage Brian Zahnd Rage — Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls… What god drove them to fight with such fury? –The Iliad Homer’s Iliad — the closest thing the pagan world had to a Bible — is a five-hundred page war poem. Homer doesn’t sing his song in praise of war, though courage and valor are given their due; rather Homer alerts the world — then and now — to the senseless carnage that can be wrought once rage is let loose in the world of arrogant humans. It’s no accident that the first word of the ancient world’s greatest epic is Rage. And it’s noteworthy that in just the ninth line of the poem Homer asks, What god drove them to fight with such fury? Indeed, what god? The ancient world saw rage not as a mere human emotion, but as a kind of malevolent entity, a demon, a monster that if let loose could not easily be brought under control, and in its chaos could lay waste entire civilizations. The Iliad is Homer’s beautiful, but bitter testament to the destructive potential of unchecked Rage.